system utility
Run POV-Ray on an .ini
file and return an image of the result.
top mg_povray
result = mg_povray(basename [, output] [, subset=lonarr(4)] [, format=string] [, cmd=string] [, output=strarr] [, convert_location=string] [, povray_location=string] [, /distributed] [, tile_size=lonarr(2)] [, full_size=lonarr(2)] [, n_procs=long])
Run POV-Ray on an .ini
file and return an image of the result.
Return value
bytarr(3, m, n)
- basename in required type=string
path and basename to .ini file
- output in optional type=string
output basename (must be in same directory as basename)
- subset in optional type=lonarr(4)
set POV-Ray to only calculate the subset of the image specified by:
The returned image will be xsize by ysize and start at [x0, y0]. Rows and columns start at 0, but the origin is at the upper left corner of the image.[x0, y0, xsize, ysize]
- format in optional type=string
output format: 'targus' or 'png'
- cmd out optional type=string
povray invocation command
- output out optional type=strarr
contents of the output log of the povray run
- convert_location in optional type=string
full path of the convert command; needed if convert is not in the shell path
- povray_location in optional type=string
full path of the povray command; needed if povray is not in the shell path
- distributed in optional type=boolean
set to use mpiDL
- tile_size in optional type=lonarr(2) default=[100, 100]
set of each tile to be sent to worker nodes when DISTRIBUTED is set
- full_size in optional type=lonarr(2)
full size of the output image; used when DISTRIBUTED is set
- n_procs in optional type=long default=1L
number of processors to use when DISTRIBUTED is set
File attributes
Modification date: | Wed May 14 15:07:15 2014 |
Lines: | 112 |
Docformat: | rst rst |
Contact me if you have enhancement requests or bug fixes.