
Personal IDL library for M. Galloy

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Class description for mgtmtag



Properties in mgtmtag

_extra init
_ref_extra get
attribute_names get
n_attributes get
n_children get


Methods inherited from mgtmnode

Routines from

mgtmtag::_print [, indent=string]

Helper routine for debugging.

mgtmtag::getProperty [, n_children=long] [, n_attributes=long] [, attribute_names=strarr] [, _ref_extra=keywords]

Get properties of the text node.

result = mgtmtag::getChild(pos [, /last])

Get child at pos of the node.

mgtmtag::addChild, child [, position=long]

Add a child to the node.

result = mgtmtag::isEmpty()

Indicates if this tag has any children.

mgtmtag::removeChild, pos [, /last]

Remove a child from the node.

result = mgtmtag::getAttribute(name, /found)

Get the value of an attribute.

mgtmtag::addAttribute, name, value

Add an attribute to the tag.

result = mgtmtag::_clone()

Implement cloning.


Free resources.

result = mgtmtag::init( [_extra=keywords])

Create a markup tag node.


Define a tag node.

Routine details

top mgtmtag::_print

mgtmtag::_print [, indent=string]

Helper routine for debugging.


indent in optional type=string

prefix to print before each line, usually set to several spaces

top mgtmtag::getProperty

mgtmtag::getProperty [, n_children=long] [, n_attributes=long] [, attribute_names=strarr] [, _ref_extra=keywords]

Get properties of the text node.


n_children out optional type=long

number of children of the node

n_attributes out optional type=long

number of attributes of the node

attribute_names out optional type=strarr

names of the attributes of this node

_ref_extra out optional type=keywords

keywords to MGtmNode::getProperty

top mgtmtag::getChild

result = mgtmtag::getChild(pos [, /last])

Get child at pos of the node.

Return value


pos in required type=long

position of the child to get


last in optional type=boolean

set to get the last child

top mgtmtag::addChild

mgtmtag::addChild, child [, position=long]

Add a child to the node.


child in required type=objref

MGtmNode object to add as a child


position in optional type=long

position to add child at, default to end of children

top mgtmtag::isEmpty

result = mgtmtag::isEmpty()

Indicates if this tag has any children.

Return value

1 if no children, 0 if has children

top mgtmtag::removeChild

mgtmtag::removeChild, pos [, /last]

Remove a child from the node.


pos in required type=long

position of child to remove


last in optional type=boolean

set to remove the last child

top mgtmtag::getAttribute

result = mgtmtag::getAttribute(name, /found)

Get the value of an attribute.

Return value

attribute value


name in required type=string

name of attribute


found out required type=boolean

set to a named variable to get whether the attribute name is found

top mgtmtag::addAttribute

mgtmtag::addAttribute, name, value

Add an attribute to the tag.


name in required type=string

name of the attribute

value in required type=string

value of the attribute

top mgtmtag::_clone

result = mgtmtag::_clone()

Implement cloning.

Return value

MGtmNode object

top mgtmtag::cleanup


Free resources.

top mgtmtag::init

result = mgtmtag::init( [_extra=keywords])

Create a markup tag node.

Return value

1 for success, 0 for otherwise


_extra in optional type=keywords

keywords to MGtmNode::init

top mgtmtag__define


Define a tag node.

File attributes

Modification date: Wed May 14 15:07:14 2014
Lines: 82
Docformat: rst rst
Personal library of Michael Galloy
Contact me if you have enhancement requests or bug fixes.