direct graphics
includes main-level programExamples
Try the main-level example program at the end of this file:
IDL> .run mg_usersym
plot, [0, 1], [0, 1], /nodata, xrange=[0, 1], yrange=[0, 1], $
xstyle=9, ystyle=9
oplot, randomu(seed, 10), randomu(seed, 10), $
psym=mg_usersym(/circle, /fill, color=128B)
oplot, randomu(seed, 10), randomu(seed, 10), $
psym=mg_usersym(/triangle, rotation=90, /fill)
oplot, randomu(seed, 10), randomu(seed, 10), $
psym=mg_usersym(/triangle, rotation=-90, color=64B)
oplot, randomu(seed, 10), randomu(seed, 10), $
top mg_usersym
result = mg_usersym( [x] [, y] [, color=color] [, /fill] [, thick=float] [, /with_line] [, /none] [, /plus_sign] [, /asterisk] [, /dot] [, /diamond] [, /x] [, /user_defined] [, /histogram] [, /horizontal_line] [, /vertical_line] [, /triangle] [, /square] [, /hexagon] [, /circle] [, n_vertices=long] [, rotation=float])
Create a user symbol.
Return value
correct PSYM value for pre-defined types, 8 for the special symbols, i.e. PSYM=8 means use the current user symbol
- x in optional type=fltarr
x-values of the user symbol's shape
- y in optional type=fltarr
y-values of the user symbol's shape
- color in optional type=color
color for the symbol
- fill in optional type=boolean
set to fill inside the symbol
- thick in optional type=float default=1.0
line thickness of the symbol
- with_line in optional type=boolean
set to display symbols and a line connecting them; the default is to show just the symbol
- none in optional type=boolean
set to produce no symbol
- plus_sign in optional type=boolean
set to produce a plus sign symbol
- asterisk in optional type=boolean
set to produce an asterisk symbol
- dot in optional type=boolean
set to produce a dot symbol
- diamond in optional type=boolean
set to produce a diamond symbol
- x in optional type=boolean
set to produce an x symbol
- user_defined in optional type=boolean
set to use the currently defined user symbol
- histogram in optional type=boolean
set to use histogram mode
- horizontal_line in optional type=boolean
set to produce a horizontal line user symbol
- vertical_line in optional type=boolean
set to produce a vertical line user symbol
- triangle in optional type=boolean
set to produce a triangular user symbol
- square in optional type=boolean
set to produce a square
- hexagon in optional type=boolean
set to produce a hexagonal user symbol
- circle in optional type=boolean
set to produce a circular user symbol
- n_vertices in optional type=long
number of vertices for a regular polygonal symbol
- rotation in optional type=float default=0.0
angle in degrees to rotate the symbol; 0 degrees places the first vertex at (1, 0) in user symbol coordinate space
File attributes
Modification date: | Wed May 14 15:07:15 2014 |
Lines: | 83 |
Docformat: | rst rst |
Contact me if you have enhancement requests or bug fixes.