
Tools for command line use of IDL

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includes main-level program

Prints basic information about a routine.

This is similar to the IDL library routine DOC_LIBRARY, but has several advantages:

1. DOC_LIBRARY is file-based whereas MAN is routine based. 2. MAN can provide the header information for a routine even if it has no header comments. 3. MAN can provide help for routines in DLMs.


Try the main-level example at the end of this file:

IDL> .run man
This does the following:
IDL> man, 'congrid' Filename: /Applications/itt/idl71/lib/ result = congrid(arr, x, y, z, CENTER=CENTER, CUBIC=CUBIC, INTERP=INTERP, MINUS_ONE=MINUS_ONE) IDL> man, 'mg_*range*' Filename: /Users/mgalloy/projects/idllib/trunk/src/indices/ result = MG_MAKERANGE(startvalue, stopvalue, INCREMENT=INCREMENT, N=N) Filename: /Users/mgalloy/projects/idllib/trunk/src/analysis/ result = MG_RANGE(var)

Other file information




man_printdocs, filename, routinename [, /is_function] [, output=strarr]

Print header docs for a routine in a given file.

man_resolveroutine, routine [, /resolved] [, _extra=keywords]

Routine to resolve a given routine without crashing.

result = man_width()

Wrapper for MG_TERMCOLUMNS in case it is not available.

man_print, text [, indent=string] [, output=strarr]

Print a string by splitting it across lines on spaces and indents every line except the first using the value of the INDENT keyword.

result = man_checkroutine(list, routine)

Checks to see if routine is in list.

man_routineinfo, routine [, output=strarr]

Print comments about a routine.

result = man_termavailable()

Determines if a term capable of paging is available:

man, routine [, /no_page]

Print comments about a routine or finds matching routines.

Routine details

top source man_printdocs

man_printdocs, filename, routinename [, /is_function] [, output=strarr]

Print header docs for a routine in a given file.


filename in required type=string

filename of the .pro file

routinename in required type=string

name of the routine to check docs for


is_function in optional type=boolean

set to specify that the given routine is a function

output in out optional type=strarr

accumulation of output

top source man_resolveroutine

man_resolveroutine, routine [, /resolved] [, _extra=keywords]

Routine to resolve a given routine without crashing.


routine in required type=string

name of routine to resolve


resolved out optional type=boolean

set to a named variable to find out if the routine was resolved

_extra in optional type=keywords


top source man_width

result = man_width()

Wrapper for MG_TERMCOLUMNS in case it is not available.

The default is 80, if MG_TERMCOLUMNS is not found.

Return value


top source man_print

man_print, text [, indent=string] [, output=strarr]

Print a string by splitting it across lines on spaces and indents every line except the first using the value of the INDENT keyword.


text in required type=string

line to print


indent in optional type=string

string to prefix each line except the first

output in out optional type=strarr

accumulation of output

top source man_checkroutine

result = man_checkroutine(list, routine)

Checks to see if routine is in list.

Return value

1 if routine in in list; 0 if not


list in required type=strarr

list of routines to check against

routine in required type=string

name of routine to check (case-insensitive)

top source man_routineinfo

man_routineinfo, routine [, output=strarr]

Print comments about a routine.


routine in required type=string

routine name to look up


output in out optional type=strarr

accumulation of output

top source man_termavailable

result = man_termavailable()

Determines if a term capable of paging is available:

Return value

1B if term available, 0B if not

top source man

man, routine [, /no_page]

Print comments about a routine or finds matching routines.


routine in required type=string

routine name to look up


no_page in optional type=boolean

set to not page the output

File attributes

Modification date: Fri Feb 18 09:38:31 2011
Lines: 512
Docformat: rst rst