includes main-level programRoutines
top mg_pinknoise
result = mg_pinknoise(m, n [, power=double])
Generates 1/f^a noise. By default, it generates 1/f noise i.e. pink noise.
Return value
dblarr(m, n)
- m in required type=long
size of first dimension
- n in required type=long
size of second dimension
- power in optional type=double default=1.0
the a in 1/f^a noise
This generates pink noise:
tvscl, mg_pinknoise(512, 256)
Other 1/f^a noise can be generated using the POWER keyword:
tvscl, mg_pinknoise(512, 256, power=1.8)
For POWER=2.4:
File attributes
Modification date: | Wed May 14 15:07:15 2014 |
Lines: | 14 |
Docformat: | rst rst |
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