
Personal IDL library for M. Galloy

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object graphics

includes main-level program

Attribute class for MGgrPOVRayPolygons representing the surface properties of objects.


To create a finish object using one of the finishes named in, use:

finish = obj_new('MGgrPOVRayFinish', finish_name='F_MetalB')
This can then be used in one of the MGgrPOVRay classes like:
cow = obj_new('MGgrPOVRayPolygon', x, y, z, polygons=polylist, $ color=[150, 100, 20], shading=1, $ shininess=25.0, ambient=[150, 100, 20], diffuse=[150, 100, 20], $ finish=finish)
See the example attached to the end of this file as a main-level program (only available if you have the source code version of this routine):
IDL> .run mggrpovraygrid__define
This should produce:

Class description for mggrpovrayfinish



Properties in mggrpovrayfinish

ambient get set init

controls the amount of ambient light that falls on the surface; increase this amount to increase details in shadows; default value is 0.2

brilliance get set init

controls the way that light intensity varies with incidence angle; the default value is 1.0, higher values will cause the light to fall of less at low and medium angles of incidence

diffuse get set init

controls the amount of light from a light source falls on the surface; low values of DIFFUSE will make the surface appear flat; default value is 0.6

finish_name get set init

name of a finish in

irid_amount get set init

amount of contribution of iridescence to overall surface color, usually 0.1 to 0.5 is sufficient; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.35

irid_thickness get set init

thickness affects busyness of the iridescence, 0.25 to 1.0 yields best results; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.5

irid_turbulence get set init

slightly difference way to affect thickness, 0.25 to 1.0 work best; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.5

metallic get set init

set to give the surface a more metallic appearance; default value is not metallic

reflection get set init

amount the surface reflects; generally reflection and diffuse should be inversely proportional; default value is 0.0

roughness get set init

controls specular highlights in conjunction with SPECULAR; controls the size of the specular highlight, small values make small, tight specular highlights; default value is 0.05

specular get set init

controls specular highlights in conjunction with ROUGHNESS; controls the brightness of the specular highlight; default value is 0.0


Routines from

mggrpovrayfinish::getProperty, finish_name=finish_name, ambient=ambient, brilliance=brilliance, diffuse=diffuse, metallic=metallic, specular=specular, roughness=roughness, reflection=reflection, irid_amount=irid_amount, irid_thickness=irid_thickness, irid_turbulence=irid_turbulence

Get properties.

mggrpovrayfinish::setProperty, finish_name=finish_name, ambient=ambient, brilliance=brilliance, diffuse=diffuse, metallic=metallic, specular=specular, roughness=roughness, reflection=reflection, irid_amount=irid_amount, irid_thickness=irid_thickness, irid_turbulence=irid_turbulence

Set properties.

result = mggrpovrayfinish::init(finish_name=finish_name, ambient=ambient, brilliance=brilliance, diffuse=diffuse, metallic=metallic, specular=specular, roughness=roughness, reflection=reflection, irid_amount=irid_amount, irid_thickness=irid_thickness, irid_turbulence=irid_turbulence)

Create a finish.


Define instance variables.

Routine details

top mggrpovrayfinish::getProperty

mggrpovrayfinish::getProperty, finish_name=finish_name, ambient=ambient, brilliance=brilliance, diffuse=diffuse, metallic=metallic, specular=specular, roughness=roughness, reflection=reflection, irid_amount=irid_amount, irid_thickness=irid_thickness, irid_turbulence=irid_turbulence

Get properties.



name of a finish in


controls the amount of ambient light that falls on the surface; increase this amount to increase details in shadows; default value is 0.2


controls the way that light intensity varies with incidence angle; the default value is 1.0, higher values will cause the light to fall of less at low and medium angles of incidence


controls the amount of light from a light source falls on the surface; low values of DIFFUSE will make the surface appear flat; default value is 0.6


set to give the surface a more metallic appearance; default value is not metallic


controls specular highlights in conjunction with ROUGHNESS; controls the brightness of the specular highlight; default value is 0.0


controls specular highlights in conjunction with SPECULAR; controls the size of the specular highlight, small values make small, tight specular highlights; default value is 0.05


amount the surface reflects; generally reflection and diffuse should be inversely proportional; default value is 0.0


amount of contribution of iridescence to overall surface color, usually 0.1 to 0.5 is sufficient; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.35


thickness affects busyness of the iridescence, 0.25 to 1.0 yields best results; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.5


slightly difference way to affect thickness, 0.25 to 1.0 work best; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.5

top mggrpovrayfinish::setProperty

mggrpovrayfinish::setProperty, finish_name=finish_name, ambient=ambient, brilliance=brilliance, diffuse=diffuse, metallic=metallic, specular=specular, roughness=roughness, reflection=reflection, irid_amount=irid_amount, irid_thickness=irid_thickness, irid_turbulence=irid_turbulence

Set properties.



name of a finish in


controls the amount of ambient light that falls on the surface; increase this amount to increase details in shadows; default value is 0.2


controls the way that light intensity varies with incidence angle; the default value is 1.0, higher values will cause the light to fall of less at low and medium angles of incidence


controls the amount of light from a light source falls on the surface; low values of DIFFUSE will make the surface appear flat; default value is 0.6


set to give the surface a more metallic appearance; default value is not metallic


controls specular highlights in conjunction with ROUGHNESS; controls the brightness of the specular highlight; default value is 0.0


controls specular highlights in conjunction with SPECULAR; controls the size of the specular highlight, small values make small, tight specular highlights; default value is 0.05


amount the surface reflects; generally reflection and diffuse should be inversely proportional; default value is 0.0


amount of contribution of iridescence to overall surface color, usually 0.1 to 0.5 is sufficient; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.35


thickness affects busyness of the iridescence, 0.25 to 1.0 yields best results; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.5


slightly difference way to affect thickness, 0.25 to 1.0 work best; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.5

top mggrpovrayfinish::init

result = mggrpovrayfinish::init(finish_name=finish_name, ambient=ambient, brilliance=brilliance, diffuse=diffuse, metallic=metallic, specular=specular, roughness=roughness, reflection=reflection, irid_amount=irid_amount, irid_thickness=irid_thickness, irid_turbulence=irid_turbulence)

Create a finish.

Return value

1 for success, 0 for failure



name of a finish in


controls the amount of ambient light that falls on the surface; increase this amount to increase details in shadows; default value is 0.2


controls the way that light intensity varies with incidence angle; the default value is 1.0, higher values will cause the light to fall of less at low and medium angles of incidence


controls the amount of light from a light source falls on the surface; low values of DIFFUSE will make the surface appear flat; default value is 0.6


set to give the surface a more metallic appearance; default value is not metallic


controls specular highlights in conjunction with ROUGHNESS; controls the brightness of the specular highlight; default value is 0.0


controls specular highlights in conjunction with SPECULAR; controls the size of the specular highlight, small values make small, tight specular highlights; default value is 0.05


amount the surface reflects; generally reflection and diffuse should be inversely proportional; default value is 0.0


amount of contribution of iridescence to overall surface color, usually 0.1 to 0.5 is sufficient; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.35


thickness affects busyness of the iridescence, 0.25 to 1.0 yields best results; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.5


slightly difference way to affect thickness, 0.25 to 1.0 work best; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.5

top mggrpovrayfinish__define


Define instance variables.

File attributes

Modification date: Wed May 14 15:07:15 2014
Lines: 160
Docformat: rst rst
Personal library of Michael Galloy
Contact me if you have enhancement requests or bug fixes.