
Personal IDL library for M. Galloy

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Create a legend in direct graphics plots.


Try the main-level program at the end of this file:

IDL> .run mg_legend
This should look like:


top mg_legend

mg_legend [, background=color] [, item_color=byte/long] [, item_linestyle=long] [, item_name=string] [, item_psym=long] [, item_symsize=float] [, item_thick=float] [, color=byte/long'] [, line_length=float] [, gap=float] [, /frame] [, line_height=float] [, _extra=keywords]

Create a legend.


background in optional type=color

background color of legend

item_color in optional type=byte/long

color of each line/symbol for each item in the legend

item_linestyle in optional type=long

linestyle of the line segment for each item in the legend

item_name in optional type=string

name of each item in the legend

item_psym in optional type=long

symbol to use for each item in the legend

item_symsize in optional type=float

size of each symbol in the legend

item_thick in optional type=float

thickness of each line segment in the legend

color in optional type=byte/long'

color of item names

line_length in optional type=float default=0.15

length of item line segment

gap in optional type=float default=0.15

size of gap between item symbol/line and item name

frame in optional type=boolean

set to put a frame around the legend

line_height in optional type=float default=0.0

height of a line of text in data coordinates i.e. 0..nitems-1

_extra in optional type=keywords

keywords to PLOT, XYOUTS

Other attributes


LINE_LENGTH and GAP should be specified in something besides normal coords

File attributes

Modification date: Wed May 14 15:07:15 2014
Lines: 101
Docformat: rst rst
Personal library of Michael Galloy
Contact me if you have enhancement requests or bug fixes.