
Personal IDL library for M. Galloy

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Produce a ternary plot.


Try the main-level example program at the end of this file:

IDL> .run mg_ternaryplot
The first example does:
d = read_csv(filepath('ternary_data.txt', root=mg_src_root())) mg_ternaryplot, d.field2, d.field3, d.field4, psym=!mg.psym.triangle, $ color='000000'x, background='ffffff'x, $ atitle='aerosol single scattering albedo', $ btitle='Angstrom exponent', $ ctitle='back-scattering fraction'
This should produce the following:

The next example does:

n = 1000L a = randomu(seed, n) b = randomu(seed, n) c = randomu(seed, n) mg_ternaryplot, color='000000'x, background='ffffff'x, /nodata, $ atitle='A', btitle='B', ctitle='C' mg_ternaryplot, a + 2., b, c, psym=!mg.psym.plussign, symsize=0.5, $ color=rgb[0], /overplot mg_ternaryplot, a, b + 2., c, psym=!mg.psym.plussign, symsize=0.5, $ color=rgb[1], /overplot mg_ternaryplot, a, b, c + 2., psym=!mg.psym.plussign, symsize=0.5, $ color=rgb[2], /overplot mg_ternaryplot, a + 1., b, c + 2., psym=!mg.psym.plussign, $ symsize=0.5, color=rgb[3], /overplot mg_ternaryplot, a, b + 2., c + 1., psym=!mg.psym.plussign, $ symsize=0.5, color=rgb[4], /overplot mg_ternaryplot, a + 2., b + 1., c, psym=!mg.psym.plussign, $ symsize=0.5, color=rgb[5], /overplot
It should produce the following:


top mg_ternaryplot

mg_ternaryplot, a, b, c [, atitle=string] [, btitle=string] [, ctitle=string] [, xmargin=fltarr(2)] [, ymargin=fltarr(2)] [, /overplot] [, /nodata] [, _extra=keywords]

Create a ternary plot.


a in required type=fltarr

closer to lower left indicates higher a value

b in required type=fltarr

closer to lower right indicates higher b value

c in required type=fltarr

closer to upper middle indicates higher c value


atitle in optional type=string

title for a values

btitle in optional type=string

title for b values

ctitle in optional type=string

title for c values

xmargin in optional type=fltarr(2)

x-margins for plot in units of characters

ymargin in optional type=fltarr(2)

y-margins for plot in units of characters

overplot in optional type=boolean

set to overplot on a previously setup coordinate system

nodata in optional type=boolean

set to create a coordinate system without plotting any data

_extra in optional type=keywords

keywords for PLOT, PLOTS, and XYOUTS

File attributes

Modification date: Wed May 14 15:07:15 2014
Lines: 103
Docformat: rst rst
Personal library of Michael Galloy
Contact me if you have enhancement requests or bug fixes.