API documentation for visualization library

Michael Galloy


_     A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     X     Y     Z    


__OBJ__ field in class IDL_OBJECT
_dummy field in class visgreasing

required to have at least one instance variable

_extra property in class visgrimagedestination

properties of IDLgrBuffer

_extra property in class visgrx3dom
_extra property in class visgranimation
_extra property in class visgrfisheyelens
_extra keyword in routine visgrfisheyelens::init in file visgrfisheyelens__define.pro
_extra property in class visgrimagefile

keywords to IDLgrBuffer and IDLgrClipboard

_extra keyword in routine visgrimagefile::setProperty in file visgrimagefile__define.pro

keywords to IDLgrBuffer and IDLgrClipboard

_extra keyword in routine visgrimagefile::init in file visgrimagefile__define.pro

keywords to IDLgrBuffer and IDLgrClipboard

_extra keyword in routine visgrmodel::rotate in file visgrmodel__define.pro

keywords to IDLgrModel::rotate

_extra keyword in routine visgrpolyline2d::init in file visgrpolyline2d__define.pro
_extra property in class visgrpolyline2d
_extra keyword in routine visgrsvg::init in file visgrsvg__define.pro

any properties of the class

_extra property in class visgrsvg
_extra property in class visgrwindow3d

properties of IDLgrWindow

_extra keyword in routine visgrwindow3d::setProperty in file visgrwindow3d__define.pro

properties of IDLgrWindow

_extra keyword in routine visgrwindow3d::init in file visgrwindow3d__define.pro

properties of IDLgrWindow

_extra keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::setProperty in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro
_extra property in class visgrpovraygrid
_extra keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::init in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro
_extra keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::setProperty in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro
_extra property in class visgrpovraylight
_extra keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::init in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro
_extra property in class visgrpovraypolygon

properties of IDLgrPolygon

_extra keyword in routine visgrpovraypolygon::init in file visgrpovraypolygon__define.pro

properties of IDLgrPolygon

_extra keyword in routine visgrpovraytubes::setProperty in file visgrpovraytubes__define.pro
_extra property in class visgrpovraytubes
_extra keyword in routine visgrpovraytubes::init in file visgrpovraytubes__define.pro
_extra keyword in routine visgrpovrayview::setProperty in file visgrpovrayview__define.pro
_extra property in class visgrpovrayview
_extra keyword in routine visgrpovrayview::init in file visgrpovrayview__define.pro
_extra property in class visgrpovraywindow

keywords to VISgrPOVRay and IDLgrWindow

_extra keyword in routine visgrpovraywindow::setProperty in file visgrpovraywindow__define.pro

keywords to VISgrPOVRay and IDLgrWindow

_extra keyword in routine visgrpovraywindow::init in file visgrpovraywindow__define.pro

keywords to VISgrPOVRay and IDLgrWindow

_extra keyword in routine vis_relief in file vis_relief.pro

keywords to VISgrPalette::loadct

_extra keyword in routine vis_spotmatrix_makeglyph in file vis_spotmatrix.pro
_extra keyword in routine vis_spotmatrix in file vis_spotmatrix.pro
_extra keyword in routine visgrtreemapmodel::init in file visgrtreemapmodel__define.pro
_extra property in class visgrtreemapmodel
_extra keyword in routine vis_make_dll in file vis_make_dll.pro

keywords to MAKE_DLL

_extra keyword in routine vis_spline in file vis_spline.pro

keywords to SPLINE_P

_extra keyword in routine mgffserialvtk::init in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
_extra property in class mgffserialvtk
_extra keyword in routine visgrx3dom::init in file visgrx3dom__define.pro


_extra keyword in routine visgranimation::init in file visgranimation__define.pro

keywords to IDLgrWindow::init

_extra keyword in routine visgrimagedestination::setProperty in file visgrimagedestination__define.pro

properties of IDLgrBuffer

_extra keyword in routine visgrimagedestination::init in file visgrimagedestination__define.pro

properties of IDLgrBuffer

_extra keyword in routine visgrscaleanimator::init in file visgrscaleanimator__define.pro

keyword to VISgrAnimator::init

_extra property in class visgrscaleanimator
_extra keyword in routine visgrtranslateanimator::init in file visgrtranslateanimator__define.pro

keyword to VISgrAnimator::init

_extra property in class visgrtranslateanimator
_extra keyword in routine vis_xloadct in file vis_xloadct.pro

keywords to LOADCT

_extra keyword in routine vis_colorbar in file vis_colorbar.pro

keywords to VIS_IMAGE

_extra keyword in routine vis_contour in file vis_contour.pro

keywords to CONTOUR

_extra keyword in routine vis_legend in file vis_legend.pro

keywords to PLOT, XYOUTS

_extra keyword in routine vis_parallel_coords in file vis_parallel_coords.pro

keywords to PLOT, AXIS, XYOUTS, and OPLOT

_extra keyword in routine vis_psbegin in file vis_psbegin.pro

keywords to DEVICE to configure the PostScript device

_extra keyword in routine vis_read in file vis_read.pro

keywords to TVRD

_extra keyword in routine vis_window in file vis_window.pro

keywords to the WINDOW routine

_extra keyword in routine vis_colorlic in file vis_colorlic.pro

keywords to VIS_LIC or VIS_MAKETRUE

_extra keyword in routine vis_vel in file vis_vel.pro

keywords to PLOT and PLOTS routines that plot the streamlines

_extra keyword in routine visgrflow::init in file visgrflow__define.pro

keywords to IDLgrPolyline::init or VIS_VEL

_extra property in class visgrflow
_extra keyword in routine vis_graph_democlass::init in file vis_graph_democlass__define.pro
_extra property in class vis_graph_democlass
_extra keyword in routine vis_encode_png in file vis_encode_png.pro

keywords to WRITE_PNG

_extra keyword in routine vis_image in file vis_image.pro

keywords to PLOT, CONGRID, or WINDOW routines

_extra keyword in routine vis_image_resize in file vis_image_resize.pro

keywords to CONGRID

_extra keyword in routine vis_boxplot in file vis_boxplot.pro

keywords to PLOT and PLOTS

_extra keyword in routine vis_bubblechart_overplot in file vis_bubblechart.pro

POLYFILL keywords

_extra keyword in routine vis_bubblechart in file vis_bubblechart.pro
_extra keyword in routine vis_datavase in file vis_datavase.pro
_extra keyword in routine vis_histplot in file vis_histplot.pro

keywords to VIS_STEPCHART

_extra keyword in routine vis_horizon in file vis_horizon.pro

keywords to PLOT

_extra keyword in routine vis_lineplot in file vis_lineplot.pro

keywords to PLOT and PLOTS

_extra keyword in routine vis_plot in file vis_plot.pro

keywords to PLOT

_extra keyword in routine vis_plots in file vis_plots.pro

keywords to PLOT and PLOTS

_extra keyword in routine vis_scatter3d in file vis_scatter3d.pro

graphics keywords to SURFACE and PLOTS

_extra keyword in routine vis_scatterplot_matrix in file vis_scatterplot_matrix.pro

keywords to PLOT routine

_extra keyword in routine vis_slopegraph in file vis_slopegraph.pro

keywords to PLOT, PLOTS, and XYOUTS

_extra keyword in routine vis_stepchart_plotflats in file vis_stepchart.pro

keywords to PLOTS

_extra keyword in routine vis_stepchart in file vis_stepchart.pro

keywords to PLOT, OPLOT, or PLOTS

_extra keyword in routine vis_ternaryplot in file vis_ternaryplot.pro

keywords for PLOT, PLOTS, and XYOUTS

_extra keyword in routine vis_themeriver in file vis_themeriver.pro

keywords to plot (for axis) and oplot (for dataset lines overplotted)

_extra property in class vis_timeline
_extra keyword in routine vis_create_bubbles in file vis_create_bubbles.pro

keywords to VISgrBubble::init

_extra property in class visgr3dconverter

properties of IDLgrBuffer

_extra keyword in routine visgr3dconverter::setProperty in file visgr3dconverter__define.pro

properties of IDLgrBuffer

_extra keyword in routine visgr3dconverter::init in file visgr3dconverter__define.pro

keywords to IDLgrBuffer::init method are accepted

_extra property in class visgrbubble

IDLgrPolygon or IDLgrPolyline properties

_extra keyword in routine visgrbubble::setProperty in file visgrbubble__define.pro

IDLgrPolygon or IDLgrPolyline properties

_extra keyword in routine visgrbubble::init in file visgrbubble__define.pro

IDLgrPolygon or IDLgrPolyline properties

_extra property in class visgrcube

properties from IDLgrPolygon

_extra keyword in routine visgrcube::setProperty in file visgrcube__define.pro

properties from IDLgrPolygon

_extra keyword in routine visgrcube::init in file visgrcube__define.pro

properties from IDLgrPolygon

_extra property in class visgrellipsoid

keywords to IDLgrModel::setProperty or IDLgrPolygon::setProperty

_extra keyword in routine visgrellipsoid::setProperty in file visgrellipsoid__define.pro

keywords to IDLgrModel::setProperty or IDLgrPolygon::setProperty

_extra keyword in routine visgrellipsoid::init in file visgrellipsoid__define.pro

keywords to IDLgrModel::setProperty or IDLgrPolygon::setProperty

_extra keyword in routine visgrfisheyelens::setProperty in file visgrfisheyelens__define.pro
_ref_extra keyword in routine visgrellipsoid::getProperty in file visgrellipsoid__define.pro
_ref_extra property in class visgrellipsoid
_ref_extra property in class visgrparallelanimator

properties of the VISgrAnimation or IDL_Container

_ref_extra keyword in routine visgrparallelanimator::getProperty in file visgrparallelanimator__define.pro

properties of the VISgrAnimation or IDL_Container

_ref_extra property in class visgrpovraypolygon

properties of IDLgrPolygon

_ref_extra keyword in routine visgrpovraypolygon::getProperty in file visgrpovraypolygon__define.pro

properties of IDLgrPolygon

_ref_extra property in class visgrsequenceanimator

properties of the VISgrAnimation or IDL_Container

_ref_extra keyword in routine visgrsequenceanimator::getProperty in file visgrsequenceanimator__define.pro

properties of the VISgrAnimation or IDL_Container

_ref_extra keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::getProperty in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro
_ref_extra keyword in routine visgrfisheyelens::getProperty in file visgrfisheyelens__define.pro
_ref_extra keyword in routine vis_loadct in file vis_loadct.pro

keywords to LOADCT

_ref_extra property in class visgrfisheyelens
_ref_extra property in class visgrpovraygrid
_ref_extra property in class visgrwindow3d
_ref_extra property in class visgrimagedestination
_ref_extra keyword in routine visgrwindow3d::getProperty in file visgrwindow3d__define.pro
_ref_extra keyword in routine visgrimagedestination::getProperty in file visgrimagedestination__define.pro
_ref_extra keyword in routine visgrpovraypolygon::setProperty in file visgrpovraypolygon__define.pro

properties of IDLgrPolygon

_ref_extra keyword in routine visgrimagefile::getProperty in file visgrimagefile__define.pro
_ref_extra property in class visgrimagefile
_ref_extra keyword in routine visgr3dconverter::getProperty in file visgr3dconverter__define.pro
_ref_extra property in class visgr3dconverter
_ref_extra keyword in routine visgrpovrayview::getProperty in file visgrpovrayview__define.pro
_ref_extra keyword in routine visgrpovraytubes::getProperty in file visgrpovraytubes__define.pro
_ref_extra keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::getProperty in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro
_ref_extra property in class visgrbubble

IDLgrPolygon or IDLgrPolyline properties

_ref_extra keyword in routine visgrbubble::getProperty in file visgrbubble__define.pro

IDLgrPolygon or IDLgrPolyline properties

_ref_extra keyword in routine vis_decode_png in file vis_decode_png.pro

keywords to READ_PNG

_ref_extra property in class visgrpovraylight
_ref_extra property in class visgrpovraytubes
_ref_extra keyword in routine visgrchernoffface::init in file visgrchernoffface__define.pro

keywords to IDLgrModel::init or IDLgrPolygon::init

_ref_extra property in class visgrchernoffface
_ref_extra property in class visgrpovrayview
_ref_extra keyword in routine visgrpovraywindow::getProperty in file visgrpovraywindow__define.pro

keywords to VISgrPOVRay and IDLgrWindow

_ref_extra keyword in routine visgrcube::getProperty in file visgrcube__define.pro
_ref_extra property in class visgrcube
_ref_extra property in class visgrpovraywindow

keywords to VISgrPOVRay and IDLgrWindow



a parameter in routine vis_vel_interpolate in file vis_vel.pro


a parameter in routine visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::normAspect in file visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
a parameter in routine visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::aspect in file visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
a parameter in routine vis_ternaryplot in file vis_ternaryplot.pro

closer to lower left indicates higher a value

ab parameter in routine vis_gc_venn in file vis_gc_venn.pro

area of intersection of A and B

abc parameter in routine vis_gc_venn in file vis_gc_venn.pro

area of intersection of A, B, and C

about keyword in routine visgrmodel::rotate in file visgrmodel__define.pro

point to rotate about

ac parameter in routine vis_gc_venn in file vis_gc_venn.pro

area of intersection of A and C

active property in class vis_timer

whether the timer is currently running; read-only, use stop/start methods to change

active field in class vis_timer

whether the timer is currently running

active keyword in routine vis_timer::getProperty in file vis_timer__define.pro

whether the timer is currently running; read-only, use stop/start methods to change

activities property in class vis_timeline
ACTIVITIES field in class vis_timeline
adaptive property in class visgrpovraylight

adaptive value

adaptive field in class visgrpovraylight

adaptive value

adaptive keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::setProperty in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

adaptive value

adaptive keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::init in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

adaptive value

adaptive keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::getProperty in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

adaptive value

alpha keyword in routine vis_textbackground in file vis_textbackground.pro

alpha blending between background and color; value is 0.0 to 1.0 where 0.0 is completely background and 1.0 is completely color

alpha_channel keyword in routine vis_blend in file vis_blend.pro

value in 0.0 - 1.0; 1.0 is all im1 and 0.0 is all im2; can be a scalar or a 2-dimensional image the same size as the combined images

alpha_channel keyword in routine vis_gc_base in file vis_gc_base.pro

transparency of chart: 0.0 for completely transparent, 1.0 for completely opaque

alpha_channel keyword in routine vis_gc_venn in file vis_gc_venn.pro

transparency of chart: 0.0 for completely transparent, 1.0 for completely opaque

ambient keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::getProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

controls the amount of ambient light that falls on the surface; increase this amount to increase details in shadows; default value is 0.2

ambient property in class visgrpovrayfinish

controls the amount of ambient light that falls on the surface; increase this amount to increase details in shadows; default value is 0.2

ambient field in class visgrpovrayfinish

controls the amount of ambient light that falls on the surface

ambient keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::setProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

controls the amount of ambient light that falls on the surface; increase this amount to increase details in shadows; default value is 0.2

ambient keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::init in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

controls the amount of ambient light that falls on the surface; increase this amount to increase details in shadows; default value is 0.2

ambientIntensity field in class visgrpovray

intensity of the ambient light in the scene, 0.0 to 1.0

angle parameter in routine visgrmodel::rotate in file visgrmodel__define.pro

angle to rotate model by

angle field in class visgrpovray

angle of view of the camera

animation parameter in routine visgranimation_timer in file visgranimation__define.pro

VISgrAnimation object to cause to draw a frame

animation/ directory

routines and classes for creating animations

animation/animators/ directory

animator classes that perform some animation action

animation/easing/ directory

classes representing easing functions i.e.

animator property in class visgranimation

subclass of VISgrAnimator to do the animation

animator keyword in routine visgranimation::init in file visgranimation__define.pro

subclass of VISgrAnimator to do the animation

animator field in class visgranimation

subclass of VISgrAnimator to do the animation

aperture keyword in routine visgrpovrayview::setProperty in file visgrpovrayview__define.pro

aperature of camera (small aperature value gives a larger depth of field)

aperture keyword in routine visgrpovrayview::init in file visgrpovrayview__define.pro

aperature of camera (small aperature value gives a larger depth of field)

aperture keyword in routine visgrpovrayview::getProperty in file visgrpovrayview__define.pro

aperature of camera (small aperature value gives a larger depth of field)

APERTURE field in class visgrpovrayview
aperture property in class visgrpovrayview

aperature of camera (small aperature value gives a larger depth of field)

aperture field in class visgrpovray

aperture of the camera to use to render a scene using focal blur

area keyword in routine vis_create_bubbles in file vis_create_bubbles.pro

set to specify SIZES as areas instead of radii

area keyword in routine vis_bubblechart in file vis_bubblechart.pro
area keyword in routine visgrbubble::init in file visgrbubble__define.pro

set to specify SIZE as areas instead of radii

area field in class visgrbubble

flag indicating whether size is a radius or the area of the bubble

area property in class visgrbubble

set to specify SIZE as areas instead of radii

area keyword in routine visgrbubble::setProperty in file visgrbubble__define.pro

set to specify SIZE as areas instead of radii

area keyword in routine visgrbubble::getProperty in file visgrbubble__define.pro

set to specify SIZE as areas instead of radii

arealight property in class visgrpovraylight

set to use an area light

arealight field in class visgrpovraylight

set to use an area light

arealight keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::getProperty in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

set to use an area light

arealight keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::setProperty in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

set to use an area light

arealight keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::init in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

set to use an area light

array parameter in routine vis_hist_nd in file vis_hist_nd.pro

array to find histogram of; ndims by npoints array

ascending keyword in routine visgrabstracttreemaplayout__sliceLayout in file visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define.pro
asterisk keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

set to produce an asterisk symbol

atitle keyword in routine vis_ternaryplot in file vis_ternaryplot.pro

title for a values

axes keyword in routine vis_image in file vis_image.pro

set to display axes around the image

axes_color keyword in routine vis_vel in file vis_vel.pro

color of axes

axes_color keyword in routine vis_bubblechart in file vis_bubblechart.pro
axes_color keyword in routine vis_parallel_coords in file vis_parallel_coords.pro

color of the axes, not including the leftmost axes with labels

axes_color keyword in routine vis_datavase in file vis_datavase.pro
axis parameter in routine visgrsvg::_handleAxis in file visgrsvg__define.pro

IDLgrAxis object graphics element

axis parameter in routine visgrmodel::rotate in file visgrmodel__define.pro

axis of rotation

axis_color keyword in routine vis_stepchart in file vis_stepchart.pro

color of axis, defaults to color of steps

axis_color keyword in routine vis_colorbar in file vis_colorbar.pro

color of axis, labels, etc.

axis_color keyword in routine vis_themeriver in file vis_themeriver.pro

color of axis

axis_labels keyword in routine vis_gc_base in file vis_gc_base.pro

position of axis labels: t (top), b (bottom), r (right), or l (left)


b parameter in routine visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::aspect in file visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
b parameter in routine vis_decode_png in file vis_decode_png.pro

set to a named variable to get the blue component of any colors in a associated color table

b parameter in routine vis_encode_png in file vis_encode_png.pro

the blue component of any colors in a associated color table

b parameter in routine visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::normAspect in file visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
b parameter in routine vis_ternaryplot in file vis_ternaryplot.pro

closer to lower right indicates higher b value

background keyword in routine vis_gc_base in file vis_gc_base.pro

color of background

background keyword in routine vis_sparkline in file vis_sparkline.pro

background color for the plot

background keyword in routine vis_sparkdichotomous in file vis_sparkdichotomous.pro

background color for the plot

background field in class visgrpovray

background color of the scene

background keyword in routine vis_legend in file vis_legend.pro

background color of legend

background keyword in routine vis_gc_venn in file vis_gc_venn.pro

background color of chart

band_color keyword in routine vis_sparkline in file vis_sparkline.pro

color of band

band_range keyword in routine vis_sparkline in file vis_sparkline.pro

[min, max] for band

bar_sizes keyword in routine vis_gc_base in file vis_gc_base.pro
bar_spacing keyword in routine vis_gc_barchart in file vis_gc_barchart.pro
bar_width keyword in routine vis_gc_barchart in file vis_gc_barchart.pro
basename parameter in routine vis_povray in file vis_povray.pro

path and basename to .ini file

basename keyword in routine visgrimagedestination::init in file visgrimagedestination__define.pro

basename of image filename

basename keyword in routine visgrimagedestination::setProperty in file visgrimagedestination__define.pro

basename of image filename

basename keyword in routine visgrimagedestination::getProperty in file visgrimagedestination__define.pro

basename of image filename

basename field in class visgrimagedestination

base filename without extension or frame number

basename parameter in routine vis_convert in file vis_convert.pro

basename of file to convert (used for output name as well)

BASENAME field in class viswidpovray
basename property in class visgrimagedestination

basename of image filename

bc parameter in routine vis_gc_venn in file vis_gc_venn.pro

area of B and C

big parameter in routine visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::aspect in file visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
big parameter in routine visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::normAspect in file visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
bin_size keyword in routine vis_hist_nd in file vis_hist_nd.pro

the size of bin to use; either an n element vector or a scalar to use for all dimensions; either BIN_SIZE or NBINS must be set

BINARY field in class mgffserialvtk
block_size keyword in routine vis_checkerboard in file vis_checkerboard.pro

size of one square of the checkerboard in pixels

blue keyword in routine vis_read in file vis_read.pro

blue values for the color table produced if TRUE was set to 0 on a graphics device supporting 24-bit color

blue keyword in routine vis_colorbar in file vis_colorbar.pro

blue values of the color table to display; uses the current color table if BLUE is not present

blue keyword in routine vis_maketrue in file vis_maketrue.pro

blue values of color table to use when converting to a TRUE=1-3 image, defaults to current color table in this case; blue values produced in a conversion to a TRUE=0 image

blur_samples property in class visgrpovrayview

number of rays used to sample each pixel in POV-Ray

blur_samples keyword in routine visgrpovrayview::init in file visgrpovrayview__define.pro

number of rays used to sample each pixel in POV-Ray

blur_samples keyword in routine visgrpovrayview::setProperty in file visgrpovrayview__define.pro

number of rays used to sample each pixel in POV-Ray

blur_samples keyword in routine visgrpovrayview::getProperty in file visgrpovrayview__define.pro

number of rays used to sample each pixel in POV-Ray

blurSamples field in class visgrpovray

the number of rays to use to render a scene using focal blur

BLURSAMPLES field in class visgrpovrayview
border_color keyword in routine visgrbubble::init in file visgrbubble__define.pro

color of bubble edge

border_color keyword in routine visgrbubble::setProperty in file visgrbubble__define.pro

color of the bubble border

border_color property in class visgrbubble

color of the bubble border

border_color keyword in routine visgrbubble::getProperty in file visgrbubble__define.pro

color of the bubble border

border_colors keyword in routine vis_create_bubbles in file vis_create_bubbles.pro

colors to cycle through for the bubble border, can be a 1-dimensional array of indices or 2-dimensional (i.e., m x 3) array of RGB color values

bottom field in class visgrpovraygrid

set to switch the grid pattern to the other side of the plane

bottom property in class visgrpovraygrid

set to paint the grid lines on the other side of the plane; if the grid lines do not show up on the plane, use /BOTTOM

bottom keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::getProperty in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

set to paint the grid lines on the other side of the plane; if the grid lines do not show up on the plane, use /BOTTOM

bottom keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::setProperty in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

set to paint the grid lines on the other side of the plane; if the grid lines do not show up on the plane, use /BOTTOM

bottom keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::init in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

set to paint the grid lines on the other side of the plane; if the grid lines do not show up on the plane, use /BOTTOM

bottom keyword in routine vis_colorbar in file vis_colorbar.pro

first color index to place in the colorbar; ignored if COLORS is specified

bounding_box keyword in routine vis_psinfo in file vis_psinfo.pro

if passed an undefined name variable, returns the bounding box for the file; if defined, sets the bounding box to the value

bounds parameter in routine visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::layout in file visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
bounds parameter in routine visgrabstracttreemaplayout::layout in file visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define.pro
bounds field in class visgrsimpletreemapmodel

Rect of bounds

bounds keyword in routine visgrsimpletreemapmodel::getProperty in file visgrsimpletreemapmodel__define.pro
bounds property in class visgrsimpletreemapmodel
bounds keyword in routine visgrsimpletreemapmodel::setProperty in file visgrsimpletreemapmodel__define.pro
bounds keyword in routine visgrsimpletreemapmodel::init in file visgrsimpletreemapmodel__define.pro
bounds parameter in routine visgrslicetreemaplayout__layoutBest in file visgrslicetreemaplayout__define.pro
BOUNDS field in class visgrtreemapitem
bounds keyword in routine visgrtreemapitem::getProperty in file visgrtreemapitem__define.pro
bounds property in class visgrtreemapitem
bounds keyword in routine visgrtreemapitem::setProperty in file visgrtreemapitem__define.pro
bounds keyword in routine visgrtreemapitem::init in file visgrtreemapitem__define.pro
bounds parameter in routine visgrtreemaplayout::layout in file visgrtreemaplayout__define.pro
bounds parameter in routine visgrabstracttreemaplayout__sliceLayout in file visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define.pro
brewer keyword in routine vis_xloadct in file vis_xloadct.pro

set to use the Brewer color tables

brewer keyword in routine vis_loadct in file vis_loadct.pro

set to use the Brewer color tables

brewer keyword in routine visgrpalette::loadCT in file visgrpalette__define.pro

set to use the Brewer color tables

brilliance keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::setProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

controls the way that light intensity varies with incidence angle; the default value is 1.0, higher values will cause the light to fall of less at low and medium angles of incidence

brilliance keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::init in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

controls the way that light intensity varies with incidence angle; the default value is 1.0, higher values will cause the light to fall of less at low and medium angles of incidence

brilliance field in class visgrpovrayfinish

controls how angle of incidence affects light fall off

brilliance property in class visgrpovrayfinish

controls the way that light intensity varies with incidence angle; the default value is 1.0, higher values will cause the light to fall of less at low and medium angles of incidence

brilliance keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::getProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

controls the way that light intensity varies with incidence angle; the default value is 1.0, higher values will cause the light to fall of less at low and medium angles of incidence

btitle keyword in routine vis_ternaryplot in file vis_ternaryplot.pro

title for b values

buffer field in class visgr3dconverter

IDLgrBuffer to send left and right eye images to and extract

BUFFER field in class visgrimagefile


c parameter in routine vis_ternaryplot in file vis_ternaryplot.pro

closer to upper middle indicates higher c value

c1 parameter in routine vis_makect in file vis_makect.pro

starting color or bytarr(m, 3) of colors; must be bytarr(m, 3) if PARTITION keyword is used

c2 parameter in routine vis_makect in file vis_makect.pro

if two parameters are passed in, this is the ending color; if three parameters are passed in, this is the center color

c3 parameter in routine vis_makect in file vis_makect.pro

ending color

callback keyword in routine vis_timer::getProperty in file vis_timer__define.pro

procedure to call when timer goes off; this procedure should accept a single positional parameter which is the value of the UVALUE property

callback property in class vis_timer

procedure to call when timer goes off; this procedure should accept a single positional parameter which is the value of the UVALUE property

callback keyword in routine vis_timer::setProperty in file vis_timer__define.pro

procedure to call when timer goes off; this procedure should accept a single positional parameter which is the value of the UVALUE property

callback keyword in routine vis_timer::init in file vis_timer__define.pro

procedure to call when timer goes off; this procedure should accept a single positional parameter which is the value of the UVALUE property

callback field in class vis_timer

procedure to call when timer goes off

center keyword in routine visgrfisheyelens::setProperty in file visgrfisheyelens__define.pro
center keyword in routine visgrfisheyelens::getProperty in file visgrfisheyelens__define.pro
center property in class visgrfisheyelens
CENTER field in class visgrfisheyelens
cfile parameter in routine vis_make_dll in file vis_make_dll.pro

C filename to create DLL from

chaco keyword in routine vis_xloadct in file vis_xloadct.pro

set to use the Chaco color tables

chaco keyword in routine visgrpalette::loadCT in file visgrpalette__define.pro

set to use the Chaco color tables

chaco keyword in routine vis_loadct in file vis_loadct.pro

set to use the Chaco color tables

channel parameter in routine vis_read in file vis_read.pro

the memory channel to read

charHeight parameter in routine vis_slopegraph_spread in file vis_slopegraph.pro

height of a character in data coordinates

charsize keyword in routine vis_psbegin in file vis_psbegin.pro

default CHARSIZE to use (defaults to 1.25 if IMAGE is set)

charsize keyword in routine vis_strwrap in file vis_strwrap.pro


charsize keyword in routine vis_image in file vis_image.pro

multiplier for size of characters

charthick keyword in routine vis_strwrap in file vis_strwrap.pro


CHILDREN field in class vis_graph_democlass
children property in class vis_graph_democlass
children keyword in routine vis_graph_democlass::getProperty in file vis_graph_democlass__define.pro
circle keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

set to produce a circular user symbol

CLIPBOARD field in class visgrimagefile
cm keyword in routine visgrsvg::setProperty in file visgrsvg__define.pro
cm property in class visgrsvg
cmd keyword in routine vis_povray in file vis_povray.pro

povray invocation command

color keyword in routine visgrbubble::getProperty in file visgrbubble__define.pro

color of the interior of the bubbles

color keyword in routine vis_legend in file vis_legend.pro

color of item names

color keyword in routine vis_parallel_coords in file vis_parallel_coords.pro

array of color values for the various data elements, if less than n elements are specified will cycle through the values

color keyword in routine vis_textbackground in file vis_textbackground.pro

color over background

color keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

color for the symbol

color keyword in routine vis_vel in file vis_vel.pro

color of streamlines

color keyword in routine vis_gc_barchart in file vis_gc_barchart.pro

colors of the slices

color keyword in routine vis_gc_base in file vis_gc_base.pro

colors of the chart

color keyword in routine vis_gc_piechart in file vis_gc_piechart.pro

colors of the slices

color keyword in routine vis_gc_venn in file vis_gc_venn.pro

colors of the slices

color property in class vis_graph_democlass
color keyword in routine vis_graph_democlass::setProperty in file vis_graph_democlass__define.pro
color keyword in routine vis_boxplot in file vis_boxplot.pro

default color of the foreground elements: axis, lines, and symbols

color keyword in routine vis_bubblechart_overplot in file vis_bubblechart.pro

array of color values

color keyword in routine vis_bubblechart in file vis_bubblechart.pro
color keyword in routine vis_lineplot in file vis_lineplot.pro

color of the line

color keyword in routine vis_plots in file vis_plots.pro

color of the line

color keyword in routine vis_sparkdichotomous in file vis_sparkdichotomous.pro

color of the plot

color keyword in routine vis_sparkline in file vis_sparkline.pro

color of the plot

color keyword in routine vis_stepchart_plotflats in file vis_stepchart.pro

color of steps

color keyword in routine vis_stepchart in file vis_stepchart.pro

color of steps

color keyword in routine vis_themeriver in file vis_themeriver.pro

colors of lines

COLOR field in class vis_timelineactivity
color property in class vis_timelineactivity
COLOR field in class vis_timelineinterval
color property in class vis_timelineinterval
COLOR field in class vis_timelineevent
color property in class vis_timelineevent
COLOR field in class vis_timeline
color property in class visgr3dconverter

set to create color anaglyphs

color field in class visgr3dconverter

set to produce color anaglyphs

color keyword in routine visgr3dconverter::getProperty in file visgr3dconverter__define.pro

set to create color anaglyphs

color keyword in routine visgr3dconverter::setProperty in file visgr3dconverter__define.pro

set to create color anaglyphs

color keyword in routine visgr3dconverter::init in file visgr3dconverter__define.pro

set to create color anaglyphs

color property in class visgrbubble

color of the interior of the bubbles

color keyword in routine visgrbubble::setProperty in file visgrbubble__define.pro

color of the interior of the bubbles

color keyword in routine visgrbubble::init in file visgrbubble__define.pro

color of bubble

COLOR field in class IDLGRVIEW
color parameter in routine visgrsvg::_getRgb in file visgrsvg__define.pro

color to convert

color property in class visgrwindow3d

set to produce color anaglyphs

color keyword in routine visgrwindow3d::getProperty in file visgrwindow3d__define.pro

set to produce color anaglyphs

color keyword in routine visgrwindow3d::setProperty in file visgrwindow3d__define.pro

set to produce color anaglyphs

color keyword in routine visgrwindow3d::init in file visgrwindow3d__define.pro

set to produce color anaglyphs

color keyword in routine vis_spotmatrix in file vis_spotmatrix.pro
COLOR field in class vis_graph_democlass
color keyword in routine vis_graph_democlass::getProperty in file vis_graph_democlass__define.pro
color/ directory

routines for dealing with specifying colors and color tables

color_table keyword in routine vis_relief in file vis_relief.pro

color table number

colorname parameter in routine vis_color in file vis_color.pro

case-insensitive name(s) of the color; note that both "grey" and "gray" are accepted in all names that incorporate them

colors keyword in routine vis_colorbar in file vis_colorbar.pro

colors to use in the colorbar

colors keyword in routine vis_checkerboard in file vis_checkerboard.pro

alternating colors for the two types of squares in the checkerboard

colors keyword in routine vis_datavase in file vis_datavase.pro
colors keyword in routine vis_horizon in file vis_horizon.pro

colors to use

colors parameter in routine vis_themeriver in file vis_themeriver.pro

colors of shaded regions between datasets (starting from the bottom)

colors keyword in routine vis_create_bubbles in file vis_create_bubbles.pro

colors to cycle through, can be a 1-dimensional array of indices or 2-dimensional (i.e., m x 3) array of RGB color values

colTitles parameter in routine vis_spotmatrix in file vis_spotmatrix.pro

column headers

command keyword in routine vis_convert in file vis_convert.pro

convert command

container field in class visgrparallelanimator

container object to hold parallel animators

container field in class visgrsequenceanimator

container object to hold sequential animators

convert_location keyword in routine vis_povray in file vis_povray.pro

full path of the convert command; needed if convert is not in the shell path

convert_location keyword in routine vis_convert in file vis_convert.pro

location of the convert command

converter field in class visgrwindow3d

object which takes a view and converts to a 3D anaglyph

cpt_filename keyword in routine vis_loadct in file vis_loadct.pro

filename of .cpt file to load a color table from; the .cpt filename extension is optional; the filename given can be absolute, relative from the current working directory, or relative from the cpt-city directory in the VIS library; see cptcity_catalog.idldoc for a listing of the .cpt files provided with the VIS library

cpt_filename keyword in routine visgrpalette::loadCT in file visgrpalette__define.pro

filename of .cpt file to load a color table from; the .cpt filename extension is optional; the filename given can be absolute, relative from the current working directory, or relative from the cpt-city directory in the VIS library

cptcity_catalog.idldoc .idldoc file in color/ directory

The cpt-city color tables are shown below.

crayons keyword in routine vis_color in file vis_color.pro

set to use crayon color names instead of the HTML color names

ctitle keyword in routine vis_ternaryplot in file vis_ternaryplot.pro

title for c values

ctm parameter in routine vis_transformpoint in file vis_transformpoint.pro

either a transformation matrix or an object with a getCTM method

current_frame keyword in routine vis_timer::getProperty in file vis_timer__define.pro

number of times the timer has already gone off

current_frame keyword in routine vis_timer::setProperty in file vis_timer__define.pro

number of times the timer has already gone off

current_frame property in class vis_timer

number of times the timer has already gone off

currentFrame field in class visgrimagedestination

current frame number in the animation

currentFrame field in class vis_timer

number of times the timer has already gone off

CURRENTFRAME field in class visgranimation
CURRENTPROGRESS field in class visgrscaleanimator
currentProgress field in class visgrtranslateanimator

amount of progress in the animation



data parameter in routine vis_spotmatrix in file vis_spotmatrix.pro

data to present in tabular format

data parameter in routine vis_gc_barchart in file vis_gc_barchart.pro

vector of values of slices

data parameter in routine vis_themeriver in file vis_themeriver.pro

multiple y-coordinates of data values (nlines number of datasets)

data keyword in routine vis_linear_function in file vis_linear_function.pro

data to scale

data parameter in routine vis_force in file vis_force.pro

input data to force apart

data parameter in routine vis_sparkline in file vis_sparkline.pro

y data to plot

data parameter in routine vis_sparkdichotomous in file vis_sparkdichotomous.pro

values can be -1, 0, or +1

data parameter in routine vis_sparkbar in file vis_sparkbar.pro
data parameter in routine vis_parallel_coords in file vis_parallel_coords.pro

data to plot: m dimensions by n data elements

data parameter in routine vis_scatterplot_matrix in file vis_scatterplot_matrix.pro

m data sets of n elements each

data keyword in routine vis_textbackground in file vis_textbackground.pro

set to use data-coordinates (the default) for LOCATION and DIMENSIONS

DATA field in class IDLGRSURFACE
data parameter in routine vis_horizon in file vis_horizon.pro


data parameter in routine vis_datavase in file vis_datavase.pro

m data sets of n elements each

data parameter in routine vis_boxplot in file vis_boxplot.pro

data to plot where each column represents a dataset which corresponds to a Tukey boxplot symbol in the output

data parameter in routine visgrsvg::_transformCoords in file visgrsvg__define.pro
data keyword in routine vis_gc_base in file vis_gc_base.pro

array of data to displayed

data parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::getData in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro

IDL variable type to be used with READU or READF

DATA field in class IDLGRPOLYGON
data_title keyword in routine vis_parallel_coords in file vis_parallel_coords.pro

y-axis title

dataName parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::readNormalsAttribute in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
dataName parameter in routine readScalarsAttribute in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
dataName parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::readVectorsAttribute in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
dataName parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::readTextureCoordinatesAttribute in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
DATASET field in class mgffserialvtk
datasetType parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::readDataset in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
dataType parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::readNormalsAttribute in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
dataType parameter in routine readScalarsAttribute in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
dataType parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::readVectorsAttribute in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
dataType parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::readTextureCoordinatesAttribute in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
DATE field in class vis_timelineevent
date property in class vis_timelineevent
dec parameter in routine vis_decomposed in file vis_decomposed.pro

decomposed mode: 0 for indexed color, 1 for decomposed color

delimiter keyword in routine vis_slopegraph in file vis_slopegraph.pro

text to include between names and printed values

density property in class visgrellipsoid

A floating point number representing the density at which the vertices should be generated along the surface of the orb

density field in class visgrellipsoid

value representing the density at which the vertices should be generated along the surface of the orb

density keyword in routine vis_convert in file vis_convert.pro

density of output image in dots per inch

density keyword in routine visgrellipsoid::init in file visgrellipsoid__define.pro

A floating point number representing the density at which the vertices should be generated along the surface of the orb

density keyword in routine visgrellipsoid::getProperty in file visgrellipsoid__define.pro

A floating point number representing the density at which the vertices should be generated along the surface of the orb

density keyword in routine visgrellipsoid::setProperty in file visgrellipsoid__define.pro

A floating point number representing the density at which the vertices should be generated along the surface of the orb

depth keyword in routine visgrtreemapitem::init in file visgrtreemapitem__define.pro
DEPTH field in class visgrtreemapitem
depth keyword in routine visgrtreemapitem::getProperty in file visgrtreemapitem__define.pro
depth property in class visgrtreemapitem
depth keyword in routine visgrtreemapitem::setProperty in file visgrtreemapitem__define.pro
DEPTH_CUE field in class IDLGRVIEW
DESCRIPTION field in class visgrtreemaplayout
description keyword in routine visgrtreemaplayout::getProperty in file visgrtreemaplayout__define.pro
description property in class visgrtreemaplayout
description property in class visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout
description keyword in routine visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::getProperty in file visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
destination keyword in routine visgranimation::init in file visgranimation__define.pro

object graphics destination class to do rendering

destination property in class visgranimation

object graphics destination class to do rendering

destination field in class visgranimation

object graphics destination class to do rendering

DEV field in class IDLGRSRCDEST
device keyword in routine vis_textbackground in file vis_textbackground.pro

set to use device coordinates for LOCATION and DIMENSIONS

diamond keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

set to produce a diamond symbol

diffuse keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::getProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

controls the amount of light from a light source falls on the surface; low values of DIFFUSE will make the surface appear flat; default value is 0.6

diffuse property in class visgrpovrayfinish

controls the amount of light from a light source falls on the surface; low values of DIFFUSE will make the surface appear flat; default value is 0.6

diffuse field in class visgrpovrayfinish

controls the amount of light from a light source falls on the surface

diffuse keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::setProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

controls the amount of light from a light source falls on the surface; low values of DIFFUSE will make the surface appear flat; default value is 0.6

diffuse keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::init in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

controls the amount of light from a light source falls on the surface; low values of DIFFUSE will make the surface appear flat; default value is 0.6

dim parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::readTextureCoordinatesAttribute in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
dimension_titles keyword in routine vis_parallel_coords in file vis_parallel_coords.pro

titles for the dimensions displayed below the x-axis

dimension_units keyword in routine visgrsvg::_getVpr in file visgrsvg__define.pro
dimension_units property in class visgrsvg
dimension_units keyword in routine visgrsvg::getProperty in file visgrsvg__define.pro
dimensions keyword in routine visgrsvg::setProperty in file visgrsvg__define.pro

dimensions of the drawing canvas in units specified by the EM, EX, PX, PT, PC, CM, MM, INCHES, PERCENTAGE property at the same time as the DIMENSIONS property is set; if no dimensions are specified, the canvas is scaled to fill the available area

dimensions keyword in routine visgrsvg::getProperty in file visgrsvg__define.pro

dimensions of the drawing canvas in units specified by the EM, EX, PX, PT, PC, CM, MM, INCHES, PERCENTAGE property at the same time as the DIMENSIONS property is set; if no dimensions are specified, the canvas is scaled to fill the available area

dimensions keyword in routine visgrwindow3d::setProperty in file visgrwindow3d__define.pro

dimensions of the window

dimensions property in class visgrsvg

dimensions of the drawing canvas in units specified by the EM, EX, PX, PT, PC, CM, MM, INCHES, PERCENTAGE property at the same time as the DIMENSIONS property is set; if no dimensions are specified, the canvas is scaled to fill the available area

DIMENSIONS field in class visgrsvg
dimensions keyword in routine visgrsvg::_getVpr in file visgrsvg__define.pro
dimensions keyword in routine vis_gc_venn in file vis_gc_venn.pro

size of output image

dimensions keyword in routine visgrwindow3d::init in file visgrwindow3d__define.pro

dimensions of the window

dimensions property in class viswidpovray

size of graphics display

dimensions keyword in routine vis_xpovray in file vis_xpovray.pro

size of graphics display

dimensions property in class visgrpovray

lonarr(2) specifying default width and height of output image; default value is [400, 400]

dimensions field in class visgrpovray

default size of output image

dimensions keyword in routine visgrpovray::setProperty in file visgrpovray__define.pro

lonarr(2) specifying default width and height of output image; default value is [400, 400]

dimensions keyword in routine visgrpovray::getProperty in file visgrpovray__define.pro

lonarr(2) specifying default width and height of output image; default value is [400, 400]

dimensions keyword in routine visgrpovray::init in file visgrpovray__define.pro

default image size of the POV-Ray result

dimensions property in class visgrx3dom

dimensions of output graphic

dimensions field in class visgrx3dom

dimensions of output graphic

dimensions keyword in routine visgrx3dom::getProperty in file visgrx3dom__define.pro

dimensions of output graphic

dimensions keyword in routine visgrx3dom::setProperty in file visgrx3dom__define.pro

dimensions of output graphic

dimensions keyword in routine vis_relief in file vis_relief.pro

dimensions of output image, defaults to size of input elevation array

dimensions keyword in routine vis_gc_scatter in file vis_gc_scatter.pro

size of output image

dimensions keyword in routine vis_gc_piechart in file vis_gc_piechart.pro

size of output image

dimensions keyword in routine vis_gc_base in file vis_gc_base.pro

size of returned image

dimensions keyword in routine vis_gc_barchart in file vis_gc_barchart.pro

size of output image

dimensions keyword in routine vis_window in file vis_window.pro

alternative to XSIZE and YSIZE

dimensions keyword in routine vis_textbackground in file vis_textbackground.pro

width and height of box

dimensions keyword in routine visgr3dconverter::init in file visgr3dconverter__define.pro

dimensions of the window

dimensions keyword in routine visgr3dconverter::setProperty in file visgr3dconverter__define.pro

dimensions of the window

dimensions keyword in routine visgr3dconverter::getProperty in file visgr3dconverter__define.pro

dimensions of the window

dimensions property in class visgr3dconverter

dimensions of the window

dimensions property in class visgrwindow3d

dimensions of the window

dimensions keyword in routine vis_rasterpolyline in file vis_rasterpolyline.pro
DIMENSIONUNITS field in class visgrsvg
DIMS field in class viswidpovray
directgraphics/ directory

helper routines for direct graphics

DIRNAME field in class viswidpovray
DIST field in class IDLGRSRCDEST
distributed keyword in routine vis_povray in file vis_povray.pro

set to use mpiDL

dividers keyword in routine vis_scaleimage in file vis_scaleimage.pro

divider values in the scale of the input image

divisions keyword in routine vis_colorbar in file vis_colorbar.pro

number of tick intervals along the length of the colorbar; there will be one more tick mark

dot keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

set to produce a dot symbol

duration keyword in routine visgranimator::init in file visgranimator__define.pro

the duration of the animator in seconds; defaults to 1.0 second

duration property in class vis_timer

time in seconds between timer going off

duration keyword in routine visgranimator::setProperty in file visgranimator__define.pro

the duration of the animator in seconds; defaults to 1.0 second

duration field in class vis_timer

time in seconds until timer goes off

duration keyword in routine visgranimator::getProperty in file visgranimator__define.pro

the duration of the animator in seconds; defaults to 1.0 second

duration field in class visgranimator

the duration of the animator in seconds; defaults to 1.0 second

duration property in class visgranimator

the duration of the animator in seconds; defaults to 1.0 second

duration keyword in routine vis_timer::init in file vis_timer__define.pro

time in seconds between timer going off

duration keyword in routine vis_timer::setProperty in file vis_timer__define.pro

time in seconds between timer going off

duration keyword in routine vis_timer::getProperty in file vis_timer__define.pro

time in seconds between timer going off

duration keyword in routine visgrsequenceanimator::getProperty in file visgrsequenceanimator__define.pro

duration of the animator

duration property in class visgrsequenceanimator

duration of the animator

duration keyword in routine visgrparallelanimator::getProperty in file visgrparallelanimator__define.pro

duration of the animator

duration property in class visgrparallelanimator

duration of the animator


easing keyword in routine visgranimator::getProperty in file visgranimator__define.pro

easing object to use for transitions; defaults to a linear easing

easing property in class visgranimator

easing object to use for transitions; defaults to a linear easing

easing field in class visgranimator

easing object to use for transitions; defaults to a linear easing

easing parameter in routine vis_checkeasing in file vis_checkeasing.pro

classname of VISgrEasing subclass to check

easing keyword in routine visgranimator::setProperty in file visgranimator__define.pro

easing object to use for transitions; defaults to a linear easing

easing keyword in routine visgranimator::init in file visgranimator__define.pro

easing object to use for transitions; defaults to a linear easing

elevation parameter in routine vis_relief in file vis_relief.pro

elevations to make relief for

em keyword in routine visgrsvg::setProperty in file visgrsvg__define.pro
em property in class visgrsvg
end_date property in class vis_timelineinterval
end_date property in class vis_timeline
end_title keyword in routine vis_slopegraph in file vis_slopegraph.pro

title over column of ending values

ENDDATE field in class vis_timeline
ENDDATE field in class vis_timelineinterval
endpoint_color keyword in routine vis_sparkline in file vis_sparkline.pro

color of the endpoint of the plot

endPos parameter in routine visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::sum in file visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
endPos parameter in routine visgrabstracttreemaplayout__totalSize in file visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define.pro
endPos parameter in routine visgrabstracttreemaplayout__sliceLayout in file visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define.pro
endPos parameter in routine visgrslicetreemaplayout__layoutBest in file visgrslicetreemaplayout__define.pro
endPos parameter in routine visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::layout in file visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
endValues parameter in routine vis_slopegraph in file vis_slopegraph.pro

ending values of the items in the same order as names

evaluate keyword in routine vis_streplace in file vis_streplace.pro

set to evaluate the "replacement" as a IDL expression instead of just a string.

event parameter in routine vis_timer_event in file vis_timer__define.pro

timer event

events property in class vis_timeline
EVENTS field in class vis_timeline
ex property in class visgrsvg
ex keyword in routine visgrsvg::setProperty in file visgrsvg__define.pro
EYE field in class IDLGRVIEW
eye_eccentricity property in class visgrchernoffface
eye_eccentricity keyword in routine visgrchernoffface::init in file visgrchernoffface__define.pro

shape of eyes, range: 0 (round) - 1 (oval)

eye_separation keyword in routine visgr3dconverter::setProperty in file visgr3dconverter__define.pro

number of degrees of the cone formed by drawing lines from each eye to the origin

eye_separation property in class visgr3dconverter

number of degrees of the cone formed by drawing lines from each eye to the origin

eye_separation property in class visgrwindow3d

number of degrees of the cone formed by drawing lines from each eye to the origin of the view

eye_separation keyword in routine visgrwindow3d::getProperty in file visgrwindow3d__define.pro

number of degrees of the cone formed by drawing lines from each eye to the origin of the view

eye_separation keyword in routine visgrwindow3d::setProperty in file visgrwindow3d__define.pro

number of degrees of the cone formed by drawing lines from each eye to the origin of the view

eye_separation keyword in routine visgrwindow3d::init in file visgrwindow3d__define.pro

number of degrees of the cone formed by drawing lines from each eye to the origin of the view

eye_separation keyword in routine visgr3dconverter::getProperty in file visgr3dconverter__define.pro

number of degrees of the cone formed by drawing lines from each eye to the origin

eye_separation keyword in routine visgr3dconverter::init in file visgr3dconverter__define.pro

number of degrees of the cone formed by drawing lines from each eye to the origin

eye_size keyword in routine visgrchernoffface::init in file visgrchernoffface__define.pro

size of eyes, range: 0 (small) - 1 (large)

eye_size property in class visgrchernoffface
eye_spacing property in class visgrchernoffface
eye_spacing keyword in routine visgrchernoffface::init in file visgrchernoffface__define.pro

space between eyes, range: 0 (close) - 1 (far apart)

eyebrow_slant property in class visgrchernoffface
eyebrow_slant keyword in routine visgrchernoffface::init in file visgrchernoffface__define.pro

slant of eyebrows, range: 0 (raised on outside) - 1 (raised on inside)

eyebrowSlant field in class visgrchernoffface

slant of eyebrows, range: 0 (raised on outside) - 1 (raised on inside)

eyeEccentricity field in class visgrchernoffface

shape of eyes, range: 0 (round) - 1 (oval)

eyeSeparation field in class visgr3dconverter

number of degrees of the cone formed by drawing lines from each eye to the origin

eyeSize field in class visgrchernoffface

size of eyes, range: 0 (small) - 1 (large)

eyeSpacing field in class visgrchernoffface

space between eyes, range: 0 (close) - 1 (far apart)


factor keyword in routine vis_polyline_simplify in file vis_polyline_simplify.pro

Set this keyword instead of tolerance to scale the automatic tolerance.

file keyword in routine vis_xloadct in file vis_xloadct.pro

filename of color table file; this is present to make VIS_XLOADCT completely implement XLOADCT's interface, it would normally not be used

file keyword in routine visgrpalette::loadCT in file visgrpalette__define.pro

filename of color table file; this is present to make VISgrPalette completely implement IDLgrPalette's interface, it would normally not be used

file keyword in routine vis_loadct in file vis_loadct.pro

filename of color table file; this is present to make VIS_LOADCT completely implement LOADCT's interface, it would normally not be used

file_prefix property in class visgrpovray

prefix to add to all output files; final result will be: file_prefix + '.png'

file_prefix keyword in routine visgrpovray::getProperty in file visgrpovray__define.pro

prefix to add to all output files; final result will be: file_prefix + '.png'

file_prefix keyword in routine visgrpovraywindow::init in file visgrpovraywindow__define.pro
file_prefix property in class visgrpovraywindow
file_prefix keyword in routine visgrpovray::setProperty in file visgrpovray__define.pro

prefix to add to all output files; final result will be: file_prefix + '.png'

file_prefix keyword in routine visgrpovray::init in file visgrpovray__define.pro

prefix to add to all output files; final result will be: file_prefix + '.png'

file_type property in class mgffserialvtk
file_type keyword in routine mgffserialvtk::getProperty in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro

either ASCII or BINARY

filename parameter in routine vis_sparkdichotomous in file vis_sparkdichotomous.pro

filename of PNG file to write

filename parameter in routine vis_sparkline in file vis_sparkline.pro

filename of PNG file to write

filename parameter in routine vis_graph2dot in file vis_graph2dot.pro

filename of .dot file to write

filename keyword in routine visgrx3dom::setProperty in file visgrx3dom__define.pro

filename to send output to

filename keyword in routine visgrx3dom::getProperty in file visgrx3dom__define.pro

filename to send output to

filename field in class visgrx3dom

filename to send output to

filename property in class visgrx3dom

filename to send output to

filename parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::init in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro

filename of VTK serial data file

filename parameter in routine vis_psinfo in file vis_psinfo.pro

.ps or .eps file to examine/change attributes of

filename parameter in routine vis_psfrag in file vis_psfrag.pro

filename of PS or EPS file to substitue text in

filename parameter in routine vis_convert_read_image in file vis_convert.pro

filename of file to read

filename parameter in routine vis_cpt2ct in file vis_cpt2ct.pro

filename of GMT color table file, i.e., .cpt file; if filename is not found then assumed to be in the cpt-city catalog

filename parameter in routine vis_create_ctfile in file vis_create_ctfile.pro

filename for new color table file

filename parameter in routine vis_dot2graph in file vis_dot2graph.pro

filename of .dot file to read

filename parameter in routine vis_timeline in file vis_timeline.pro

input XML file

filename property in class visgrimagefile

filename to send output to

filename field in class visgrimagefile

filename of output file

filename keyword in routine visgrimagefile::getProperty in file visgrimagefile__define.pro

filename to send output to

filename keyword in routine visgrimagefile::setProperty in file visgrimagefile__define.pro

filename to send output to

filename keyword in routine visgrimagefile::init in file visgrimagefile__define.pro

filename to send output to

filename property in class visgrsvg

filename of file to write to

FILENAME field in class visgrsvg
filename keyword in routine visgrsvg::setProperty in file visgrsvg__define.pro

filename of file to write to

filename keyword in routine visgrsvg::getProperty in file visgrsvg__define.pro

filename of file to write to

filePrefix field in class visgrpovray

prefix for filename in output

fill keyword in routine vis_stepchart_plotflats in file vis_stepchart.pro

set to fill under the plot

fill keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

set to fill inside the symbol

fill keyword in routine vis_stepchart in file vis_stepchart.pro

set to fill under the plot

FINISH field in class visgrpovraytubes
finish keyword in routine visgrpovraypolygon::getProperty in file visgrpovraypolygon__define.pro

IDLgrPOVRayFinish attribute object for the polygon

finish keyword in routine visgrpovraypolygon::init in file visgrpovraypolygon__define.pro

IDLgrPOVRayFinish attribute object for the polygon

finish keyword in routine visgrpovraytubes::init in file visgrpovraytubes__define.pro
finish keyword in routine visgrpovraytubes::setProperty in file visgrpovraytubes__define.pro
finish property in class visgrpovraytubes
finish keyword in routine visgrpovraytubes::getProperty in file visgrpovraytubes__define.pro
finish property in class visgrpovraypolygon

IDLgrPOVRayFinish attribute object for the polygon

finish field in class visgrpovraypolygon

finish attribute object

finish keyword in routine visgrpovraypolygon::setProperty in file visgrpovraypolygon__define.pro

IDLgrPOVRayFinish attribute object for the polygon

finish_name keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::setProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

name of a finish in finish.inc

finish_name keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::init in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

name of a finish in finish.inc

finish_name property in class visgrpovrayfinish

name of a finish in finish.inc

finish_name keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::getProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

name of a finish in finish.inc

finishName field in class visgrpovrayfinish

name of finish in finish.inc

flow/ directory

routines for visualization of vector fields

focal_point keyword in routine visgrpovrayview::setProperty in file visgrpovrayview__define.pro

point which the camera focuses in view coordinates (not data coordinates)

focal_point property in class visgrpovrayview

point which the camera focuses in view coordinates (not data coordinates)

focal_point keyword in routine visgrpovrayview::getProperty in file visgrpovrayview__define.pro

point which the camera focuses in view coordinates (not data coordinates)

focal_point keyword in routine visgrpovrayview::init in file visgrpovrayview__define.pro

point which the camera focuses in view coordinates (not data coordinates)

FOCALPOINT field in class visgrpovrayview
focalPoint field in class visgrpovray

focus point of the camera to use to render a scene using focal blur

FOCUS field in class IDLGRLIGHT
fold_case keyword in routine vis_streplace in file vis_streplace.pro

set to make a case insensitive match with "pattern"

font keyword in routine vis_strwrap in file vis_strwrap.pro

FONT keyword to XYOUTS

font keyword in routine vis_tex2idl in file vis_tex2idl.pro

set to -1 to translate for vector fonts, 0 for hardware fonts

format keyword in routine visgrimagedestination::getProperty in file visgrimagedestination__define.pro

image format: bmp, gif, jpeg, png, ppm, srf, tiff

format property in class visgrimagedestination

image format: bmp, gif, jpeg, png, ppm, srf, tiff

format keyword in routine visgrimagedestination::init in file visgrimagedestination__define.pro

image format: bmp, gif, jpeg, png, ppm, srf, tiff

format keyword in routine vis_povray in file vis_povray.pro

output format: 'targus' or 'png'

format field in class visgrimagedestination

format to output images: bmp, gif, jpeg, png, ppm, srf, tiff

format keyword in routine visgrimagedestination::setProperty in file visgrimagedestination__define.pro

image format: bmp, gif, jpeg, png, ppm, srf, tiff

format parameter in routine vis_temp_filename in file vis_temp_filename.pro

C-style format string to specify the base filename; should include one %s to be filled in by a time stamp

frame keyword in routine vis_legend in file vis_legend.pro

set to put a frame around the legend

frame_format property in class visgrimagedestination

format code used for including frame number in output filenames

frame_format keyword in routine visgrimagedestination::init in file visgrimagedestination__define.pro

format code used for including frame number in output filenames

frame_format keyword in routine visgrimagedestination::getProperty in file visgrimagedestination__define.pro

format code used for including frame number in output filenames

frame_format keyword in routine visgrimagedestination::setProperty in file visgrimagedestination__define.pro

format code used for including frame number in output filenames

frame_rate property in class visgranimation

number of frames per second

frameFormat field in class visgrimagedestination

format code for printing current frame number in output filename

FRAMERATE field in class visgranimation
from_eps keyword in routine vis_convert in file vis_convert.pro

if set, indicates the input is a Encapsulated PostScript file

from_extension keyword in routine vis_convert in file vis_convert.pro

extension to use for input file

from_png keyword in routine vis_convert in file vis_convert.pro

if set, indicates the input is a PNG file

from_ps keyword in routine vis_convert in file vis_convert.pro

if set, indicates the input is a PostScript file

full_html keyword in routine visgrx3dom::draw in file visgrx3dom__define.pro

set to write an entire HTML file instead of just the w3dom content

full_size keyword in routine vis_povray in file vis_povray.pro

full size of the output image; used when DISTRIBUTED is set


g parameter in routine vis_encode_png in file vis_encode_png.pro

the green component of any colors in a associated color table

g parameter in routine vis_decode_png in file vis_decode_png.pro

set to a named variable to get the green component of any colors in a associated color table

gap keyword in routine vis_legend in file vis_legend.pro

size of gap between item symbol/line and item name

geometry/ directory

routines for manipulating polygons and other geometric structures

gist keyword in routine visgrpalette::loadCT in file visgrpalette__define.pro

set to use the Gist/Yorick color tables

gist keyword in routine vis_loadct in file vis_loadct.pro

set to use the Gist/Yorick color tables

gist keyword in routine vis_xloadct in file vis_xloadct.pro

set to use the Gist/Yorick color tables

global keyword in routine vis_streplace in file vis_streplace.pro

set to replace all expressions that match

gmt keyword in routine visgrpalette::loadCT in file visgrpalette__define.pro

set to use the GMT color tables

gmt keyword in routine vis_loadct in file vis_loadct.pro

set to use the GMT color tables

gmt keyword in routine vis_xloadct in file vis_xloadct.pro

set to use the GMT color tables

googlechart/ directory

IDL interface to Google Charts API

graph parameter in routine vis_graph_layout in file vis_graph_layout.pro

IDL_Container containing the nodes of the graph; each node should have two properties: VIS_NODE_NAME (string) and VIS_NODE_CHILDREN (array object references to other nodes or -1L if no children)

graph property in class vis_timelineactivity
GRAPH field in class vis_timelineactivity
graph parameter in routine vis_graph2dot in file vis_graph2dot.pro

IDL_Container of objects with CHILDREN and NAME properties

graph_class keyword in routine vis_dot2graph in file vis_dot2graph.pro

classname for graph class

graphics_tree property in class visgranimation

root of object graphics hierarchy to render

graphics_tree keyword in routine visgranimation::init in file visgranimation__define.pro

root of object graphics hierarchy to render

graphics_tree property in class visgrsvg

default picture to draw

graphics_tree keyword in routine visgrsvg::setProperty in file visgrsvg__define.pro

default picture to draw

graphics_tree keyword in routine visgrsvg::getProperty in file visgrsvg__define.pro

default picture to draw

graphics_tree property in class visgrpovray

graphics tree to render if none is provided to draw method

graphics_tree keyword in routine visgrpovray::init in file visgrpovray__define.pro

graphics tree to tree if none is provided to draw method

graphics_tree property in class visgrx3dom

graphics hierarchy to draw by default

graphics_tree field in class visgrx3dom

graphics hierarchy to draw by default

graphics_tree keyword in routine visgrx3dom::getProperty in file visgrx3dom__define.pro

graphics hierarchy to draw by default

graphics_tree keyword in routine visgrx3dom::setProperty in file visgrx3dom__define.pro

graphics hierarchy to draw by default

graphicsTree field in class visgranimation

root of object graphics hierarchy to render

graphicsTree field in class visgrsvg

graphics tree to tree if none is provided to draw method

graphicsTree field in class visgrpovray

graphics tree to tree if none is provided to draw method

graphs.idldoc .idldoc file in graphs/ directory

Graphs are specified by a collection of nodes with some particular properties.

graphs/ directory

routines for visualization of trees and graphs

green keyword in routine vis_read in file vis_read.pro

green values for the color table produced if TRUE was set to 0 on a graphics device supporting 24-bit color

green keyword in routine vis_colorbar in file vis_colorbar.pro

green values of the color table to display; uses the current color table if GREEN is not present

green keyword in routine vis_maketrue in file vis_maketrue.pro

green values of color table to use when converting to a TRUE=1-3 image, defaults to current color table in this case; green values produced in a conversion to a TRUE=0 image

grid keyword in routine vis_vel_streamlines in file vis_vel.pro

set to jitter a regular grid of starting points instead of choosing completely random starting points

grid keyword in routine vis_vel in file vis_vel.pro

set to jitter a regular grid of starting points instead of choosing completely random starting points

grid_size keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::setProperty in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

two-element array which is the size of the grid

grid_size property in class visgrpovraygrid

two-element array which is the size of the grid

grid_size keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::init in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

two-element array which is the size of the grid

grid_size keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::getProperty in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

two-element array which is the size of the grid

gridline_color keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::init in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

color of grid lines as an RGB triplet

gridline_color property in class visgrpovraygrid

color of grid lines as an RGB triplet

gridline_color keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::getProperty in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

color of grid lines as an RGB triplet

gridline_color keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::setProperty in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

color of grid lines as an RGB triplet

gridline_shift keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::getProperty in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

amount to shift the grid lines

gridline_shift keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::init in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

amount to shift the grid lines

gridline_shift property in class visgrpovraygrid

amount to shift the grid lines

gridline_shift keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::setProperty in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

amount to shift the grid lines

gridline_thick keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::init in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

thickness of grid lines, 1.0 is the width of the grid cell

gridline_thick keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::setProperty in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

thickness of grid lines, 1.0 is the width of the grid cell

gridline_thick keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::getProperty in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

thickness of grid lines, 1.0 is the width of the grid cell

gridline_thick property in class visgrpovraygrid

thickness of grid lines, 1.0 is the width of the grid cell

gridLineColor field in class visgrpovraygrid

1 if open ended cylinders, 0 if closed

gridLineShift field in class visgrpovraygrid

amount to shift the grid in all three directions

gridLineThick field in class visgrpovraygrid

thickness of grid lines as a fraction of grid size

gridSize field in class visgrpovraygrid

size of grid spacing

group_spacing keyword in routine vis_gc_barchart in file vis_gc_barchart.pro


hasIrid field in class visgrpovrayfinish

set if any iridescense property has been set

hasLight field in class visgrpovray

boolean indicating if the view has a light source in it (so that the default light source is not needed)

HAVELINE field in class mgffserialvtk
head_eccentricity property in class visgrchernoffface
head_eccentricity keyword in routine visgrchernoffface::init in file visgrchernoffface__define.pro

length of nose, range: 0 (small) - 1 (large)

headEccentricity field in class visgrchernoffface

shape of head, range: 0 (round) - 1 (oval)

header property in class mgffserialvtk
HEADER field in class mgffserialvtk
header keyword in routine mgffserialvtk::getProperty in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro

comments about file

HEIGHT field in class visgrrect
height keyword in routine visgrrect::init in file visgrrect__define.pro
height keyword in routine visgrrect::getProperty in file visgrrect__define.pro
height property in class visgrrect
height keyword in routine visgrrect::setProperty in file visgrrect__define.pro
height_axis keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::getProperty in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

vector representing height of area light

height_axis property in class visgrpovraylight

vector representing height of area light

height_axis keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::setProperty in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

vector representing height of area light

height_axis keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::init in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

vector representing height of area light

heightAxis field in class visgrpovraylight

vector representing height of area light

hex keyword in routine vis_index2rgb in file vis_index2rgb.pro

set to return a string instead of a bytarr(3); string formatted according to HTML/CSS conventions: #RRGGBB

hexagon keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

set to produce a hexagonal user symbol

hires_bounding_box keyword in routine vis_psinfo in file vis_psinfo.pro

if passed an undefined name variable, returns the hires bounding box for the file; if defined, sets the bounding box to the value

histogram keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

set to use histogram mode

horizontal keyword in routine vis_gc_barchart in file vis_gc_barchart.pro

set to create horizontal vars

horizontal keyword in routine vis_colorbar in file vis_colorbar.pro

set to display a horizontal colorbar; either VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL must be set

horizontal_line keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

set to produce a horizontal line user symbol



identifier keyword in routine vis_window in file vis_window.pro

set to a named variable to get the window identifier if the current device is WIN or X

im parameter in routine vis_scaleimage in file vis_scaleimage.pro

input image (single band)

im parameter in routine vis_encode_png in file vis_encode_png.pro

2- or 3-dimensional image

im parameter in routine vis_image in file vis_image.pro

image array

im parameter in routine vis_image_flip in file vis_image_flip.pro

2D or 3D image of any interleave

im parameter in routine vis_image_getsize in file vis_image_getsize.pro

image array of the form (m, n), (3, m, n), (m, 3, n), or (m, n, 3)

im parameter in routine vis_image_resize in file vis_image_resize.pro

input image array; if the image has multiple bands, use the TRUE keyword to specify which dimension contains the channels

im parameter in routine vis_maketrue in file vis_maketrue.pro

2- or 3-dimensional image array to convert

im1 parameter in routine vis_blend in file vis_blend.pro

first image to blend

im2 parameter in routine vis_blend in file vis_blend.pro

second image to blend; must have the same xsize and ysize as im1, but may have a different number of bands

image parameter in routine visgrsvg::_handleImage in file visgrsvg__define.pro

IDLgrImage object graphics element

image keyword in routine vis_psbegin in file vis_psbegin.pro

set to configure PostScript with a few defaults specific to converting the PostScript output to an image format later

image field in class visgr3dconverter

IDLgrImage actually being displayed

images/ directory

routines for display of images

in_range parameter in routine vis_linear_function in file vis_linear_function.pro

input range

inches keyword in routine visgrsvg::setProperty in file visgrsvg__define.pro
inches keyword in routine vis_window in file vis_window.pro

set to specify the XSIZE, YSIZE, XPOS, and YPOS in inches

inches property in class visgrsvg
inches keyword in routine vis_psfrag in file vis_psfrag.pro

set to specify sizes in inches instead of centimeters

indent keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handleImage in file visgrsvg__define.pro

string to prefix each line of output by

indent keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handleScene in file visgrsvg__define.pro

string to prefix each line of output by

indent keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handleViewgroup in file visgrsvg__define.pro

string to prefix each line of output by

indent keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handleView in file visgrsvg__define.pro

string to prefix each line of output by

indent keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handleModel in file visgrsvg__define.pro

string to prefix each line of output by

indent keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handlePolyline in file visgrsvg__define.pro

string to prefix each line of output by

indent keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handlePolygon in file visgrsvg__define.pro

string to prefix each line of output by

indent keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handleText in file visgrsvg__define.pro

string to prefix each line of output by

indent keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handlePlot in file visgrsvg__define.pro

string to prefix each line of output by

indent keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handleAxis in file visgrsvg__define.pro

string to prefix each line of output by

indent keyword in routine visgrsvg::_traverse in file visgrsvg__define.pro

string to prefix each line of output by

indent property in class visgrx3dom

string to indent lines in the output by; default is to use two spaces

indent field in class visgrx3dom

string to indent lines in the output by

indent keyword in routine visgrx3dom::getProperty in file visgrx3dom__define.pro

string to indent lines in the output by; default is to use two spaces

indent keyword in routine visgrx3dom::setProperty in file visgrx3dom__define.pro

string to indent lines in the output by; default is to use two spaces

INDEX field in class IDLGRWINDOW
index keyword in routine vis_color in file vis_color.pro

set to return a long integer with the RGB decomposed into it

index parameter in routine vis_window in file vis_window.pro

indices parameter in routine vis_index2rgb in file vis_index2rgb.pro

indices representing either a color or n colors

input parameter in routine vis_matchdelim in file vis_tex2idl.pro

input string to search

input parameter in routine vis_convert_fraction in file vis_tex2idl.pro

input string to process

input parameter in routine vis_convert_subsuper in file vis_tex2idl.pro

input string to process

input parameter in routine vis_strcnt in file vis_tex2idl.pro

string to search

input parameter in routine vis_tex2idl in file vis_tex2idl.pro

input TeX string or strarr

input_true keyword in routine vis_maketrue in file vis_maketrue.pro

interleave of input image: 0, 1, 2, or 3; VIS_MAKETRUE will guess depending on dimensions and location of first dimension of size 3 in the input image; returns the value it guessed

INSIDEACTIVITY field in class vis_timeline
INSIDEEVENT field in class vis_timeline
INTERVALS field in class vis_timeline
intervals property in class vis_timeline
irid_amount keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::init in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

amount of contribution of iridescence to overall surface color, usually 0.1 to 0.5 is sufficient; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.35

irid_amount keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::getProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

amount of contribution of iridescence to overall surface color, usually 0.1 to 0.5 is sufficient; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.35

irid_amount property in class visgrpovrayfinish

amount of contribution of iridescence to overall surface color, usually 0.1 to 0.5 is sufficient; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.35

irid_amount keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::setProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

amount of contribution of iridescence to overall surface color, usually 0.1 to 0.5 is sufficient; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.35

irid_thickness property in class visgrpovrayfinish

thickness affects busyness of the iridescence, 0.25 to 1.0 yields best results; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.5

irid_thickness keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::setProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

thickness affects busyness of the iridescence, 0.25 to 1.0 yields best results; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.5

irid_thickness keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::getProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

thickness affects busyness of the iridescence, 0.25 to 1.0 yields best results; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.5

irid_thickness keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::init in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

thickness affects busyness of the iridescence, 0.25 to 1.0 yields best results; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.5

irid_turbulence keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::init in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

slightly difference way to affect thickness, 0.25 to 1.0 work best; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.5

irid_turbulence keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::getProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

slightly difference way to affect thickness, 0.25 to 1.0 work best; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.5

irid_turbulence keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::setProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

slightly difference way to affect thickness, 0.25 to 1.0 work best; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.5

irid_turbulence property in class visgrpovrayfinish

slightly difference way to affect thickness, 0.25 to 1.0 work best; iridescence is not used by default, but if any iridescence property is set it is used; default value is 0.5

iridAmount field in class visgrpovrayfinish

amount of iridescense

iridThickness field in class visgrpovrayfinish

amount of busyness of iridescense

iridTurbulence field in class visgrpovrayfinish

another way to affect thicness of iridescense

item_color keyword in routine vis_legend in file vis_legend.pro

color of each line/symbol for each item in the legend

item_linestyle keyword in routine vis_legend in file vis_legend.pro

linestyle of the line segment for each item in the legend

item_name keyword in routine vis_legend in file vis_legend.pro

name of each item in the legend

item_psym keyword in routine vis_legend in file vis_legend.pro

symbol to use for each item in the legend

item_symsize keyword in routine vis_legend in file vis_legend.pro

size of each symbol in the legend

item_thick keyword in routine vis_legend in file vis_legend.pro

thickness of each line segment in the legend

items parameter in routine vis_treemap in file vis_treemap.pro
items field in class visgrsimpletreemapmodel

IDL_Container of TreemapItems

items keyword in routine visgrsimpletreemapmodel::getProperty in file visgrsimpletreemapmodel__define.pro
items property in class visgrsimpletreemapmodel
items keyword in routine visgrsimpletreemapmodel::setProperty in file visgrsimpletreemapmodel__define.pro
items keyword in routine visgrsimpletreemapmodel::init in file visgrsimpletreemapmodel__define.pro
items parameter in routine visgrslicetreemaplayout__layoutBest in file visgrslicetreemaplayout__define.pro
items parameter in routine visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::layout in file visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
items parameter in routine visgrabstracttreemaplayout::sortDescending in file visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define.pro
items parameter in routine visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::sum in file visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
items parameter in routine visgrabstracttreemaplayout__sliceLayout in file visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define.pro
items parameter in routine visgrabstracttreemaplayout__totalSize in file visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define.pro


j parameter in routine vis_polyline_simplify_dp in file vis_polyline_simplify.pro

starting index fo subchain

jitter keyword in routine vis_vel in file vis_vel.pro

amount to jitter elements in the grid; as a fraction of the distance between grid elements

jitter keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::init in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

set to use jitter

jitter keyword in routine vis_vel_streamlines in file vis_vel.pro

amount to jitter elements in the grid; as a fraction of the distance between grid elements

jitter property in class visgrpovraylight

set to use jitter

jitter field in class visgrpovraylight

set to jitter lights

jitter keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::getProperty in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

set to use jitter

jitter keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::setProperty in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

set to use jitter

just_url keyword in routine vis_gc_base in file vis_gc_base.pro


k parameter in routine vis_polyline_simplify_dp in file vis_polyline_simplify.pro

ending index fo subchain

keep_files keyword in routine visgrpovraywindow::init in file visgrpovraywindow__define.pro
keep_files property in class visgrpovraywindow
keepFiles field in class visgrpovraywindow

keeps output files if set

KEYWORDS keyword in routine VIS_LIC in file vis_flow.dlm


l64 keyword in routine vis_hist_nd in file vis_hist_nd.pro

set to return long64 results

label keyword in routine vis_gc_base in file vis_gc_base.pro

chart labels (depending on type)

label keyword in routine vis_gc_piechart in file vis_gc_piechart.pro

labels for pie slices

label keyword in routine vis_gc_barchart in file vis_gc_barchart.pro

labels for pie slices

labels_on_right keyword in routine vis_colorbar in file vis_colorbar.pro

set to place axis labels on the right instead of the left on vertical colorbars

labels_on_top keyword in routine vis_colorbar in file vis_colorbar.pro

set to place axis labels on the top instead of the bottom on horizontal colorbars

legend_labels keyword in routine vis_gc_venn in file vis_gc_venn.pro

string array of labels for sets

legend_labels keyword in routine vis_gc_base in file vis_gc_base.pro

string array of labels for sets

legend_position keyword in routine vis_gc_venn in file vis_gc_venn.pro

position of legend: t (top), b (bottom), r (right), or l (left)

legend_position keyword in routine vis_gc_base in file vis_gc_base.pro

position of legend: t (top), b (bottom), r (right), or l (left)

length keyword in routine vis_vel in file vis_vel.pro

the length of each arrow line segment expressed as a fraction of the longest vector divided by the number of steps

length keyword in routine vis_temp_filename in file vis_temp_filename.pro

number of characters in the time stamp, will be increased to fit the n_decimals specified

length keyword in routine vis_vel_streamlines in file vis_vel.pro

scaling factor for the length of the streamlines

LEVEL field in class vis_timelineinterval
LEVEL field in class vis_timelineactivity
level property in class vis_timelineactivity
level property in class vis_timelineinterval
LEVEL field in class vis_timelineevent
level property in class vis_timelineevent
level keyword in routine vis_subsuper in file vis_tex2idl.pro

set to subscript/superscript level to get appropriate format code

level keyword in routine vis_convert_subsuper in file vis_tex2idl.pro

set to subscript/superscipt level to indicate which format code is used to format it (and hence !E and !I are used instead of !U and !D)

levels keyword in routine vis_contour in file vis_contour.pro

values for isocline levels; specified values are used if present, set to a named variable to output the used levels if not

LINE field in class mgffserialvtk
line parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::putBackLine in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
line_color keyword in routine vis_boxplot in file vis_boxplot.pro

overrides COLOR for the color of the line through the second and third quartiles

line_color keyword in routine vis_slopegraph in file vis_slopegraph.pro

color of lines

line_height keyword in routine vis_legend in file vis_legend.pro

height of a line of text in data coordinates i.e.

line_length keyword in routine vis_legend in file vis_legend.pro

length of item line segment

lineHeight parameter in routine vis_slopegraph_spread in file vis_slopegraph.pro

height of a line of text in data coordinates (baseline to baseline)

lineplots/ directory

routines for creating various types of line plots

linestyle keyword in routine vis_parallel_coords in file vis_parallel_coords.pro

array of linestyle values for the various data elements, if less than n elements are specified will cycle through the values

location field in class visgrpovray

location of the camera i.e.

location keyword in routine vis_window in file vis_window.pro

alternative to XPOS and YPOS

location keyword in routine vis_textbackground in file vis_textbackground.pro

lower-left location of box to draw; default depends on the coordinate system, uses ![xy].crange in data coordinates, [0, 0] in device coordinates, [0., 1] in normal coordinates

log keyword in routine vis_colorlic in file vis_colorlic.pro
look_at field in class visgrpovray

location the camera is pointed at in POV-Ray (IDL is always the origin)

lun keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handleScene in file visgrsvg__define.pro

logical unit number of file to write output to

lun field in class visgrx3dom

logical unit number to write to

lun keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handleViewgroup in file visgrsvg__define.pro

logical unit number of file to write output to

lun keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handleModel in file visgrsvg__define.pro

logical unit number of file to write output to

LUN field in class mgffserialvtk
lun keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handleView in file visgrsvg__define.pro

logical unit number of file to write output to

lun keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handlePolyline in file visgrsvg__define.pro

logical unit number of file to write output to

lun keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handlePolygon in file visgrsvg__define.pro

logical unit number of file to write output to

lun keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handleText in file visgrsvg__define.pro

logical unit number of file to write output to

lun keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handleImage in file visgrsvg__define.pro

logical unit number of file to write output to

lun keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handleAxis in file visgrsvg__define.pro

logical unit number of file to write output to

lun keyword in routine visgrsvg::_handlePlot in file visgrsvg__define.pro

logical unit number of file to write output to

lun keyword in routine visgrsvg::_traverse in file visgrsvg__define.pro

logical unit number of file to write output to


m parameter in routine vis_pinknoise in file vis_pinknoise.pro

size of first dimension

map field in class visdgvars

saved !map system variable

mark_now property in class vis_timeline
MARKNOW field in class vis_timeline
max_dimensions keyword in routine vis_convert in file vis_convert.pro

maximum dimensions for the output image in pixels

max_thick keyword in routine vis_vel in file vis_vel.pro

maximum thickness to use for streamlines; ignored if THICK keyword is present

maximum keyword in routine vis_hist_nd in file vis_hist_nd.pro

set to either a scalar value to use for the maximum of each dimension or a vector of values; if not specified, will use the natural maximum in each dimension

maximum keyword in routine vis_horizon in file vis_horizon.pro

maximum value to use when dividing range into bands

metallic field in class visgrpovrayfinish

set if metallic

metallic keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::init in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

set to give the surface a more metallic appearance; default value is not metallic

metallic keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::setProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

set to give the surface a more metallic appearance; default value is not metallic

metallic keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::getProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

set to give the surface a more metallic appearance; default value is not metallic

metallic property in class visgrpovrayfinish

set to give the surface a more metallic appearance; default value is not metallic

mgffserialvtk class
mgffserialvtk::cleanup routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro

Free resources of object.

mgffserialvtk::convertVtkTypeToIdlType routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro

Converts a VTK type into an IDL type code.

mgffserialvtk::getData routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro

Reads any already dimensioned variable.

mgffserialvtk::getLine routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro
mgffserialvtk::getProperty routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro

Get properties of the object.

mgffserialvtk::init routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro

Initialize object.

mgffserialvtk::putBackLine routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro
mgffserialvtk::read routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro
mgffserialvtk::readCellData routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro
mgffserialvtk::readConnectivityListSection routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro

Reads connectivity list section and returns the connectivity list.

mgffserialvtk::readDataset routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro
mgffserialvtk::readHeader routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro

Read version line, header line, and file format line.

mgffserialvtk::readNormalsAttribute routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro
mgffserialvtk::readPointData routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro
mgffserialvtk::readPointsSection routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro

Reads a POINTS section and returns the points.

mgffserialvtk::readPolydataDataset routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro

Reads the sections of a POLYDATA dataset.

mgffserialvtk::readTextureCoordinatesAttribute routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro
mgffserialvtk::readTopLevelLine routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro
mgffserialvtk::readVectorsAttribute routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro
mgffserialvtk__define routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro

Define member variables for the class.

mgffserialvtk__define.pro .pro file in vtk/ directory
min_distance keyword in routine vis_force in file vis_force.pro

min distance that items need to be separated by

minimum keyword in routine vis_hist_nd in file vis_hist_nd.pro

set to either a scalar value to use for the minimum of each dimension or a vector of values; if not specified, will use the natural minimum in each dimension

minimum keyword in routine vis_horizon in file vis_horizon.pro

minimum value to use when dividing range into bands

misc/ directory

more in-depth examples of using vis library routines

mk parameter in routine vis_polyline_simplify_dp in file vis_polyline_simplify.pro

array of markers matching vertex array vertices

mm property in class visgrsvg
mm keyword in routine visgrsvg::setProperty in file visgrsvg__define.pro
model keyword in routine vis_xpovray in file vis_xpovray.pro

model to rotate, translate, and scale; if not specified, gets first model in the hierarchy

model parameter in routine visgrsvg::_handleModel in file visgrsvg__define.pro

IDLgrModel object graphics element

model parameter in routine visgrtreemaplayout::layout in file visgrtreemaplayout__define.pro
model parameter in routine visgrabstracttreemaplayout::layout in file visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define.pro
MODEL field in class viswidpovray
monitor_index parameter in routine vis_getscreendisplaysize in file vis_getscreendisplaysize.pro

index of monitor to return size of

mouth_shape keyword in routine visgrchernoffface::init in file visgrchernoffface__define.pro

shape of mouth, not implemented yet

mouth_shape property in class visgrchernoffface
mouth_size property in class visgrchernoffface
mouth_size keyword in routine visgrchernoffface::init in file visgrchernoffface__define.pro

size of mouth, range: 0 (small) - 1 (large)

mouthShape field in class visgrchernoffface

shape of mouth, not implemented yet

mouthSize field in class visgrchernoffface

size of mouth, range: 0 (small) - 1 (large)

mpl keyword in routine vis_loadct in file vis_loadct.pro

set to use the matplotlib color tables

mpl keyword in routine visgrpalette::loadCT in file visgrpalette__define.pro

set to use the matplotlib color tables

mpl keyword in routine vis_xloadct in file vis_xloadct.pro

set to use the matplotlib color tables


n field in class visgrbubble

number of points in the border of the bubble

n parameter in routine vis_pinknoise in file vis_pinknoise.pro

size of second dimension

n parameter in routine vis_bezier_binomial in file vis_bezier.pro

degree of binomial coefficients, 0, 1, 2, ...

n_channels keyword in routine vis_image_getsize in file vis_image_getsize.pro

set to a named variable to get the number of channels (or bands) for the image; will be 1, 2, 3, or 4

n_decimals keyword in routine vis_temp_filename in file vis_temp_filename.pro

number of decimal places to include in the time stamp, default is 3 i.e.

n_height_lights keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::setProperty in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

number of lights along height axis

n_height_lights property in class visgrpovraylight

number of lights along height axis

n_height_lights keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::getProperty in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

number of lights along height axis

n_height_lights keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::init in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

number of lights along height axis

n_points keyword in routine vis_spline in file vis_spline.pro

number of points in output

n_points keyword in routine vis_bezier in file vis_bezier.pro

number of points

n_procs keyword in routine vis_povray in file vis_povray.pro

number of processors to use when DISTRIBUTED is set

n_rounds keyword in routine vis_force in file vis_force.pro

number of times to run algorithm

n_vertices keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

number of vertices for a regular polygonal symbol

n_width_lights property in class visgrpovraylight

number of lights along width axis

n_width_lights keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::init in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

number of lights along width axis

n_width_lights keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::setProperty in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

number of lights along width axis

n_width_lights keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::getProperty in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

number of lights along width axis

NAME field in class vis_graph_democlass
NAME field in class IDLGRPALETTE
name property in class vis_timelineinterval
name keyword in routine vis_cpt2ct in file vis_cpt2ct.pro

color table name

NAME field in class vis_timelineinterval
name property in class vis_timelineactivity
NAME field in class vis_timelineactivity
NAME field in class visgrtreemaplayout
name keyword in routine visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::getProperty in file visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
name property in class visgrtreemaplayout
name keyword in routine visgrtreemaplayout::getProperty in file visgrtreemaplayout__define.pro
name keyword in routine vis_graph_democlass::setProperty in file vis_graph_democlass__define.pro
name property in class vis_graph_democlass
name property in class visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout
name keyword in routine vis_graph_democlass::getProperty in file vis_graph_democlass__define.pro
names keyword in routine vis_color in file vis_color.pro

set to return a string of color names

names parameter in routine vis_slopegraph in file vis_slopegraph.pro

names of the items in the comparison

nbands keyword in routine vis_horizon in file vis_horizon.pro

number of bands to break data into, must be even

nbins keyword in routine vis_hist_nd in file vis_hist_nd.pro

the number of bins to use; either an n element vector or a scalar to use for all dimensions; either BIN_SIZE or NBINS must be set

nCells parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::readCellData in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
ncolors keyword in routine vis_makect in file vis_makect.pro

number of colors in the color table to create

ncolors keyword in routine vis_colorbar in file vis_colorbar.pro

number of colors to place in the colorbar; ignored if COLORS is specified

new_window keyword in routine vis_image in file vis_image.pro

set to create a new window of the correct size as the image

NEXT field in class IDLGRWINDOW
nframes keyword in routine visgranimator::getProperty in file visgranimator__define.pro

the number of frames produces by the animator; defaults to 100 frames

nframes keyword in routine visgranimator::setProperty in file visgranimator__define.pro

the number of frames produces by the animator; defaults to 100 frames

nframes property in class visgranimator

the number of frames produces by the animator; defaults to 100 frames

nframes keyword in routine visgranimator::init in file visgranimator__define.pro

the number of frames produces by the animator; defaults to 100 frames

nframes property in class vis_timer

total number of times the timer should go off; defaults to 1

nframes keyword in routine vis_timer::getProperty in file vis_timer__define.pro

total number of times the timer should go off; defaults to 1

nframes keyword in routine vis_timer::init in file vis_timer__define.pro

total number of times the timer should go off; defaults to 1

nframes keyword in routine vis_timer::setProperty in file vis_timer__define.pro

total number of times the timer should go off; defaults to 1

nframes field in class vis_timer

total number of times the timer should go off

nframes field in class visgranimator

the number of frames produces by the animator; defaults to 100 frames

nHeightLights field in class visgrpovraylight

number of lights along the height axis

nItems parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::readConnectivityListSection in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro

the number of polygons

nlevels keyword in routine vis_contour in file vis_contour.pro

number of contour levels

NLIST field in class IDL_CONTAINER
no_data keyword in routine vis_image in file vis_image.pro

set to not diplay the image

no_scale keyword in routine vis_image in file vis_image.pro

set to not scale the image values into the display range

no_shadow keyword in routine visgrpovraypolygon::init in file visgrpovraypolygon__define.pro
no_shadow keyword in routine visgrpovraypolygon::getProperty in file visgrpovraypolygon__define.pro
no_shadow property in class visgrpovraypolygon
no_shadow keyword in routine visgrpovraypolygon::setProperty in file visgrpovraypolygon__define.pro
no_shadow keyword in routine visgrpovraytubes::getProperty in file visgrpovraytubes__define.pro
no_shadow property in class visgrpovraytubes
no_shadow keyword in routine visgrpovraytubes::setProperty in file visgrpovraytubes__define.pro
no_shadow keyword in routine visgrpovraytubes::init in file visgrpovraytubes__define.pro
nodata keyword in routine vis_parallel_coords in file vis_parallel_coords.pro

set to skip plotting data

nodata keyword in routine vis_ternaryplot in file vis_ternaryplot.pro

set to create a coordinate system without plotting any data

node parameter in routine vis_graph_democlass::addChild in file vis_graph_democlass__define.pro
node_class keyword in routine vis_dot2graph in file vis_dot2graph.pro

classname for nodes

none keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

set to produce no symbol

normal keyword in routine vis_textbackground in file vis_textbackground.pro

set to use normal coordinates for LOCATION and DIMENSIONS

nose_length property in class visgrchernoffface
nose_length keyword in routine visgrchernoffface::init in file visgrchernoffface__define.pro

size of nose, range: 0 (small) - 1 (large)

noseLength field in class visgrchernoffface

length of nose, range: 0 (small) - 1 (large)

NOSHADOW field in class visgrpovraytubes
NOSHADOW field in class visgrpovraypolygon
now_color property in class vis_timeline
NOWCOLOR field in class vis_timeline
nPoints parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::readTextureCoordinatesAttribute in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
nPoints parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::readPointData in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
nPoints parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::readNormalsAttribute in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
nPoints parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::readPointsSection in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro

number of points

nPoints parameter in routine readScalarsAttribute in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
nPoints parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::readVectorsAttribute in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
nsteps keyword in routine vis_vel_streamlines in file vis_vel.pro

number of steps in each streamline

nsteps keyword in routine vis_vel in file vis_vel.pro

number of shoots or line segments for each arrow

numComp parameter in routine readScalarsAttribute in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro
nvecs keyword in routine vis_vel_streamlines in file vis_vel.pro

number of steps in the streamline

nvecs keyword in routine vis_vel in file vis_vel.pro

number of vectors (arrows) to draw

nviews field in class visgrpovray

the number of views in the graphics hierarchy; right now only one view is supported

nWidthLights field in class visgrpovraylight

number of lights along the width axis

nx parameter in routine vis_read in file vis_read.pro

number of columns to read

ny parameter in routine vis_read in file vis_read.pro

number of rows to read


objectgraphics/ directory

helper routines and classes for the object graphics systems

OBLIQUE field in class IDLGRVIEW
old_decomposed keyword in routine vis_decomposed in file vis_decomposed.pro

decomposed mode before mode is changed (only available in X and WIN graphics devices)

omax keyword in routine vis_hist_nd in file vis_hist_nd.pro
omin keyword in routine vis_hist_nd in file vis_hist_nd.pro
open keyword in routine visgrpovraytubes::setProperty in file visgrpovraytubes__define.pro

set to control whether the ends are open or closed

open keyword in routine visgrpovraytubes::init in file visgrpovraytubes__define.pro

set to control whether the ends are open or closed

open property in class visgrpovraytubes

set to control whether the ends are open or closed

open field in class visgrpovraytubes

1 if open ended cylinders, 0 if closed

open keyword in routine visgrpovraytubes::getProperty in file visgrpovraytubes__define.pro

set to control whether the ends are open or closed

order keyword in routine visgrtreemapitem::init in file visgrtreemapitem__define.pro
ORDER field in class visgrtreemapitem
order keyword in routine visgrtreemapitem::setProperty in file visgrtreemapitem__define.pro
order property in class visgrtreemapitem
order keyword in routine visgrtreemapitem::getProperty in file visgrtreemapitem__define.pro
original_device keyword in routine vis_set_plot_display in file vis_set_plot_display.pro

device name of original device

out_range parameter in routine vis_linear_function in file vis_linear_function.pro

output range

output keyword in routine vis_povray in file vis_povray.pro

contents of the output log of the povray run

output parameter in routine vis_povray in file vis_povray.pro

output basename (must be in same directory as basename)

output keyword in routine vis_convert in file vis_convert.pro

output image if output format is an image type

output_filename parameter in routine vis_psfrag in file vis_psfrag.pro

filename of output PS file

outputFilename parameter in routine vis_timeline in file vis_timeline.pro

name of PostScript output file

outputs keyword in routine vis_scaleimage in file vis_scaleimage.pro

output values corresponding to the DIVIDERS values

outUnits parameter in routine visgrsvg::_convertUnits in file visgrsvg__define.pro
overplot keyword in routine vis_bubblechart in file vis_bubblechart.pro
overplot keyword in routine vis_ternaryplot in file vis_ternaryplot.pro

set to overplot on a previously setup coordinate system

overplot keyword in routine vis_stepchart in file vis_stepchart.pro

set to overplot

overplot keyword in routine vis_vel in file vis_vel.pro

set to not erase current display before making plot

overplot keyword in routine vis_parallel_coords in file vis_parallel_coords.pro

set to skip plotting axes


p field in class visdgvars

saved !p system variable

param parameter in routine vis_gc_base_processstr in file vis_gc_base.pro

parameter name

param0 parameter in routine VIS_LIC in file vis_flow.dlm
param0 parameter in routine VIS_RASTERPOLYLINE_ in file vis_lineplots.dlm
param1 parameter in routine VIS_RASTERPOLYLINE_ in file vis_lineplots.dlm
param1 parameter in routine VIS_LIC in file vis_flow.dlm
param2 parameter in routine VIS_RASTERPOLYLINE_ in file vis_lineplots.dlm
param3 parameter in routine VIS_RASTERPOLYLINE_ in file vis_lineplots.dlm
param4 parameter in routine VIS_RASTERPOLYLINE_ in file vis_lineplots.dlm
param5 parameter in routine VIS_RASTERPOLYLINE_ in file vis_lineplots.dlm
parent property in class visgrellipsoid

not used, included only for compatibility to Orb class

parent keyword in routine visgrellipsoid::setProperty in file visgrellipsoid__define.pro

not used, included only for compatibility to Orb class

partition keyword in routine vis_makect in file vis_makect.pro

set to create a color table by interpreting c1 as a bytarr(m, 3) list of colors and the value of PARTITION as a fltarr(k) list of cutoff values between 0.0 and 1.0 (or 0 and 255); there must be one more color than cutoff value provided

pattern parameter in routine vis_streplace in file vis_streplace.pro

a regular expression possibly using subexpressions; see IDL's online help for STREGEX for help on regular expressions

pc keyword in routine visgrsvg::setProperty in file visgrsvg__define.pro
pc property in class visgrsvg
percentage keyword in routine visgrsvg::setProperty in file visgrsvg__define.pro
percentage property in class visgrsvg
PHEAD field in class IDL_CONTAINER
picture parameter in routine visgranimation::draw in file visgranimation__define.pro

root of object graphics hierarchy to render: scene, view group, or view

picture parameter in routine visgrwindow3d::draw in file visgrwindow3d__define.pro

the view, viewgroup, or scene to be drawn; if the GRAPHICS_TREE property is set to a valid picture, then this argument must *not* be given

PICTURE field in class visgranimation
picture parameter in routine visgr3dconverter::convert in file visgr3dconverter__define.pro

the view, viewgroup, or scene to be drawn; if the GRAPHICS_TREE property is set to a valid picture, then this argument must *not* be given

picture parameter in routine visgrimagefile::draw in file visgrimagefile__define.pro

scene, viewgroup, or view to draw

picture parameter in routine visgrpovraywindow::draw in file visgrpovraywindow__define.pro

IDLgrScene, IDLgrViewGroup, or IDLgrView rooting object graphics hierarchy to draw; required if GRAPHICS_TREE property is not set

picture parameter in routine visgrimagedestination::draw in file visgrimagedestination__define.pro

scene, view group, or view to draw

pixels keyword in routine vis_window in file vis_window.pro

set to specify the XSIZE, YSIZE, XPOS, and YPOS in pixels

plane field in class visgrpovraygrid

equation of the plane

plane keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::setProperty in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

equation of the plane [a, b, c, d] in the form: ax + by + cz + d = 0

plane keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::getProperty in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

equation of the plane [a, b, c, d] in the form: ax + by + cz + d = 0

plane keyword in routine visgrpovraygrid::init in file visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

equation of the plane [a, b, c, d] in the form: ax + by + cz + d = 0

plane property in class visgrpovraygrid

equation of the plane [a, b, c, d] in the form: ax + by + cz + d = 0

plot parameter in routine visgrsvg::_handlePlot in file visgrsvg__define.pro

IDLgrPlot object graphics element

plus_sign keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

set to produce a plus sign symbol

pobj keyword in routine visgrellipsoid::getProperty in file visgrellipsoid__define.pro

underlying polygon object

pobj property in class visgrellipsoid

underlying polygon object

point parameter in routine vis_transformpoint in file vis_transformpoint.pro

point in data coordinates

polygon parameter in routine visgrsvg::_handlePolygon in file visgrsvg__define.pro

IDLgrPolygon object graphics element

polygon field in class visgrellipsoid

IDLgrPolygon object containing verts and conn of the ellipsoid

polygons keyword in routine vis_treemap in file vis_treemap.pro
polyline parameter in routine visgrsvg::_handlePolyline in file visgrsvg__define.pro

IDLgrPolyline object graphics element

polylines keyword in routine vis_rasterpolyline in file vis_rasterpolyline.pro
pos field in class visgrellipsoid

position of the center of the ellipsoid

pos keyword in routine visgrellipsoid::init in file visgrellipsoid__define.pro

A three-element vector, [x, y, z], specifying the position of the center of the ellipsoid, measured in data units

pos keyword in routine visgrellipsoid::setProperty in file visgrellipsoid__define.pro

A three-element vector, [x, y, z], specifying the position of the center of the ellipsoid, measured in data units

pos keyword in routine visgrellipsoid::getProperty in file visgrellipsoid__define.pro

A three-element vector, [x, y, z], specifying the position of the center of the ellipsoid, measured in data units

pos property in class visgrellipsoid

A three-element vector, [x, y, z], specifying the position of the center of the ellipsoid, measured in data units

position keyword in routine vis_nexttoken in file vis_tex2idl.pro

position in str of next token

position keyword in routine vis_image in file vis_image.pro

position of the image display, [xstart, ystart, xend, yend]

postscript keyword in routine vis_convert_fraction in file vis_tex2idl.pro

set to use postscript fonts

postscript keyword in routine vis_textable in file vis_tex2idl.pro

set to use postscript fonts

povray field in class visgrpovraywindow

VISgrPOVRay destination class

povray/ directory

routines to create POV-Ray renderings of data in IDL

povray_location keyword in routine vis_povray in file vis_povray.pro

full path of the povray command; needed if povray is not in the shell path

power keyword in routine vis_pinknoise in file vis_pinknoise.pro

the a in 1/f^a noise

progress parameter in routine visgranimator::animate in file visgranimator__define.pro

progress from 0.0 to 1.0

progress parameter in routine visgrtranslateanimator::animate in file visgrtranslateanimator__define.pro

progress of the transition, 0 to 1

progress parameter in routine visgrsequenceanimator::animate in file visgrsequenceanimator__define.pro

progress of the transition, 0 to 1

progress parameter in routine visgrscaleanimator::animate in file visgrscaleanimator__define.pro

progress of the transition, 0 to 1

progress parameter in routine visgrparallelanimator::animate in file visgrparallelanimator__define.pro

progress of the transition, 0 to 1

psym keyword in routine vis_boxplot in file vis_boxplot.pro

plotting symbol to use for the symbols

psym keyword in routine vis_parallel_coords in file vis_parallel_coords.pro

array of symbol values for the various data elements, if less than n elements are specified will cycle through the values

pt property in class visgrsvg
pt keyword in routine visgrsvg::setProperty in file visgrsvg__define.pro
PTAIL field in class IDL_CONTAINER
pupil_size keyword in routine visgrchernoffface::init in file visgrchernoffface__define.pro

size of pupil relative to eye size, range: 0 (no pupils) - 1 (fills eye)

pupil_size property in class visgrchernoffface
pupilSize field in class visgrchernoffface

size of pupil relative to eye size, range: 0 (no pupils) - 1 (fills eye)

px keyword in routine visgrsvg::setProperty in file visgrsvg__define.pro
px property in class visgrsvg




r parameter in routine vis_encode_png in file vis_encode_png.pro

the red component of any colors in a associated color table

r parameter in routine vis_decode_png in file vis_decode_png.pro

set to a named variable to get the red component of any colors in a associated color table

radius property in class visgrfisheyelens
radius keyword in routine visgrfisheyelens::getProperty in file visgrfisheyelens__define.pro
radius keyword in routine visgrpovraytubes::init in file visgrpovraytubes__define.pro

radius of the cones; either a scalar or a fltarr(n) where there are n points in the polyline; default value is 1.0

radius keyword in routine visgrpovraytubes::setProperty in file visgrpovraytubes__define.pro

radius of the cones; either a scalar or a fltarr(n) where there are n points in the polyline; default value is 1.0

radius keyword in routine visgrpovraytubes::getProperty in file visgrpovraytubes__define.pro

radius of the cones; either a scalar or a fltarr(n) where there are n points in the polyline; default value is 1.0

radius field in class visgrpovraytubes

radius of the cylinders

radius property in class visgrpovraytubes

radius of the cones; either a scalar or a fltarr(n) where there are n points in the polyline; default value is 1.0

radius property in class visgrellipsoid

a floating point number representing the radius of the ellipsoid (measured in data units) in the x-, y-, and z-directions

radius field in class visgrellipsoid

floating point numbers representing the radius of the ellipsoid (measured in data units) in the x-, y-, and z-directions

radius keyword in routine visgrellipsoid::setProperty in file visgrellipsoid__define.pro

a floating point number representing the radius of the ellipsoid (measured in data units) in the x-, y-, and z-directions

radius keyword in routine visgrellipsoid::getProperty in file visgrellipsoid__define.pro

a floating point number representing the radius of the ellipsoid (measured in data units) in the x-, y-, and z-directions

radius keyword in routine visgrellipsoid::init in file visgrellipsoid__define.pro

a floating point number representing the radius of the ellipsoid (measured in data units) in the x-, y-, and z-directions

RADIUS field in class visgrfisheyelens
radius keyword in routine visgrfisheyelens::setProperty in file visgrfisheyelens__define.pro
range keyword in routine vis_gc_base in file vis_gc_base.pro

range of data

range keyword in routine vis_colorbar in file vis_colorbar.pro

data range of the colorbar

readScalarsAttribute routine in mgffserialvtk__define.pro
rect parameter in routine visgrrect::distance in file visgrrect__define.pro
red keyword in routine vis_maketrue in file vis_maketrue.pro

red values of color table to use when converting to a TRUE=1-3 image, defaults to current color table in this case; red values produced in a conversion to a TRUE=0 image

red keyword in routine vis_colorbar in file vis_colorbar.pro

red values of the color table to display; uses the current color table if RED is not present

red keyword in routine vis_read in file vis_read.pro

red values for the color table produced if TRUE was set to 0 on a graphics device supporting 24-bit color

reflection field in class visgrpovrayfinish

amount of reflection

reflection property in class visgrpovrayfinish

amount the surface reflects; generally reflection and diffuse should be inversely proportional; default value is 0.0

reflection keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::getProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

amount the surface reflects; generally reflection and diffuse should be inversely proportional; default value is 0.0

reflection keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::init in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

amount the surface reflects; generally reflection and diffuse should be inversely proportional; default value is 0.0

reflection keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::setProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

amount the surface reflects; generally reflection and diffuse should be inversely proportional; default value is 0.0

repeating property in class vis_timer

set to repeat forever

repeating field in class vis_timer

set to repeat

repeating keyword in routine vis_timer::getProperty in file vis_timer__define.pro

set to repeat forever

repeating keyword in routine vis_timer::setProperty in file vis_timer__define.pro

set to repeat forever

repeating keyword in routine vis_timer::init in file vis_timer__define.pro

set to repeat forever

replacement parameter in routine vis_streplace in file vis_streplace.pro

the string to replace matches of the "pattern"; can use $1, $2, etc.

REPORT field in class vis_timelineactivity
report property in class vis_timelineactivity
require keyword in routine vis_idlversion in file vis_idlversion.pro

IDL version required; if set, VIS_IDLVERSION returns a boolean of whether the version requirement is met

reverse keyword in routine visgrpalette::loadCT in file visgrpalette__define.pro

set to reverse color table

reverse keyword in routine vis_loadct in file vis_loadct.pro

set to reverse color table

reverse_indices keyword in routine vis_hist_nd in file vis_hist_nd.pro

set to a named variable to get 1-dimensional vector representing the indices of the points that fall in a particular bin; to find the indices of the points in bin [i, j, k], use the same formular as when using REVERSE_INDICES with HISTOGRAM (after converting to single dimensional indexing): ijk = [i + nx * j + nx * ny * k] ind = ri[ri[ijk]:ri[ijk + 1] - 1] See ARRAY_INDICES for converting ind back to 3-dimensional indices.

rgb parameter in routine vis_rgb2index in file vis_rgb2index.pro

either bytarr(3) or bytarr(n, 3) array of RGB coordinates of colors

rgb_table keyword in routine vis_maketrue in file vis_maketrue.pro

entire RGB color table instead of using RED, GREEN, and BLUE keywords

rgb_table keyword in routine vis_loadct in file vis_loadct.pro

set to a named variable to retrieve the color table

riser_thick keyword in routine vis_stepchart in file vis_stepchart.pro

thickness of "riser" line segments; set to 0.0 to not show risers

ROTATETRACKBALL field in class viswidpovray
rotation keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

angle in degrees to rotate the symbol; 0 degrees places the first vertex at (1, 0) in user symbol coordinate space

roughness keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::getProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

controls specular highlights in conjunction with SPECULAR; controls the size of the specular highlight, small values make small, tight specular highlights; default value is 0.05

roughness field in class visgrpovrayfinish

size of specular highlight

roughness keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::setProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

controls specular highlights in conjunction with SPECULAR; controls the size of the specular highlight, small values make small, tight specular highlights; default value is 0.05

roughness keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::init in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

controls specular highlights in conjunction with SPECULAR; controls the size of the specular highlight, small values make small, tight specular highlights; default value is 0.05

roughness property in class visgrpovrayfinish

controls specular highlights in conjunction with SPECULAR; controls the size of the specular highlight, small values make small, tight specular highlights; default value is 0.05

rowTitles parameter in routine vis_spotmatrix in file vis_spotmatrix.pro

row headers


s parameter in routine vis_gc_base_processstr in file vis_gc_base.pro

string to process

s parameter in routine vis_strmerge in file vis_strmerge.pro

string array to merge

s parameter in routine vis_vel_arrowhead in file vis_vel.pro

array of streamlines

s parameter in routine vis_spectrogram in file vis_spectrogram.pro

input time series

s parameter in routine vis_strunmerge in file vis_strunmerge.pro

input string

scale keyword in routine vis_image in file vis_image.pro

set to scale the creation of a new window to a fraction of the image size

scale property in class visgrcube

scale cube either equally or separately in each direction

scale keyword in routine vis_convert in file vis_convert.pro

scale percentage to use

scale keyword in routine vis_colorlic in file vis_colorlic.pro

factor to REBIN u and v by

scale keyword in routine visgrcube::init in file visgrcube__define.pro

scale cube either equally or separately in each direction

scale keyword in routine visgrcube::getProperty in file visgrcube__define.pro

scale cube either equally or separately in each direction

scale keyword in routine visgrcube::setProperty in file visgrcube__define.pro

scale cube either equally or separately in each direction

SCALE field in class visgrcube
SCALING field in class viswidpovray
SCALINGDISTANCE field in class viswidpovray
SCALINGTRANSFORM field in class viswidpovray
scene parameter in routine visgrsvg::_handleScene in file visgrsvg__define.pro

IDLgrScene object graphics element

SELF field in class IDLGRWINDOW
show_frame property in class visgrimagedestination

set to put frame number in output filenames

show_frame keyword in routine visgrimagedestination::getProperty in file visgrimagedestination__define.pro

set to put frame number in output filenames

show_frame keyword in routine visgrimagedestination::setProperty in file visgrimagedestination__define.pro

set to put frame number in output filenames

show_frame keyword in routine visgrimagedestination::init in file visgrimagedestination__define.pro

set to put frame number in output filenames

show_lines keyword in routine vis_themeriver in file vis_themeriver.pro

indices of dataset lines in data to overplot

show_tables keyword in routine vis_loadct in file vis_loadct.pro

set to print a listing of the available color tables

showFrame field in class visgrimagedestination

set if the current frame number should be placed in the output filename

size keyword in routine visgrtreemapitem::setProperty in file visgrtreemapitem__define.pro
size property in class visgrtreemapitem
size keyword in routine visgrtreemapitem::getProperty in file visgrtreemapitem__define.pro
SIZE field in class visgrtreemapitem
size field in class visgrscaleanimator

amount to scale each dimension

size property in class visgrbubble

sizes of bubble; size of radius unless AREA is set, in which case it is the size of the area of the bubble

size field in class visgrbubble

size of the bubble

size keyword in routine visgrbubble::getProperty in file visgrbubble__define.pro

sizes of bubble; size of radius unless AREA is set, in which case it is the size of the area of the bubble

size keyword in routine visgrbubble::setProperty in file visgrbubble__define.pro

sizes of bubble; size of radius unless AREA is set, in which case it is the size of the area of the bubble

size keyword in routine visgrbubble::init in file visgrbubble__define.pro

sizes of bubble; size of radius unless AREA is set, in which case it is the size of the area of the bubble

size keyword in routine vis_bubblechart in file vis_bubblechart.pro
size keyword in routine vis_bubblechart_overplot in file vis_bubblechart.pro

array of bubble sizes

size property in class visgrscaleanimator

amount to scale each dimension

size keyword in routine visgrscaleanimator::init in file visgrscaleanimator__define.pro

amount to scale each dimension

size keyword in routine visgrtreemapitem::init in file visgrtreemapitem__define.pro
size parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::readConnectivityListSection in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro

total number of elements in the connectivity list

sizes keyword in routine vis_create_bubbles in file vis_create_bubbles.pro

sizes of bubbles to cycle through; size of radius unless AREA is set, in which case it is the size of the area of the bubble

SIZES field in class viswidpovray
sizes parameter in routine vis_gc_venn in file vis_gc_venn.pro

relative sizes of A, B, and C

slices parameter in routine vis_gc_piechart in file vis_gc_piechart.pro

vector of values of slices

slope_aspect keyword in routine vis_plot in file vis_plot.pro

set to make the average slope of line segments (on display) +/- 1

small parameter in routine visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::aspect in file visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
small parameter in routine visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::normAspect in file visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
specular property in class visgrpovrayfinish

controls specular highlights in conjunction with ROUGHNESS; controls the brightness of the specular highlight; default value is 0.0

specular field in class visgrpovrayfinish

brigtness of specular highlight

specular keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::getProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

controls specular highlights in conjunction with ROUGHNESS; controls the brightness of the specular highlight; default value is 0.0

specular keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::setProperty in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

controls specular highlights in conjunction with ROUGHNESS; controls the brightness of the specular highlight; default value is 0.0

specular keyword in routine visgrpovrayfinish::init in file visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

controls specular highlights in conjunction with ROUGHNESS; controls the brightness of the specular highlight; default value is 0.0

square keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

set to produce a square

START field in class vis_timelineactivity
start property in class vis_timelineactivity
start_date property in class vis_timelineinterval
start_date property in class vis_timeline
start_title keyword in routine vis_slopegraph in file vis_slopegraph.pro

title over column of starting values

STARTDATE field in class vis_timeline
STARTDATE field in class vis_timelineinterval
startPos parameter in routine visgrabstracttreemaplayout__sliceLayout in file visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define.pro
startPos parameter in routine visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::sum in file visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
startPos parameter in routine visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::layout in file visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
startPos parameter in routine visgrabstracttreemaplayout__totalSize in file visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define.pro
startPos parameter in routine visgrslicetreemaplayout__layoutBest in file visgrslicetreemaplayout__define.pro
startValues parameter in routine vis_slopegraph in file vis_slopegraph.pro

starting values of the items in the same order as names

str parameter in routine vis_token in file vis_tex2idl.pro

input string; the output value of this string is the remaining portion of the string after the token

str parameter in routine vis_nexttoken in file vis_tex2idl.pro

string to search

str parameter in routine vis_streplace in file vis_streplace.pro

a string to search for expressions and replace them

stream parameter in routine vis_decode_png in file vis_decode_png.pro

PNG byte stream

streamlines keyword in routine vis_vel in file vis_vel.pro

calculated streamlines; no graphics output is done if a named variable is passed to this keyword

stretch keyword in routine vis_image in file vis_image.pro

set to a value between 0.

stride keyword in routine vis_vel_streamlines in file vis_vel.pro

stride amount through grid; only used if GRID is set

stride keyword in routine vis_vel in file vis_vel.pro

stride amount through grid; only used if GRID is set

subset keyword in routine vis_povray in file vis_povray.pro

set POV-Ray to only calculate the subset of the image specified by: [x0, y0, xsize, ysize] The returned image will be xsize by ysize and start at [x0, y0].

substr parameter in routine vis_strcnt in file vis_tex2idl.pro

substring to search for

surfaces/ directory

routines to visualize surface/elevation data

sym_size keyword in routine vis_gc_scatter in file vis_gc_scatter.pro

size of each point in the scatter plot

symbol_color keyword in routine vis_boxplot in file vis_boxplot.pro

overrides COLOR for the color of the symbols

symsize keyword in routine vis_psbegin in file vis_psbegin.pro

default SYMSIZE to use (defaults to 1.25 if IMAGE is set)


t parameter in routine visgreasing::ease in file visgreasing__define.pro

animation progress, 0 to 1.

t parameter in routine visgrbounceouteasing::ease in file visgrbounceouteasing__define.pro

animation progress, 0 to 1.

t parameter in routine visgrcircinouteasing::ease in file visgrcircinouteasing__define.pro

animation progress, 0 to 1.

t parameter in routine visgrcircouteasing::ease in file visgrcircouteasing__define.pro

animation progress, 0 to 1.

table parameter in routine vis_loadct in file vis_loadct.pro

table number, 0-40 if using default color table file, 0-34 for Brewer color tables, 0-6 for the Yorick/Gist color tables, or 0-15 for the matplotlib color tables

tableNum parameter in routine visgrpalette::loadCT in file visgrpalette__define.pro

table number, 0-40 if using default color table file, 0-34 for Brewer color tables, 0-6 for the Yorick/Gist color tables, or 0-15 for the matplotlib color tables

tables/ directory

routines for creating tables containing text and graphics

target property in class visgranimator

target object of the animator

target keyword in routine visgranimator::setProperty in file visgranimator__define.pro

target object of the animator

target keyword in routine visgranimator::init in file visgranimator__define.pro

target object of the animator

target keyword in routine visgranimator::getProperty in file visgranimator__define.pro

target object of the animator

target field in class visgranimator

target object of the animator

tex_coords keyword in routine visgrellipsoid::init in file visgrellipsoid__define.pro

set this keyword to a nonzero value if texture map coordinates are to be generated for the orb

tex_coords property in class visgrellipsoid

set this keyword to a nonzero value if texture map coordinates are to be generated for the orb

TEXT field in class vis_timelineevent
text parameter in routine visgrsvg::_handleText in file visgrsvg__define.pro

IDLgrText object graphics element

text parameter in routine vis_strwrap in file vis_strwrap.pro

scalar string to wrap

text property in class vis_timelineevent
text/ directory

routines for handling text in graphics

text_color keyword in routine vis_slopegraph in file vis_slopegraph.pro

color of text

text_multipler property in class visgrsvg
text_multipler keyword in routine visgrsvg::getProperty in file visgrsvg__define.pro
TEXTMULTIPLIER field in class visgrsvg
texture keyword in routine vis_lic in file vis_lic.pro

random texture map; it is useful to use the same texture map for generating frames of a movie

texture field in class visgrellipsoid

boolean for whether texture coordinates are needed for the ellipsoid

thick keyword in routine vis_stepchart_plotflats in file vis_stepchart.pro

thicknes of flat portions of the graph

thick keyword in routine vis_plots in file vis_plots.pro

thickness of lines in the line plot

thick keyword in routine vis_stepchart in file vis_stepchart.pro

thickness of lines

thick keyword in routine vis_vel in file vis_vel.pro

set to a constant to use that thickness for streamlines instead of thicknesses set to values proportional to the magnitude of the vector field at the point of the beginning of the streamline

thick keyword in routine vis_lineplot in file vis_lineplot.pro

thickness of lines in the line plot

thick keyword in routine vis_psbegin in file vis_psbegin.pro

default THICK to use (defaults to 2.0 if IMAGE is set)

thick keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

line thickness of the symbol

threed keyword in routine vis_gc_piechart in file vis_gc_piechart.pro

set to create a 3D pie chart; default is a 2D pie chart

ticklen keyword in routine vis_image in file vis_image.pro

length of tickmarks in normalized window units

ticklen keyword in routine vis_colorbar in file vis_colorbar.pro

length of tick marks on colorbar

TICKS field in class vis_timeline
ticks property in class vis_timeline
tile_size keyword in routine vis_povray in file vis_povray.pro

set of each tile to be sent to worker nodes when DISTRIBUTED is set

TITLE field in class IDLGRWINDOW
title keyword in routine vis_gc_barchart in file vis_gc_barchart.pro

title of the chart

title keyword in routine vis_gc_base in file vis_gc_base.pro

title of the chart

title keyword in routine vis_gc_piechart in file vis_gc_piechart.pro

title of the chart

title keyword in routine vis_gc_venn in file vis_gc_venn.pro

string or string array representing title

title keyword in routine vis_slopegraph in file vis_slopegraph.pro

main title

title_color keyword in routine vis_spotmatrix in file vis_spotmatrix.pro
titles keyword in routine vis_horizon in file vis_horizon.pro

y-axis titles for series

TLB field in class viswidpovray
tlb field in class vis_timer

hidden top-level base generating timer events

to_eps keyword in routine vis_convert in file vis_convert.pro

if set, indicates the output should a Encapsulated Postscript file

to_extension keyword in routine vis_convert in file vis_convert.pro

extension to use for output file

to_png keyword in routine vis_convert in file vis_convert.pro

if set, indicates the output should a PNG image file

to_ps keyword in routine vis_convert in file vis_convert.pro

if set, indicates the output should a Postscript file

token parameter in routine vis_token in file vis_tex2idl.pro

substring to find in the input string

token parameter in routine vis_subsuper in file vis_tex2idl.pro

either ^ or _, others will return an empty string

tokens parameter in routine vis_nexttoken in file vis_tex2idl.pro


tol2 parameter in routine vis_polyline_simplify_dp in file vis_polyline_simplify.pro

approximation tolerance squared

tolerance keyword in routine vis_polyline_simplify in file vis_polyline_simplify.pro

Set this keyword to the tolerance value to use.

TOTALFRAMES field in class visgranimation
translate keyword in routine visgrcube::init in file visgrcube__define.pro

translate the cube to another location

translate property in class visgrcube

translate the cube to another location

TRANSLATE field in class visgrcube
translate keyword in routine visgrcube::setProperty in file visgrcube__define.pro

translate the cube to another location

translate keyword in routine visgrcube::getProperty in file visgrcube__define.pro

translate the cube to another location

TRANSLATETRACKBALL field in class viswidpovray
translation field in class visgrtranslateanimator

direction to translate

translation keyword in routine visgrtranslateanimator::init in file visgrtranslateanimator__define.pro

amount to translate each dimension

translation property in class visgrtranslateanimator

amount to translate each dimension

tree keyword in routine visgrsvg::_transformCoords in file visgrsvg__define.pro
tree parameter in routine visgrsvg::_getVpr in file visgrsvg__define.pro

object in the object graphics hierarchy

tree parameter in routine visgrsvg::_traverse in file visgrsvg__define.pro

object graphics element

tree parameter in routine visgrsvg::draw in file visgrsvg__define.pro

scene or view object

tree parameter in routine visgrpovray::draw in file visgrpovray__define.pro

scene or view object

tree parameter in routine visgrx3dom::draw in file visgrx3dom__define.pro

object graphics hierarchy to draw; optional, but then GRAPHICS_TREE property must be set

treemaps/ directory

routines for creating treemaps, visual displays of weighted trees

triangle keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

set to produce a triangular user symbol

true keyword in routine vis_image_resize in file vis_image_resize.pro

set to specify which dimensions contains the channels; TRUE=0 is for m by n images, TRUE=1 is for 3 by m by n images, TRUE=2 is for m by 3 by n images, TRUE=3 is for m by n by 3 images; default is to guess that the first dimension of size 3 is the number of channels

true keyword in routine vis_read in file vis_read.pro

TRUE format of output image desired; defaults to 0 on 8-bit hardware and 1 on higher bit-depths

true keyword in routine vis_image in file vis_image.pro

Set to 0 for (m, n) array images, 1 for (3, m, n), 2 for (m, 3, n), and 3 for (m, n, 3).

true keyword in routine vis_image_getsize in file vis_image_getsize.pro

Set to 0 for (m, n) array images, 1 for (3, m, n), 2 for (m, 3, n), and 3 for (m, n, 3).

true keyword in routine vis_maketrue in file vis_maketrue.pro

desired interleave of output image: 0, 1, 2, or 3

type parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::readPointsSection in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro

IDL type code for the data type of the points

type keyword in routine vis_gc_base in file vis_gc_base.pro

type of chart required, options are: lc (line chart), lxy (xy points), ls (sparkline), bhs, bvs, bhg, bvg, p (pie chart), p3 (3D pie chart), v (Venn diagram), s (scatter plot), r (radar), t (map), gom (Google-o-meter)

TYPE field in class IDLGRLIGHT


u parameter in routine vis_vel in file vis_vel.pro

x component at each point of the vector field; must be a 2D array

u parameter in routine visgrflow::init in file visgrflow__define.pro

x component at each point of the vector field; must be a 2D array

u parameter in routine vis_colorlic in file vis_colorlic.pro

x-coordinates of vector field

u parameter in routine vis_lic in file vis_lic.pro

x-coordinates of vector field

u parameter in routine vis_vel_streamlines in file vis_vel.pro

x component at each point of the vector field; must be a 2D array

UNITS field in class IDLGRBUFFER
UNITS field in class IDLGRVIEW
UNITS field in class IDLGRWINDOW
unix keyword in routine vis_newline in file vis_newline.pro

use just linefeed

unix keyword in routine vis_strunmerge in file vis_strunmerge.pro

use just linefeed

unix keyword in routine vis_strmerge in file vis_strmerge.pro

use just linefeed

unweighted keyword in routine vis_hist_nd in file vis_hist_nd.pro

set to a named variable to get the unweighted histogram

url keyword in routine vis_gc_base in file vis_gc_base.pro

URL used by Google Charts API

url keyword in routine vis_gc_venn in file vis_gc_venn.pro

URL used by Google Charts API

url keyword in routine vis_gc_scatter in file vis_gc_scatter.pro

URL used by Google Charts API

url keyword in routine vis_gc_piechart in file vis_gc_piechart.pro

URL used by Google Charts API

url keyword in routine vis_gc_barchart in file vis_gc_barchart.pro

URL used by Google Charts API

user_defined keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

set to use the currently defined user symbol

util/ directory

utility routines for other routines

uvalue keyword in routine vis_timer::init in file vis_timer__define.pro

user-defined value passed to callback routine

uvalue keyword in routine vis_timer::setProperty in file vis_timer__define.pro

user-defined value passed to callback routine

uvalue keyword in routine vis_timer::getProperty in file vis_timer__define.pro

user-defined value passed to callback routine

uvalue property in class vis_timer

user-defined value passed to callback routine

uvalue field in class vis_timer

user-defined value passed to callback routine



v parameter in routine vis_vel_streamlines in file vis_vel.pro

y component at each point of the vector field; must be a 2D array

v parameter in routine vis_lic in file vis_lic.pro

y-coordinates of vector field

v parameter in routine visgrflow::init in file visgrflow__define.pro

y component at each point of the vector field; must be a 2D array

v parameter in routine vis_vel in file vis_vel.pro

y component at each point of the vector field; must be a 2D array

v parameter in routine vis_colorlic in file vis_colorlic.pro

y-coordinates of vector field

val parameter in routine vis_spotmatrix_makeglyph in file vis_spotmatrix.pro

normalized value

value property in class vis_timelineactivity
VALUE field in class vis_timelineactivity
value_format keyword in routine vis_slopegraph in file vis_slopegraph.pro

format code for printing values

values parameter in routine vis_slopegraph_spread in file vis_slopegraph.pro

values to spread

var parameter in routine vis_range in file vis_range.pro

variable to compute min/max range of

vector keyword in routine visgrimagefile::init in file visgrimagefile__define.pro

set to produce vector output that is then converted to raster output

vector keyword in routine visgrimagefile::setProperty in file visgrimagefile__define.pro

set to produce vector output that is then converted to raster output

vector keyword in routine visgrimagefile::getProperty in file visgrimagefile__define.pro

set to produce vector output that is then converted to raster output

VECTOR field in class visgrimagefile
vector property in class visgrimagefile

set to produce vector output that is then converted to raster output

version keyword in routine mgffserialvtk::getProperty in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro

version of the VTK data file

version field in class mgffserialvtk

VTK data file version

version property in class mgffserialvtk
vertical keyword in routine visgrabstracttreemaplayout__sliceLayout in file visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define.pro
vertical keyword in routine vis_gc_barchart in file vis_gc_barchart.pro

set to create vertical bars; the default

vertical keyword in routine vis_colorbar in file vis_colorbar.pro

set to display a vertical colorbar; either VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL must be set

vertical_line keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

set to produce a vertical line user symbol

vertices parameter in routine vis_polyline_simplify in file vis_polyline_simplify.pro

An array of vertices representing the polyline.

vertices parameter in routine vis_polyline_simplify_dp in file vis_polyline_simplify.pro

polyline array of vertex points

vertices keyword in routine vis_treemap in file vis_treemap.pro
view parameter in routine vis_xpovray in file vis_xpovray.pro

view to display

VIEW field in class IDLGRVIEW
view parameter in routine visgrsvg::_handleView in file visgrsvg__define.pro

IDLgrView object graphics element

view field in class visgr3dconverter

IDLgrView to contain the 3D image

view field in class visgrpovraywindow

object graphics hierarchy rooted at an IDLgrView

VIEW field in class viswidpovray
viewgroup parameter in routine visgrsvg::_handleViewgroup in file visgrsvg__define.pro

IDLgrViewGroup object graphics element

vis keyword in routine visgrpalette::loadCT in file visgrpalette__define.pro

set to use the VIS library color tables

vis keyword in routine vis_xloadct in file vis_xloadct.pro

set to use the VIS library color tables

vis keyword in routine vis_loadct in file vis_loadct.pro

set to use the VIS library color tables

vis_arclength routine in vis_arclength.pro

Computes the arc length of a path.

vis_arclength.pro .pro file in geometry/ directory
vis_bezier routine in vis_bezier.pro

Returns the Bezier curve between points.

vis_bezier.pro .pro file in geometry/ directory

Returns the Bezier curve between points.

vis_bezier_binomial routine in vis_bezier.pro

Computes the binomial coefficients for a given degree.

vis_blend routine in vis_blend.pro

Blend two images together using the given alpha channel.

vis_blend.pro .pro file in images/ directory

Blend two images together using the given alpha channel.

vis_boxplot routine in vis_boxplot.pro

Create a box and whisker plot.

vis_boxplot.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory

Create a box and whisker plot, also called a boxplot.

vis_bubblechart routine in vis_bubblechart.pro
vis_bubblechart.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory

Create a simple bubblechart.

vis_bubblechart_overplot routine in vis_bubblechart.pro

Plot the bubbles.

vis_build_flow routine in vis_build_flow.pro

Build the flow DLM.

vis_build_flow.pro .pro file in flow/ directory
vis_build_lineplots routine in vis_build_lineplots.pro

Build the lineplots DLM.

vis_build_lineplots.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory
vis_checkeasing routine in vis_checkeasing.pro

Validation tool for tests easing functions.

vis_checkeasing.pro .pro file in animation/easing/ directory
vis_checkerboard routine in vis_checkerboard.pro

Returns a checkerboard pattern suitable for use with the PATTERN keyword to POLYFILL.

vis_checkerboard.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory
vis_color routine in vis_color.pro

Get an RGB color value for the specified color name.

vis_color.pro .pro file in color/ directory
vis_colorbar routine in vis_colorbar.pro

Produce a colorbar in direct graphics.

vis_colorbar.pro .pro file in directgraphics/ directory

Produce a colorbar in direct graphics.

vis_colorlic routine in vis_colorlic.pro

Create a LIC visualization where color denotes magnitude of the vector field.

vis_colorlic.pro .pro file in flow/ directory
vis_constants routine in vis_constants.pro

Defines constants for values of LINESTYLE, PSYM, and [XYZ]STYLE keywords.

vis_constants.pro .pro file in util/ directory
vis_contour routine in vis_contour.pro

Produce a contour plot.

vis_contour.pro .pro file in directgraphics/ directory

Wrapper for CONTOUR that handles the NLEVELS keyword better: if LEVELS is not specified then NLEVELS contour levels are created equally spaced between the minimum and maximum values of z.

vis_convert routine in vis_convert.pro

Use ImageMagick to convert a file between formats.

vis_convert.pro .pro file in util/ directory

Use ImageMagick to convert a file between formats.

vis_convert_fraction routine in vis_tex2idl.pro

Convert TeX fractions in a given string to IDL format codes.

vis_convert_read_image routine in vis_convert.pro

Attempt to read an image file.

vis_convert_subsuper routine in vis_tex2idl.pro

Convert TeX superscripts and subscripts in a given string to IDL format codes.

vis_cpt2ct routine in vis_cpt2ct.pro

Converts a GMT color table file to an RGB color table.

vis_cpt2ct.pro .pro file in color/ directory
vis_create_bubbles routine in vis_create_bubbles.pro

Factory function to create an array of bubbles.

vis_create_bubbles.pro .pro file in objectgraphics/ directory
vis_create_ctfile routine in vis_create_ctfile.pro

Create a new color table file suitable for use with MODIFYCT, LOADCT, XLOADCT, and IDLgrPalette::loadCT.

vis_create_ctfile.pro .pro file in color/ directory
vis_datavase routine in vis_datavase.pro
vis_datavase.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory

Based on the paper "Data Vases: Plots for Visualizing Multiple Time Series" by Sidharth Thakur and Theresa-Marie Rhyne.

vis_decode_png routine in vis_decode_png.pro

Decodes a PNG byte stream to a 2- or 3-dimensional image array.

vis_decode_png.pro .pro file in images/ directory
vis_decomposed routine in vis_decomposed.pro

Set the decomposed mode, if available in the current graphics device i.e.

vis_decomposed.pro .pro file in directgraphics/ directory
vis_dialog_pickcolor routine in vis_dialog_pickcolor.pro
vis_dialog_pickcolor.pro .pro file in color/ directory

Panes: color circle, slides (in BW, RGB, HSV, HSB, CMYK), listing of color names

vis_dot2graph routine in vis_dot2graph.pro

Create a graph representation from a .dot file.

vis_dot2graph.pro .pro file in graphs/ directory
vis_encode_png routine in vis_encode_png.pro

Create a PNG byte stream of a 2- or 3-dimensional image.

vis_encode_png.pro .pro file in images/ directory
vis_flow.dlm .dlm file in flow/ directory
Flow visualization
vis_force routine in vis_force.pro

Spread data apart using a force directed algorithm.

vis_force.pro .pro file in util/ directory

Spread data apart using a force directed algorithm.

vis_gc_barchart routine in vis_gc_barchart.pro

Create an image of a pie chart using the Google Charts API.

vis_gc_barchart.pro .pro file in googlechart/ directory
vis_gc_base routine in vis_gc_base.pro

Interface to Google Charts API.

vis_gc_base.pro .pro file in googlechart/ directory
vis_gc_base_processstr routine in vis_gc_base.pro

Process a string for inclusion in the URL: replace spaces with + signs, join multiple array elements with |'s, and add the param=.

vis_gc_piechart routine in vis_gc_piechart.pro

Create an image of a pie chart using the Google Charts API.

vis_gc_piechart.pro .pro file in googlechart/ directory
vis_gc_scatter routine in vis_gc_scatter.pro

Scatter plot using Google Charts API.

vis_gc_scatter.pro .pro file in googlechart/ directory
vis_gc_venn routine in vis_gc_venn.pro

Create a Venn Diagram using the Google Charts API.

vis_gc_venn.pro .pro file in googlechart/ directory
vis_getscreendisplaysize routine in vis_getscreendisplaysize.pro

Returns the "usable for display" size of the screen, i.e., excluding the Windows taskbar or Mac OS X menu.

vis_getscreendisplaysize.pro .pro file in util/ directory
vis_graph2dot routine in vis_graph2dot.pro

Writes a Graphviz .dot file representing a graph.

vis_graph2dot.pro .pro file in graphs/ directory
vis_graph_democlass class
vis_graph_democlass::addChild routine in vis_graph_democlass__define.pro
vis_graph_democlass::cleanup routine in vis_graph_democlass__define.pro
vis_graph_democlass::getProperty routine in vis_graph_democlass__define.pro
vis_graph_democlass::init routine in vis_graph_democlass__define.pro
vis_graph_democlass::setProperty routine in vis_graph_democlass__define.pro
vis_graph_democlass__define routine in vis_graph_democlass__define.pro
vis_graph_democlass__define.pro .pro file in graphs/ directory
vis_graph_layout routine in vis_graph_layout.pro

Create a [graphs graph].

vis_graph_layout.pro .pro file in graphs/ directory
vis_hist_nd routine in vis_hist_nd.pro

Find a histogram of a set of n-dimensional points.

vis_hist_nd.pro .pro file in util/ directory

Find the histogram of a set of n-dimensional points.

vis_histplot routine in vis_histplot.pro

Create a histogram plot.

vis_histplot.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory

Create a histogram plot.

vis_horizon routine in vis_horizon.pro

Plot a horizon graph.

vis_horizon.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory

Horizons graph squeeze many line plots into a single graph by folding the graph into bands and color coding them.

vis_idlversion routine in vis_idlversion.pro

Returns the IDL version number as a string or a boolean indicating whether a required version is met.

vis_idlversion.pro .pro file in util/ directory
vis_image routine in vis_image.pro

Displays an image scaled to a "reasonable" size with optional x- and y-axes.

vis_image.pro .pro file in images/ directory

Displays an image scaled to a "reasonable" size with x- and y-axes.

vis_image_flip routine in vis_image_flip.pro

Flips an image upside down (for all interleaves).

vis_image_flip.pro .pro file in images/ directory
vis_image_getsize routine in vis_image_getsize.pro

Returns the size of the image array as a two element array, [xsize, ysize].

vis_image_getsize.pro .pro file in images/ directory

Return the x and y size of the given image array.

vis_image_resize routine in vis_image_resize.pro

Resize an image similarly to CONGRID.

vis_image_resize.pro .pro file in images/ directory
vis_index2rgb routine in vis_index2rgb.pro

Converts color indices to RGB coordinates.

vis_index2rgb.pro .pro file in color/ directory
vis_legend routine in vis_legend.pro

Create a legend.

vis_legend.pro .pro file in directgraphics/ directory

Create a legend in direct graphics plots.

vis_lic routine in vis_lic.pro

Compute the line integral convolution for a vector field.

VIS_LIC routine in vis_flow.dlm
vis_lic.pro .pro file in flow/ directory

Example program demonstrating the use of VIS_LIC.

vis_linear_function routine in vis_linear_function.pro

Create a function which maps in_range to out_range with a linear function.

vis_linear_function.pro .pro file in util/ directory

Create a function which maps in_range to out_range with a linear function.

vis_lineplot routine in vis_lineplot.pro

Create a line plot.

vis_lineplot.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory

Create a line plot.

vis_lineplots.dlm .dlm file in lineplots/ directory
Line plot visualization
vis_loadct routine in vis_loadct.pro
vis_loadct.pro .pro file in color/ directory

Load a color table by index.

vis_make_dll routine in vis_make_dll.pro

Wrapper for MAKE_DLL that handles input and output directories more intelligently.

vis_make_dll.pro .pro file in util/ directory
vis_makect routine in vis_makect.pro

Create a color table based on starting and ending colors (or optionally, a center color) and linearly interpolating.

vis_makect.pro .pro file in color/ directory
vis_maketrue routine in vis_maketrue.pro

Converts an image in one TRUE format to another.

vis_maketrue.pro .pro file in images/ directory
vis_matchdelim routine in vis_tex2idl.pro

Returns the position in the input string of the closing curly brace that matches the first open curly brace, -1L if not found.

vis_newline routine in vis_newline.pro

Returns the newline separator(s) for the OS: linefeed on UNIX platforms and carriage return/linefeeds for Windows.

vis_newline.pro .pro file in text/ directory
vis_nexttoken routine in vis_tex2idl.pro

Find the next token in a given string.

vis_parallel_coords routine in vis_parallel_coords.pro

Display a parallel coordinate graph.

vis_parallel_coords.pro .pro file in directgraphics/ directory

Parallel coordinates implementation.

vis_pinknoise routine in vis_pinknoise.pro

Generates 1/f^a noise.

vis_pinknoise.pro .pro file in util/ directory
vis_plot routine in vis_plot.pro

Wrapper for PLOT routine which has several differences: 1.

vis_plot.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory

Wrapper for PLOT with better defaults.

vis_plot_setdims routine in vis_plot.pro

Make sure that !d is set correctly.

vis_plotaspect routine in vis_plotaspect.pro

Calculate aspect ratio for a plot.

vis_plotaspect.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory

Calculates the optimal aspect ratio for a plot of the given values.

vis_plots routine in vis_plots.pro

Wrapper to PLOTS to specify COLOR and THICK on a per point basis.

vis_plots.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory

Wrapper to PLOTS to specify COLOR and THICK on a per point basis.

vis_polyline_simplify routine in vis_polyline_simplify.pro

VIS_POLYLINE_SIMPLIFY uses the Douglas-Peucker (DP) approximation algorithm that is used extensively for both computer graphics and geographic information systems.

vis_polyline_simplify.pro .pro file in geometry/ directory

This function simplifies the vertices of an n-dimenstional polyline.

vis_polyline_simplify_d2 routine in vis_polyline_simplify.pro

Computes the distance squared of difference between points x and y

vis_polyline_simplify_dot routine in vis_polyline_simplify.pro

Computes the dot product.

vis_polyline_simplify_dp routine in vis_polyline_simplify.pro

This is the Douglas-Peucker recursive simplification routine.

vis_povray routine in vis_povray.pro

Run POV-Ray on an .ini file and return an image of the result.

vis_povray.pro .pro file in povray/ directory

Run POV-Ray on an .ini file and return an image of the result.

vis_povray_overview.idldoc .idldoc file in povray/ directory

POV-Ray is an open source ray tracing tool capable of making high quality images of 3-dimensional scenes.

vis_psbegin routine in vis_psbegin.pro

Set IDL direct graphics system to PostScript plotting.

vis_psbegin.pro .pro file in directgraphics/ directory
vis_psend routine in vis_psend.pro

Used in conjunction with VIS_PSBEGIN to end PostScript output.

vis_psend.pro .pro file in directgraphics/ directory
vis_psfrag routine in vis_psfrag.pro

Processes specially formatted text output in .ps and .eps files with LaTeX.

vis_psfrag.pro .pro file in util/ directory
vis_psinfo routine in vis_psinfo.pro

Get/set header information in a PostScript file.

vis_psinfo.pro .pro file in util/ directory
vis_range routine in vis_range.pro

Compute the min/max range of a variable.

vis_range.pro .pro file in util/ directory
vis_rasterpolyline routine in vis_rasterpolyline.pro
vis_rasterpolyline.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory
VIS_RASTERPOLYLINE_ routine in vis_lineplots.dlm
vis_read routine in vis_read.pro

Reads from the current graphics device (WIN, X, or Z devices) and returns the image in the TRUE format specified.

vis_read.pro .pro file in directgraphics/ directory
vis_relief routine in vis_relief.pro

Create simple relief visualization for an elevation data set.

vis_relief.pro .pro file in surfaces/ directory
vis_rgb2index routine in vis_rgb2index.pro

Convert RGB coordinates of colors to the decomposed color indices of the colors.

vis_rgb2index.pro .pro file in color/ directory
vis_scaleimage routine in vis_scaleimage.pro

Piecewise-linearly scale an image.

vis_scaleimage.pro .pro file in images/ directory
vis_scatter3d routine in vis_scatter3d.pro

Display a 3-dimensional scatter plot.

vis_scatter3d.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory

Display a 3-dimensional scatter plot.

vis_scatterplot_matrix routine in vis_scatterplot_matrix.pro

Create a matrix of scatter plots.

vis_scatterplot_matrix.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory
vis_set_plot_display routine in vis_set_plot_display.pro

Sets the direct graphics device to the "display", i.e., 'X' on Unix-based systems or 'WIN' on Windows systems.

vis_set_plot_display.pro .pro file in directgraphics/ directory
vis_slopegraph routine in vis_slopegraph.pro

Creates a comparison chart.

vis_slopegraph.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory

Produce a comparison chart as shown in the examples section.

vis_slopegraph_spread routine in vis_slopegraph.pro

Spread out text lines that are too close to each other.

vis_sparkbar routine in vis_sparkbar.pro
vis_sparkbar.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory
vis_sparkdichotomous routine in vis_sparkdichotomous.pro

Create a dichotomous sparkline as a PNG image file.

vis_sparkdichotomous.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory

Creates a dichotomous sparkline as a PNG image file.

vis_sparkline routine in vis_sparkline.pro

Writes a sparkline plot to a PNG file.

vis_sparkline.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory
vis_spectrogram routine in vis_spectrogram.pro

Produce a spectrogram.

vis_spectrogram.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory

Produce a spectrogram of the given time series.

vis_spline routine in vis_spline.pro

Creates a 2-dimensional spline curve through the given x- and y-coordinates.

vis_spline.pro .pro file in util/ directory

Creates a 2-dimensional spline curve through the given x- and y-coordinates.

vis_spotmatrix routine in vis_spotmatrix.pro

Create spot matrix table.

vis_spotmatrix.pro .pro file in tables/ directory

Create a spot matrix table.

vis_spotmatrix_makeglyph routine in vis_spotmatrix.pro

Make a circle, filled in proportionally to its normalized value.

vis_src_root routine in vis_src_root.pro

Returns the directory name (with a trailing slash) of the location of the source code for the routine that called this function.

vis_src_root.pro .pro file in util/ directory
vis_src_root_test routine in vis_src_root.pro
vis_stepchart routine in vis_stepchart.pro

Plot the stepchart.

vis_stepchart.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory

Plot a stepchart i.e.

vis_stepchart_plotflats routine in vis_stepchart.pro

Plot the flat portions of a graph on a predefined coordinate system.

vis_strcnt routine in vis_tex2idl.pro

Count number of occurrences of a substring in a string.

vis_streplace routine in vis_streplace.pro

Handle string replacment with regular expressions.

vis_streplace.pro .pro file in text/ directory
vis_strmerge routine in vis_strmerge.pro

Merges a string array into a single string separated by carriage return/linefeeds.

vis_strmerge.pro .pro file in text/ directory
vis_strunmerge routine in vis_strunmerge.pro

Splits a scalar string with newline characters into a string array.

vis_strunmerge.pro .pro file in text/ directory
vis_strwrap routine in vis_strwrap.pro

Wrap a string to a given width.

vis_strwrap.pro .pro file in text/ directory
vis_subsuper routine in vis_tex2idl.pro

Translate TeX superscript (^) or subscript (_) to proper IDL format codes.

vis_temp_filename routine in vis_temp_filename.pro

Create a temporary filename from a C-style format.

vis_temp_filename.pro .pro file in util/ directory
vis_ternaryplot routine in vis_ternaryplot.pro

Create a ternary plot.

vis_ternaryplot.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory

Produce a ternary plot.

vis_tex2idl routine in vis_tex2idl.pro

Convert a TeX string to a string with embedded IDL format codes.

vis_tex2idl.pro .pro file in text/ directory

Converts simple TeX notation to IDL format codes used in graphics output.

vis_textable routine in vis_tex2idl.pro

Returns table containing allowable TeX sequences and their translation to IDL.

vis_textbackground routine in vis_textbackground.pro

Create a transparent box on a graphic.

vis_textbackground.pro .pro file in directgraphics/ directory
vis_themeriver routine in vis_themeriver.pro

Create a theme river style plot.

vis_themeriver.pro .pro file in lineplots/ directory

Create a theme river style plot.

vis_timeline class
vis_timeline routine in vis_timeline.pro

Create a timeline from the given input file.

vis_timeline.pro .pro file in misc/ directory

vis_timeline is a timeline creation routine which creates a PostScript output file from an XML input file.

vis_timelineactivity class
vis_timelineevent class
vis_timelineinterval class
vis_timer class
vis_timer::cleanup routine in vis_timer__define.pro

Free resources.

vis_timer::getProperty routine in vis_timer__define.pro

Get properties.

vis_timer::init routine in vis_timer__define.pro

Create a timer instance.

vis_timer::setProperty routine in vis_timer__define.pro

Set properties.

vis_timer::start routine in vis_timer__define.pro

Start the timer.

vis_timer::stop routine in vis_timer__define.pro

Stop the timer.

vis_timer__define routine in vis_timer__define.pro

Define instance variables.

vis_timer__define.pro .pro file in animation/ directory

Timer class.

vis_timer_event routine in vis_timer__define.pro

Timer event handler.

vis_token routine in vis_tex2idl.pro

Find a substring in an input string, return the portion of the input string before the substring, and modify the input string to contain only the portion of the string after the token.

vis_transformpoint routine in vis_transformpoint.pro

Transforms a point by a transformation matrix.

vis_transformpoint.pro .pro file in objectgraphics/ directory

Transforms a point by a transformation matrix.

vis_tree_layout routine in vis_tree_layout.pro

Create a tree.

vis_tree_layout.pro .pro file in graphs/ directory
vis_treemap routine in vis_treemap.pro
vis_treemap.pro .pro file in treemaps/ directory
vis_usersym routine in vis_usersym.pro

Create a user symbol.

vis_usersym.pro .pro file in directgraphics/ directory

Creates a user-defined symbol for use in plotting in direct graphics via routines that accept the PSYM graphics keyword.

vis_vel routine in vis_vel.pro

Draw a velocity (flow) field with streamlines following the field proportional in length to the vector field magnitude.

vis_vel.pro .pro file in flow/ directory

Make streamline plots of 2D vector fields.

vis_vel_arrowhead routine in vis_vel.pro

Add the heads to the arrows.

vis_vel_interpolate routine in vis_vel.pro

Bilinear interpolation.

vis_vel_streamlines routine in vis_vel.pro

Compute the streamlines from each starting point.

vis_window routine in vis_window.pro

Creates a "window" of the given size on the current device.

vis_window.pro .pro file in directgraphics/ directory
vis_xloadct routine in vis_xloadct.pro

Load a color table by index using a GUI interface.

vis_xloadct.pro .pro file in color/ directory
vis_xpovray routine in vis_xpovray.pro

Launch the POV-Ray application.

vis_xpovray.pro .pro file in povray/ directory

GUI for manipulating a scene, including rotating, translating, and scaling a model within it, then drawing the scene to POV-Ray input files.

visdgvars class
visdgvars::cleanup routine in visdgvars__define.pro

Free resources.

visdgvars::init routine in visdgvars__define.pro

Create an visdgvars object.

visdgvars::restore routine in visdgvars__define.pro

Restore direct graphics system variables.

visdgvars::save routine in visdgvars__define.pro

Save direct graphics system variables.

visdgvars__define routine in visdgvars__define.pro

Define member variables.

visdgvars__define.pro .pro file in directgraphics/ directory

Object to save/restore direct graphics system variables.

visgr3dconverter class
visgr3dconverter::cleanup routine in visgr3dconverter__define.pro

Free resources.

visgr3dconverter::convert routine in visgr3dconverter__define.pro

Converts a standard object graphics picture to a view containing a 3D image.

visgr3dconverter::getProperty routine in visgr3dconverter__define.pro

Get properties of the converter.

visgr3dconverter::init routine in visgr3dconverter__define.pro

Initialize Window3D.

visgr3dconverter::setProperty routine in visgr3dconverter__define.pro

Set properties of the converter.

visgr3dconverter__define routine in visgr3dconverter__define.pro

Helper object to transform a normal object graphics scene to a 3D picture.

visgr3dconverter__define.pro .pro file in objectgraphics/ directory

Class to convert a 3-dimensional scene to an anaglyph.

visgrabstracttreemaplayout class
visgrabstracttreemaplayout::layout routine in visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define.pro
visgrabstracttreemaplayout::sortDescending routine in visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define.pro
visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define routine in visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define.pro
visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define.pro .pro file in treemaps/ directory
visgrabstracttreemaplayout__sliceLayout routine in visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define.pro
visgrabstracttreemaplayout__totalSize routine in visgrabstracttreemaplayout__define.pro
visgranimation class
visgranimation::cleanup routine in visgranimation__define.pro

Free resources of the animation.

visgranimation::draw routine in visgranimation__define.pro

Draw object graphic hierarchy.

visgranimation::init routine in visgranimation__define.pro

Create animation destination.

visgranimation__define routine in visgranimation__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgranimation__define.pro .pro file in animation/ directory

Destination class for object graphics.

visgranimation_timer routine in visgranimation__define.pro

Timer callback routine.

visgranimator class
visgranimator::animate routine in visgranimator__define.pro

Do one frame of animation.

visgranimator::cleanup routine in visgranimator__define.pro

Free resources.

visgranimator::getProperty routine in visgranimator__define.pro

Get properties.

visgranimator::init routine in visgranimator__define.pro

Create an animator.

visgranimator::reset routine in visgranimator__define.pro

Reset the animator.

visgranimator::setProperty routine in visgranimator__define.pro

Set properties.

visgranimator__define routine in visgranimator__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgranimator__define.pro .pro file in animation/animators/ directory

Base animator.

visgrbounceouteasing class
visgrbounceouteasing::ease routine in visgrbounceouteasing__define.pro

Do a bouncing easing at the end.

visgrbounceouteasing__define routine in visgrbounceouteasing__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrbounceouteasing__define.pro .pro file in animation/easing/ directory

Bounce Easing class.

visgrbubble class
visgrbubble::getProperty routine in visgrbubble__define.pro

Get bubble properties.

visgrbubble::init routine in visgrbubble__define.pro

Create a bubble.

visgrbubble::setProperty routine in visgrbubble__define.pro

Set properties.

visgrbubble__define routine in visgrbubble__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrbubble__define.pro .pro file in objectgraphics/ directory
visgrchernoffface class
visgrchernoffface::cleanup routine in visgrchernoffface__define.pro

Subclass of IDLgrModel intended to be passed to IDLgrSymbol to be used as a plot symbol.

visgrchernoffface::init routine in visgrchernoffface__define.pro

Initialize instance variables.

visgrchernoffface__define routine in visgrchernoffface__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrchernoffface__define.pro .pro file in objectgraphics/ directory
visgrcircinouteasing class
visgrcircinouteasing::ease routine in visgrcircinouteasing__define.pro

Do a circular easing (accelerates).

visgrcircinouteasing__define routine in visgrcircinouteasing__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrcircinouteasing__define.pro .pro file in animation/easing/ directory

Circular Easing class.

visgrcircouteasing class
visgrcircouteasing::ease routine in visgrcircouteasing__define.pro

Do a circular easing (accelerates).

visgrcircouteasing__define routine in visgrcircouteasing__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrcircouteasing__define.pro .pro file in animation/easing/ directory

Base Easing class.

visgrcube class
visgrcube::getProperty routine in visgrcube__define.pro

Get properties.

visgrcube::init routine in visgrcube__define.pro

Create a cube polygon.

visgrcube::setProperty routine in visgrcube__define.pro

Set properties.

visgrcube__define routine in visgrcube__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrcube__define.pro .pro file in objectgraphics/ directory

Unit cube polygon (maybe scaled and translated).

visgreasing::ease routine in visgreasing__define.pro

Do the easing.

visgreasing__define routine in visgreasing__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgreasing__define.pro .pro file in animation/easing/ directory

Base Easing class.

visgrellipsoid class
visgrellipsoid::_buildPoly routine in visgrellipsoid__define.pro

Sets the vertex and connectivity arrays for the polygon used to represent the orb.

visgrellipsoid::cleanup routine in visgrellipsoid__define.pro

Free resources.

visgrellipsoid::getProperty routine in visgrellipsoid__define.pro

Get properties of the ellipsoid.

visgrellipsoid::init routine in visgrellipsoid__define.pro

Initialize ellipsoid.

visgrellipsoid::print routine in visgrellipsoid__define.pro

Prints position, radius, and density of the ellipsoid for debugging purposes.

visgrellipsoid::setProperty routine in visgrellipsoid__define.pro

Set properties of the ellipsoid.

visgrellipsoid__define routine in visgrellipsoid__define.pro

Define member variables.

visgrellipsoid__define.pro .pro file in objectgraphics/ directory

Class representing an ellipse.

visgrfisheyelens class
visgrfisheyelens::cleanup routine in visgrfisheyelens__define.pro
visgrfisheyelens::getProperty routine in visgrfisheyelens__define.pro
visgrfisheyelens::init routine in visgrfisheyelens__define.pro
visgrfisheyelens::setProperty routine in visgrfisheyelens__define.pro
visgrfisheyelens::update routine in visgrfisheyelens__define.pro
visgrfisheyelens__define routine in visgrfisheyelens__define.pro
visgrfisheyelens__define.pro .pro file in objectgraphics/ directory
visgrflow class
visgrflow::init routine in visgrflow__define.pro

Create a flow display.

visgrflow__define routine in visgrflow__define.pro

Define inheritance and instance variables.

visgrflow__define.pro .pro file in flow/ directory
visgrimagedestination class
visgrimagedestination::cleanup routine in visgrimagedestination__define.pro

Free resources.

visgrimagedestination::draw routine in visgrimagedestination__define.pro

Draw the scene.

visgrimagedestination::getProperty routine in visgrimagedestination__define.pro

Get properties.

visgrimagedestination::init routine in visgrimagedestination__define.pro

Create image destination.

visgrimagedestination::setProperty routine in visgrimagedestination__define.pro

Set properties.

visgrimagedestination__define routine in visgrimagedestination__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrimagedestination__define.pro .pro file in animation/ directory

Image destination for object graphics.

visgrimagefile class
visgrimagefile::cleanup routine in visgrimagefile__define.pro

Free resources.

visgrimagefile::draw routine in visgrimagefile__define.pro

Draw the given scene to an image file.

visgrimagefile::getProperty routine in visgrimagefile__define.pro

Get properties of the image file destination.

visgrimagefile::init routine in visgrimagefile__define.pro

Create an image file destination.

visgrimagefile::setProperty routine in visgrimagefile__define.pro

Set properties of the image file destination.

visgrimagefile__define routine in visgrimagefile__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrimagefile__define.pro .pro file in objectgraphics/ directory

Create an image file destination for an object graphics scene.

visgrmodel class
visgrmodel::rotate routine in visgrmodel__define.pro

Rotate the model, possibly about a non-origin point.

visgrmodel__define routine in visgrmodel__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrmodel__define.pro .pro file in objectgraphics/ directory

Subclass of IDLgrModel with some extra abilities, like rotating around a point besides the origin.

visgrpalette class
visgrpalette::loadCT routine in visgrpalette__define.pro

Load a Brewer color table by index.

visgrpalette__define routine in visgrpalette__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrpalette__define.pro .pro file in color/ directory

Subclass of IDLgrPalette with more color table choices.

visgrparallelanimator class
visgrparallelanimator::animate routine in visgrparallelanimator__define.pro

Do the transition.

visgrparallelanimator::getProperty routine in visgrparallelanimator__define.pro

Get properties.

visgrparallelanimator::reset routine in visgrparallelanimator__define.pro

Reset the animator.

visgrparallelanimator__define routine in visgrparallelanimator__define.pro

Define the instance variables.

visgrparallelanimator__define.pro .pro file in animation/animators/ directory

Parallel animator for holding animator that should happen at the same time.

visgrpolyline2d class
visgrpolyline2d::_create routine in visgrpolyline2d__define.pro
visgrpolyline2d::init routine in visgrpolyline2d__define.pro
visgrpolyline2d__define routine in visgrpolyline2d__define.pro
visgrpolyline2d__define.pro .pro file in objectgraphics/ directory
visgrpovray class
visgrpovray::cleanup routine in visgrpovray__define.pro

Free resources.

visgrpovray::draw routine in visgrpovray__define.pro

Write the object graphics rooted at the specified scene or view.

visgrpovray::getProperty routine in visgrpovray__define.pro

Get properties.

visgrpovray::init routine in visgrpovray__define.pro

Create POV-Ray output destination for object graphics.

visgrpovray::setProperty routine in visgrpovray__define.pro

Set properties.

visgrpovray__define routine in visgrpovray__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrpovray__define.pro .pro file in povray/ directory

This class is a POV-Ray object graphics destination.

visgrpovrayfinish class
visgrpovrayfinish::getProperty routine in visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

Get properties.

visgrpovrayfinish::init routine in visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

Create a finish.

visgrpovrayfinish::setProperty routine in visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

Set properties.

visgrpovrayfinish__define routine in visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrpovrayfinish__define.pro .pro file in povray/ directory

Attribute class for VISgrPOVRayPolygons representing the surface properties of objects.

visgrpovraygrid class
visgrpovraygrid::cleanup routine in visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

Free resources.

visgrpovraygrid::getProperty routine in visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

Get properties.

visgrpovraygrid::init routine in visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

Create a POV-Ray grid object.

visgrpovraygrid::setProperty routine in visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

Set properties.

visgrpovraygrid__define routine in visgrpovraygrid__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrpovraygrid__define.pro .pro file in povray/ directory

A grid represents a plane with a grid pattern on it.

visgrpovraylight class
visgrpovraylight::getProperty routine in visgrpovraylight__define.pro

Get properties.

visgrpovraylight::init routine in visgrpovraylight__define.pro

Create a light object.

visgrpovraylight::setProperty routine in visgrpovraylight__define.pro

Set properties.

visgrpovraylight__define routine in visgrpovraylight__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrpovraylight__define.pro .pro file in povray/ directory

Any IDL type of light source plus the POV-Ray area light.

visgrpovraypolygon class
visgrpovraypolygon::cleanup routine in visgrpovraypolygon__define.pro

Free resources.

visgrpovraypolygon::getProperty routine in visgrpovraypolygon__define.pro

Get properties.

visgrpovraypolygon::init routine in visgrpovraypolygon__define.pro

Create visgrpovraypolygon object.

visgrpovraypolygon::setProperty routine in visgrpovraypolygon__define.pro

Set properties.

visgrpovraypolygon__define routine in visgrpovraypolygon__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrpovraypolygon__define.pro .pro file in povray/ directory

A VISgrPOVRayPolygon represents a polygon with POV-Ray specific attributes like the finish attribute class.

visgrpovraytubes class
visgrpovraytubes::cleanup routine in visgrpovraytubes__define.pro

Free resources.

visgrpovraytubes::getProperty routine in visgrpovraytubes__define.pro

Get properties.

visgrpovraytubes::init routine in visgrpovraytubes__define.pro

Create a POV-Ray tube object.

visgrpovraytubes::setProperty routine in visgrpovraytubes__define.pro

Set properties.

visgrpovraytubes__define routine in visgrpovraytubes__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrpovraytubes__define.pro .pro file in povray/ directory

Represents a polyline in 3-dimensions by a series of cones.

visgrpovrayview class
visgrpovrayview::getProperty routine in visgrpovrayview__define.pro

Get properties.

visgrpovrayview::init routine in visgrpovrayview__define.pro

Create a POV-Ray view object.

visgrpovrayview::setProperty routine in visgrpovrayview__define.pro

Set properties.

visgrpovrayview__define routine in visgrpovrayview__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrpovrayview__define.pro .pro file in povray/ directory

Controls top-level properties of the POV-Ray scene like focal blur.

visgrpovraywindow class
visgrpovraywindow::cleanup routine in visgrpovraywindow__define.pro

Free resources.

visgrpovraywindow::draw routine in visgrpovraywindow__define.pro

Draws graphics hierarchy to the window using VISgrPOVRay.s

visgrpovraywindow::getProperty routine in visgrpovraywindow__define.pro

Get properties.

visgrpovraywindow::init routine in visgrpovraywindow__define.pro

Create a VISgrPOVRayWindow instance.

visgrpovraywindow::setProperty routine in visgrpovraywindow__define.pro

Set properties.

visgrpovraywindow__define routine in visgrpovraywindow__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrpovraywindow__define.pro .pro file in povray/ directory

Destination class graphics window like IDLgrWindow that uses POVRay to render the graphics.

visgrrect class
visgrrect::aspectRatio routine in visgrrect__define.pro
visgrrect::copy routine in visgrrect__define.pro
visgrrect::distance routine in visgrrect__define.pro
visgrrect::getProperty routine in visgrrect__define.pro
visgrrect::init routine in visgrrect__define.pro
visgrrect::setProperty routine in visgrrect__define.pro
visgrrect__define routine in visgrrect__define.pro
visgrrect__define.pro .pro file in treemaps/ directory
visgrscaleanimator class
visgrscaleanimator::animate routine in visgrscaleanimator__define.pro

Do the transition.

visgrscaleanimator::init routine in visgrscaleanimator__define.pro

Create a scale animator.

visgrscaleanimator::reset routine in visgrscaleanimator__define.pro

Reset the animator.

visgrscaleanimator__define routine in visgrscaleanimator__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrscaleanimator__define.pro .pro file in animation/animators/ directory

Scale animator.

visgrsequenceanimator class
visgrsequenceanimator::animate routine in visgrsequenceanimator__define.pro

Do the transition.

visgrsequenceanimator::getProperty routine in visgrsequenceanimator__define.pro

Get properties.

visgrsequenceanimator::reset routine in visgrsequenceanimator__define.pro

Reset the animator.

visgrsequenceanimator__define routine in visgrsequenceanimator__define.pro

Define the instance variables.

visgrsequenceanimator__define.pro .pro file in animation/animators/ directory

Parallel animator for holding animator that should happen one after the other.

visgrsimpletreemapmodel class
visgrsimpletreemapmodel::cleanup routine in visgrsimpletreemapmodel__define.pro
visgrsimpletreemapmodel::getProperty routine in visgrsimpletreemapmodel__define.pro
visgrsimpletreemapmodel::init routine in visgrsimpletreemapmodel__define.pro
visgrsimpletreemapmodel::setProperty routine in visgrsimpletreemapmodel__define.pro
visgrsimpletreemapmodel__define routine in visgrsimpletreemapmodel__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrsimpletreemapmodel__define.pro .pro file in treemaps/ directory
visgrslicetreemaplayout class
visgrslicetreemaplayout__define routine in visgrslicetreemaplayout__define.pro
visgrslicetreemaplayout__define.pro .pro file in treemaps/ directory
visgrslicetreemaplayout__layoutBest routine in visgrslicetreemaplayout__define.pro
visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout class
visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::aspect routine in visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::cleanup routine in visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::getProperty routine in visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::init routine in visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::layout routine in visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::normAspect routine in visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::setProperty routine in visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout::sum routine in visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define routine in visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro
visgrsquarifiedtreemaplayout__define.pro .pro file in treemaps/ directory
visgrsvg class
visgrsvg::_convertUnits routine in visgrsvg__define.pro
visgrsvg::_getRgb routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Return a valid SVG specification for a color.

visgrsvg::_getVpr routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Returns the VIEWPLANE_RECT for the view that contains the item.

visgrsvg::_handleAxis routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Handle IDLgrAxis objects.

visgrsvg::_handleImage routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Handle IDLgrImage objects.

visgrsvg::_handleModel routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Handle IDLgrModel objects.

visgrsvg::_handlePlot routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Handle IDLgrPlot objects.

visgrsvg::_handlePolygon routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Handle IDLgrPolygon objects.

visgrsvg::_handlePolyline routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Handle IDLgrPolyline objects.

visgrsvg::_handleScene routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Handle IDLgrScene objects.

visgrsvg::_handleText routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Handle IDLgrText objects.

visgrsvg::_handleView routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Handle IDLgrView objects.

visgrsvg::_handleViewgroup routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Handle IDLgrViewGroup objects.

visgrsvg::_transformCoords routine in visgrsvg__define.pro
visgrsvg::_traverse routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Routine which is recursively called to traverse the object graphics hierarchy.

visgrsvg::cleanup routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Free resources.

visgrsvg::draw routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Write the object graphics rooted at the specified scene or view.

visgrsvg::getProperty routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Get properties.

visgrsvg::init routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Create an SVG destination.

visgrsvg::setProperty routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Set properties.

visgrsvg__define routine in visgrsvg__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrsvg__define.pro .pro file in objectgraphics/ directory

Object graphics destination for producing Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files.

visgrtranslateanimator class
visgrtranslateanimator::animate routine in visgrtranslateanimator__define.pro

Do the transition.

visgrtranslateanimator::init routine in visgrtranslateanimator__define.pro

Create a translate animator.

visgrtranslateanimator::reset routine in visgrtranslateanimator__define.pro

Reset the animator.

visgrtranslateanimator__define routine in visgrtranslateanimator__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrtranslateanimator__define.pro .pro file in animation/animators/ directory

Translate animator.

visgrtreemapitem class
visgrtreemapitem::cleanup routine in visgrtreemapitem__define.pro
visgrtreemapitem::getProperty routine in visgrtreemapitem__define.pro
visgrtreemapitem::init routine in visgrtreemapitem__define.pro
visgrtreemapitem::setProperty routine in visgrtreemapitem__define.pro
visgrtreemapitem__define routine in visgrtreemapitem__define.pro
visgrtreemapitem__define.pro .pro file in treemaps/ directory
visgrtreemaplayout::getProperty routine in visgrtreemaplayout__define.pro
visgrtreemaplayout::layout routine in visgrtreemaplayout__define.pro
visgrtreemaplayout__define routine in visgrtreemaplayout__define.pro
visgrtreemaplayout__define.pro .pro file in treemaps/ directory
visgrtreemapmodel class
visgrtreemapmodel::cleanup routine in visgrtreemapmodel__define.pro
visgrtreemapmodel::init routine in visgrtreemapmodel__define.pro
visgrtreemapmodel__define routine in visgrtreemapmodel__define.pro
visgrtreemapmodel__define.pro .pro file in treemaps/ directory
visgrwindow3d class
visgrwindow3d::cleanup routine in visgrwindow3d__define.pro

Free resources.

visgrwindow3d::draw routine in visgrwindow3d__define.pro

Draw the picture in 3D.

visgrwindow3d::getProperty routine in visgrwindow3d__define.pro

Get properties of the VISgrWindow3D.

visgrwindow3d::init routine in visgrwindow3d__define.pro

Initialize Window3D object.

visgrwindow3d::setProperty routine in visgrwindow3d__define.pro

Set properties of the VISgrWindow3D.

visgrwindow3d__define routine in visgrwindow3d__define.pro

Destination for object graphics that automatically creates a 3d anaglyph appropriate to view with red-blue glasses.

visgrwindow3d__define.pro .pro file in objectgraphics/ directory

VISgrWindow3D is an object graphics destination for displaying a scene as an anaglyph in an IDLgrWindow.

visgrx3dom class
visgrx3dom::cleanup routine in visgrx3dom__define.pro

Free resources.

visgrx3dom::draw routine in visgrx3dom__define.pro

Draw the given scene and send its output to the file specified by the FILENAME property.

visgrx3dom::getProperty routine in visgrx3dom__define.pro

Retrieve properties.

visgrx3dom::init routine in visgrx3dom__define.pro

Retrieve properties.

visgrx3dom::setProperty routine in visgrx3dom__define.pro

Set properties.

visgrx3dom__define routine in visgrx3dom__define.pro

Define instance variables.

visgrx3dom__define.pro .pro file in x3dom/ directory

Destination class for X3DOM graphics suitable for display on a web page by a modern browser.

viswidpovray class
vtk/ directory

VTK file access library

vtkType parameter in routine mgffserialvtk::convertVtkTypeToIdlType in file mgffserialvtk__define.pro

one of the VTK types: bit, unsigned_char, char, unsigned_short, short, unsigned_int, int, unsigned_long, long, float, double


weights keyword in routine vis_hist_nd in file vis_hist_nd.pro

array with same dimensions as array containing a weight for each point

width property in class visgrrect
width keyword in routine visgrrect::getProperty in file visgrrect__define.pro
width keyword in routine visgrrect::setProperty in file visgrrect__define.pro
width keyword in routine visgrrect::init in file visgrrect__define.pro
width parameter in routine vis_strwrap in file vis_strwrap.pro

width in pixels of the text area

WIDTH field in class visgrrect
width_axis keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::init in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

vector representing width of area light

width_axis keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::getProperty in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

vector representing width of area light

width_axis keyword in routine visgrpovraylight::setProperty in file visgrpovraylight__define.pro

vector representing width of area light

width_axis property in class visgrpovraylight

vector representing width of area light

widthAxis field in class visgrpovraylight

vector representing width of area light

WIN field in class viswidpovray
windows keyword in routine vis_newline in file vis_newline.pro

use carriage return and linefeed

windows keyword in routine vis_strmerge in file vis_strmerge.pro

use carriage return and linefeed

windows keyword in routine vis_strunmerge in file vis_strunmerge.pro

use carriage return and linefeed

windowSize parameter in routine vis_spectrogram in file vis_spectrogram.pro

size of the window

with_line keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

set to display symbols and a line connecting them; the default is to show just the symbol


X field in class visgrcube
x parameter in routine vis_rasterpolyline in file vis_rasterpolyline.pro
x parameter in routine vis_scatter3d in file vis_scatter3d.pro

x-values of data

x parameter in routine vis_stepchart_plotflats in file vis_stepchart.pro

x-coordinates of expanded data

x parameter in routine vis_stepchart in file vis_stepchart.pro

x-coordinates if both x and y are passed; y-coordinates if only x is passed

x parameter in routine vis_themeriver in file vis_themeriver.pro

x-coordinates of data

x parameter in routine vis_create_bubbles in file vis_create_bubbles.pro

x-coordinates of bubbles to create

x field in class visgrbubble

x-coordinate of the center of the bubble

x parameter in routine visgrbubble::init in file visgrbubble__define.pro

x-coordinate of center of bubble

x parameter in routine visgrpolyline2d::_create in file visgrpolyline2d__define.pro
x parameter in routine visgrpolyline2d::init in file visgrpolyline2d__define.pro
x parameter in routine visgrsvg::_convertUnits in file visgrsvg__define.pro
x parameter in routine visgrpovraypolygon::init in file visgrpovraypolygon__define.pro

x-coordinates of vertices of the polygon

x parameter in routine vis_spotmatrix_makeglyph in file vis_spotmatrix.pro

x value for center of glyph

X field in class visgrrect
x keyword in routine visgrrect::setProperty in file visgrrect__define.pro
x property in class visgrrect
x keyword in routine visgrrect::getProperty in file visgrrect__define.pro
x keyword in routine visgrrect::init in file visgrrect__define.pro
x parameter in routine vis_spline in file vis_spline.pro

x-coordinates of input points

x parameter in routine vis_contour in file vis_contour.pro

values for x-axis

x parameter in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

x-values of the user symbol's shape

x keyword in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

set to produce an x symbol

x field in class visdgvars

saved !x system variable

x parameter in routine vis_vel_interpolate in file vis_vel.pro

x coords

x parameter in routine vis_vel in file vis_vel.pro

x axis values

x parameter in routine visgrflow::init in file visgrflow__define.pro

x axis values

x parameter in routine vis_arclength in file vis_arclength.pro

x-coords of path

x parameter in routine vis_bezier in file vis_bezier.pro

x-coordinates of control points

x parameter in routine vis_polyline_simplify_dot in file vis_polyline_simplify.pro

first parameter

x parameter in routine vis_polyline_simplify_d2 in file vis_polyline_simplify.pro

first point

x parameter in routine vis_gc_scatter in file vis_gc_scatter.pro

x-coordinate data

x parameter in routine vis_image in file vis_image.pro

x-axis values

x parameter in routine vis_boxplot in file vis_boxplot.pro

values for the x-axis

x parameter in routine vis_bubblechart_overplot in file vis_bubblechart.pro
x parameter in routine vis_bubblechart in file vis_bubblechart.pro
x parameter in routine vis_datavase in file vis_datavase.pro

independent variable

x parameter in routine vis_histplot in file vis_histplot.pro

data to plot, or x-values of data if y is present

x parameter in routine vis_horizon in file vis_horizon.pro

x-values for all the datasets

x parameter in routine vis_lineplot in file vis_lineplot.pro
x parameter in routine vis_plot in file vis_plot.pro

x values for plot, defaults just to findgen(n)

x parameter in routine vis_plotaspect in file vis_plotaspect.pro

x-values of plot if y-values present, otherwise y-values of plot

x parameter in routine vis_plots in file vis_plots.pro

x-coordinates of points or alternatively a 2 by n or 3 by n array with all the point data

x3dom/ directory

x3dom output from IDL object graphics

xkcd keyword in routine vis_color in file vis_color.pro

set to use xkcd color survey color names instead of the HTML color names (see xkcd color survey)

xmargin keyword in routine vis_ternaryplot in file vis_ternaryplot.pro

x-margins for plot in units of characters

xmargin keyword in routine vis_image in file vis_image.pro

margin on left and right in character units

xmax keyword in routine vis_vel in file vis_vel.pro

ignored; only present to implement the interface of VEL

xpos keyword in routine vis_window in file vis_window.pro

offset of the window in the horizontal direction from the lower left corner

xrange keyword in routine vis_rasterpolyline in file vis_rasterpolyline.pro
xrange keyword in routine vis_gc_scatter in file vis_gc_scatter.pro

x-coordinate range of data

xsize keyword in routine vis_sparkline in file vis_sparkline.pro

xsize in pixels of the output image

xsize keyword in routine vis_window in file vis_window.pro

xsize of the window in centimeters

xsize parameter in routine vis_image_resize in file vis_image_resize.pro

xsize of the output image

xsize keyword in routine vis_psfrag in file vis_psfrag.pro

width of graphic in cm

xstart parameter in routine vis_read in file vis_read.pro

starting column to read

xstyle keyword in routine vis_plot in file vis_plot.pro

XSTYLE keyword from PLOT

xstyle keyword in routine vis_datavase in file vis_datavase.pro
xticklen keyword in routine vis_colorbar in file vis_colorbar.pro

length of tick marks for horizontal colorbars

xUnits parameter in routine visgrsvg::_convertUnits in file visgrsvg__define.pro


y parameter in routine vis_spline in file vis_spline.pro

y-coordinates of input points

y parameter in routine vis_contour in file vis_contour.pro

values for y-axis

y parameter in routine vis_plots in file vis_plots.pro

y-coordinates of points

y parameter in routine vis_rasterpolyline in file vis_rasterpolyline.pro
y parameter in routine vis_scatter3d in file vis_scatter3d.pro

y-values of data

y parameter in routine vis_stepchart_plotflats in file vis_stepchart.pro

y-coordinates of expanded data

y parameter in routine vis_stepchart in file vis_stepchart.pro


y parameter in routine vis_create_bubbles in file vis_create_bubbles.pro

y-coordinates of bubbles to create

y field in class visgrbubble

y-coordinate of the center of the bubble

y parameter in routine visgrbubble::init in file visgrbubble__define.pro

y-coordinate of center of bubble

Y field in class visgrcube
y parameter in routine visgrpolyline2d::_create in file visgrpolyline2d__define.pro
y parameter in routine visgrpolyline2d::init in file visgrpolyline2d__define.pro
y parameter in routine visgrpovraypolygon::init in file visgrpovraypolygon__define.pro

y-coordinates of vertices of the polygon

y parameter in routine vis_spotmatrix_makeglyph in file vis_spotmatrix.pro

y value for center of glyph

Y field in class visgrrect
y keyword in routine visgrrect::setProperty in file visgrrect__define.pro
y property in class visgrrect
y keyword in routine visgrrect::getProperty in file visgrrect__define.pro
y keyword in routine visgrrect::init in file visgrrect__define.pro
y parameter in routine vis_usersym in file vis_usersym.pro

y-values of the user symbol's shape

y field in class visdgvars

saved !y system variable

y parameter in routine vis_vel_interpolate in file vis_vel.pro

y coords

y parameter in routine vis_vel in file vis_vel.pro

y axis values

y parameter in routine visgrflow::init in file visgrflow__define.pro

y axis values

y parameter in routine vis_arclength in file vis_arclength.pro

y-coords of path

y parameter in routine vis_bezier in file vis_bezier.pro

y-coordinates of control points

y parameter in routine vis_polyline_simplify_dot in file vis_polyline_simplify.pro

first parameter

y parameter in routine vis_polyline_simplify_d2 in file vis_polyline_simplify.pro

second point

y parameter in routine vis_gc_scatter in file vis_gc_scatter.pro

y-coordinate data

y parameter in routine vis_image in file vis_image.pro

y-axis values

y parameter in routine vis_bubblechart_overplot in file vis_bubblechart.pro

y parameter in routine vis_bubblechart in file vis_bubblechart.pro
y parameter in routine vis_histplot in file vis_histplot.pro

data to plot

y parameter in routine vis_lineplot in file vis_lineplot.pro

y parameter in routine vis_plot in file vis_plot.pro

y values for plot

y parameter in routine vis_plotaspect in file vis_plotaspect.pro

y-values of plot

ymargin keyword in routine vis_image in file vis_image.pro

margin on bottom and top in character units

ymargin keyword in routine vis_ternaryplot in file vis_ternaryplot.pro

y-margins for plot in units of characters

ypos keyword in routine vis_window in file vis_window.pro

offset of the window in the vertical direction from the lower left corner

yrange keyword in routine vis_gc_scatter in file vis_gc_scatter.pro

y-coordinate range of data

yrange keyword in routine vis_sparkline in file vis_sparkline.pro

range of data; default is the min and max of the data

yrange keyword in routine vis_rasterpolyline in file vis_rasterpolyline.pro
ysize keyword in routine vis_window in file vis_window.pro

ysize of the window in centimeters

ysize keyword in routine vis_psfrag in file vis_psfrag.pro

height of graphic in cm

ysize parameter in routine vis_image_resize in file vis_image_resize.pro

ysize of the output image

ysize keyword in routine vis_sparkdichotomous in file vis_sparkdichotomous.pro

ysize in pixels of the output image

ysize keyword in routine vis_sparkline in file vis_sparkline.pro

ysize in pixels of the output image

ystart parameter in routine vis_read in file vis_read.pro

starting row to read

ystyle keyword in routine vis_plot in file vis_plot.pro

YSTYLE keyword from PLOT

ystyle keyword in routine vis_horizon in file vis_horizon.pro

YSTYLE keyword to PLOT (YSTYLE=1 is automatically used)

ystyle keyword in routine vis_datavase in file vis_datavase.pro
yticklen keyword in routine vis_colorbar in file vis_colorbar.pro

length of tick marks for vertical colorbars


z parameter in routine visgrpovraypolygon::init in file visgrpovraypolygon__define.pro

z-coordinates of vertices of the polygon

z field in class visdgvars

saved !z system variable

z parameter in routine vis_plots in file vis_plots.pro

z-coordinates of points

z parameter in routine vis_scatter3d in file vis_scatter3d.pro

z-values of data

z parameter in routine visgrbubble::init in file visgrbubble__define.pro

z-coordinate of center of bubble

Z field in class visgrcube
z parameter in routine vis_contour in file vis_contour.pro

2-dimensional array to be plotted

z parameter in routine vis_bezier in file vis_bezier.pro

z-coordinates of control points

ZCLIP field in class IDLGRVIEW