; docformat = 'rst' ;+ ; Prints out help information for a variable. Recursively descends through ; a nested structure. ; ; :Examples: ; For example, try:: ; ; IDL> mg_help, { s1: { f1: 0., f2: 0., s2: { f3: 0. } } } ; ** Structure <21068a8>, 1 tags, length=12, data length=12, refs=1: ; S1: ** Structure <2106748>, 3 tags, length=12, data length=12, refs=2: ; F1 FLOAT = 0.00000 ; F2 FLOAT = 0.00000 ; S2: ** Structure <21063e8>, 1 tags, length=4, data length=4, refs=2: ; F3 FLOAT = 0.00000 ; ; :Params: ; var : in, required, type=any ; variable to print information about ; ; :Keywords: ; indent : in, optional, type=string ; spaces to indent output ; tag_name : in, optional, type=string ; name of tag, if variable is a tag of a parent structure ;- pro mg_help, var, indent=indent, tag_name=tagname compile_opt strictarr, hidden maxVarnameLen = 16 format = '(A-' + strtrim(maxVarnameLen, 2) + ', A-10, "= ", A)' varname = arg_present(var) ? scope_varname(var, level=-1) : '<Expression>' _indent = n_elements(indent) eq 0 ? '' : indent _tagname = n_elements(tagname) eq 0 ? '' : tagname type = size(var, /type) if (type eq 8L) then begin help, var, /structures, output=output print, _indent + _tagname + (strlen(_tagname) eq 0L ? '' : ': ') + output[0] tnames = tag_names(var) for t = 0L, n_tags(var) - 1L do begin mg_help, var.(t), indent=_indent + ' ', tag_name=tnames[t] endfor endif else begin help, var, output=output oldQuiet = !quiet !quiet = 1 tokens = strsplit(output[0], /extract) !quiet = oldQuiet case type of 10: begin value = size(var, /n_dimensions) eq 0L ? tokens[3] : strjoin(tokens[3:*], ' ') if (n_elements(var) eq 1) then begin if (ptr_valid(var)) then begin help, *var, output=output value += ' -> ' + output endif endif end 11: value = size(var, /n_dimensions) eq 0L ? tokens[3] : strjoin(tokens[3:*], ' ') else: value = size(var, /n_dimensions) eq 0L && type ne 0 ? (type eq 7 ? '''' + var + '''' : string(var)) : strjoin(tokens[3:*], ' ') endcase if (n_elements(tagname) gt 0) then begin desc = string(_tagname, tokens[1], value, format=format) print, _indent + desc endif else begin if (strlen(varname) gt maxVarnameLen) then begin print, varname print, string('', tokens[1], value, format=format) endif else begin print, string(varname, tokens[1], value, format=format) endelse endelse endelse end