; docformat = 'rst' ;+ ; Page the contents of the filename to the screen. ; : :Examples: ; For example, to print the contents of the `pwd.pro` file to the output ; log:: ; ; IDL> more, file_which('pwd.pro') ; ; docformat = 'rst' ; ; ;+ ; ; Prints the IDL's current directory to the output log. ; ;- ; pro pwd ; compile_opt strictarr, hidden ; ; cd, current=currentDir ; print, currentDir ; end ; ; :Params: ; filename : in, required, type=string ; filename to display ;- pro more, filename compile_opt strictarr nlines = file_lines(filename) output = strarr(1, nlines) openr, lun, filename, /get_lun readf, lun, output free_lun, lun terminal = !version.os_family eq 'unix' ? '/dev/tty' : 'CON:' openw, outlun, terminal, /get_lun, /more printf, outlun, output free_lun, outlun end