pro mgffbrightkiteplace::displayPlace compile_opt strictarr lons = self.lons->get(/all) lats = self.lats->get(/all) limit = [min(lats), min(lons), max(lats), max(lons)] map_set, limit=limit map_continents plots, lons, lats, psym=1, color='00ffff'x xyouts, 0.25, 0.8, string(self.ncheckins, format='(%"Checkins: %d")'), /normal end pro mgffbrightkiteplace::characters, chars compile_opt strictarr if (self.insideLongitude) then begin self.lons->add, float(chars) endif if (self.insideLatitude) then begin self.lats->add, float(chars) endif end pro mgffbrightkiteplace::endElement, uri, loca, qname compile_opt strictarr case strlowcase(qname) of 'checkin': self.insideCheckin = 0B 'longitude': if (self.insideCheckin) then self.insideLongitude = 0B 'latitude': if (self.insideCheckin) then self.insideLatitude = 0B else: endcase end pro mgffbrightkiteplace::startElement, uri, local, qname, attName, attValue compile_opt strictarr case strlowcase(qname) of 'checkin': begin self.insideCheckin = 1B self.ncheckins++ end 'longitude': if (self.insideCheckin) then self.insideLongitude = 1B 'latitude': if (self.insideCheckin) then self.insideLatitude = 1B else: endcase end pro mgffbrightkiteplace::cleanup compile_opt strictarr obj_destroy, [self.lats, self.lons] end function mgffbrightkiteplace::init compile_opt strictarr if (~self->IDLffXMLSAX::init()) then return, 0 self.lats = obj_new('MGcoArrayList', type=4) self.lons = obj_new('MGcoArrayList', type=4) return, 1 end pro mgffbrightkiteplace__define compile_opt strictarr define = { MGffBrightkitePlace, inherits IDLffXMLSAX, $ lats: obj_new(), $ lons: obj_new(), $ ncheckins: 0L, $ insideCheckin: 0B, $ insideLongitude: 0B, $ insideLatitude: 0B $ } end pro mg_brightkite_heatmap, place compile_opt strictarr url = string(place, format='(%"")') placeParser = obj_new('MGffBrightkitePlace') placeParser->parseFile, url, /url placeParser->displayPlace obj_destroy, placeParser end ; main-level example program mg_brightkite_heatmap, 'eeb1943ea22411dd8482fba3141f3ee0' end