API documentation for visualization library

Michael Galloy

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includes main-level program

Parallel coordinates implementation. For more information about parallel coordinates, see Eager Eyes' description.


Try the main-level program at the end of this file to show an example of parallel coordinates:

IDL> .run vis_parallel_coords
This should produce something like:

top vis_parallel_coords

vis_parallel_coords, data [, dimension_titles=strarr(m)] [, data_title=string] [, axes_color=color] [, color=lonarr(n)] [, psym=lonarr(n)] [, linestyle=lonarr(n)] [, /overplot] [, /nodata] [, _extra=keywords]

Display a parallel coordinate graph.


data in required type=fltarr(m, n)

data to plot: m dimensions by n data elements


dimension_titles in optional type=strarr(m)

titles for the dimensions displayed below the x-axis

data_title in optional type=string

y-axis title

axes_color in optional type=color

color of the axes, not including the leftmost axes with labels

color in optional type=lonarr(n)

array of color values for the various data elements, if less than n elements are specified will cycle through the values

psym in optional type=lonarr(n)

array of symbol values for the various data elements, if less than n elements are specified will cycle through the values

linestyle in optional type=lonarr(n)

array of linestyle values for the various data elements, if less than n elements are specified will cycle through the values

overplot in optional type=boolean

set to skip plotting axes

nodata in optional type=boolean

set to skip plotting data

_extra in optional type=keywords

keywords to PLOT, AXIS, XYOUTS, and OPLOT

File attributes

Modification date: Fri Dec 2 14:05:28 2011
Lines: 166
Docformat: rst rst