
Personal IDL library for M. Galloy

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includes main-level program


top mg_read_ascii

result = mg_read_ascii(filename [, column_names=strarr] [, column_types=lonarr] [, comment_symbol=string] [, data_start=long] [, delimiter=string] [, groups=lonarr] [, missing_value=scalar] [, count=long] [, header=strarr] [, num_records=long] [, record_start=long] [, /verbose])


Return value

structure with field names given by COLUMN_NAMES keyword, or, if COLUMN_NAMES is not present, "col0", "col1", etc.


filename in required type=string

filename of file to read


column_names in optional type=strarr

names for the columns in the data; if there are groups specified, the column names should be repeated for each column in the group, so that the number of column names is always equal to the number of columns

column_types in optional type=lonarr

SIZE type codes for the columns in the data; if there are groups specified, the column types should be repeated for each column in the group, so that the number of column types is always equal to the number of columns

comment_symbol in optional type=string

specifies a comment character for the lines in the file

data_start in optional type=long default=0L

number of lines to skip at the beginning of the file

delimiter in optional type=string

delimiter between columns of data

groups in optional type=lonarr

indices of groups for each column, i.e.:

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
indicates all seven columns are in a single group, where:
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
would put each column in a new group

missing_value in optional type=scalar

value to use for missing items in the data

count out optional type=long

set to a named variable to get the number of records read

header out optional type=strarr

set to a named variable to get the header information skipped by DATA_START

num_records in optional type=long

number of records to read; default is to read all available records

record_start in optional type=long default=0

set to index of first record to read (after DATA_START is taken into account)

verbose in optional type=boolean

set to print runtime messages


Try the main-level example program at the end of this file:

IDL> .run mg_read_ascii
It does:
IDL> col_names = ['lon', 'lat', 'elev', 'temp', 'dewpt', 'wind_speed', 'wind_dir'] IDL> wdata = mg_read_ascii(file_which('ascii.txt'), data_start=5, $ IDL> column_types=[4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3], $ IDL> column_names=col_names, $ IDL> groups=lindgen(7)) IDL> help, wdata ** Structure <2851608>, 7 tags, length=420, data length=420, refs=1: LON FLOAT Array[15] LAT FLOAT Array[15] ELEV LONG Array[15] TEMP LONG Array[15] DEWPT LONG Array[15] WIND_SPEED LONG Array[15] WIND_DIR LONG Array[15] IDL> adata = mg_read_ascii(file_which('ascii.dat'), data_start=3, $ IDL> delimiter=string(9B), comment_symbol='%', $ IDL> groups=lonarr(4), missing_value=-999.) IDL> print, adata.col0 55.3000 22.1000 19.3000 40.0000 19.1000 -999.000 15.1000 33.4000 100.300 79.0000 22.1000 3.30000

File attributes

Modification date: Wed May 14 15:07:14 2014
Lines: 68
Docformat: rst rst
Personal library of Michael Galloy
Contact me if you have enhancement requests or bug fixes.