API documentation for visualization library

Michael Galloy

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object graphics

includes main-level program

VISgrWindow3D is an object graphics destination for displaying a scene as an anaglyph in an IDLgrWindow.


The main-level program at the end of this file contains example code using this class. Run it with:

IDL> .run visgrwindow3d__define
It should display:

Class description for visgrwindow3d




_extra set init type=keywords

properties of IDLgrWindow

eye_separation get set init type=float

number of degrees of the cone formed by drawing lines from each eye to the origin of the view

dimensions set init type=intarr(2)

dimensions of the window

_ref_extra get
color get set init type=boolean

set to produce color anaglyphs


visgrwindow3d::getProperty, eye_separation=float, /color, _ref_extra=_ref_extra

Get properties of the VISgrWindow3D.

visgrwindow3d::setProperty, dimensions=intarr(2), eye_separation=float, /color, _extra=keywords

Set properties of the VISgrWindow3D.

visgrwindow3d::draw [, picture]

Draw the picture in 3D.


Free resources.

result = visgrwindow3d::init(eye_separation=float, dimensions=intarr(2), /color, _extra=keywords)

Initialize Window3D object.


Destination for object graphics that automatically creates a 3d anaglyph appropriate to view with red-blue glasses.

Routine details

top visgrwindow3d::getProperty

visgrwindow3d::getProperty, eye_separation=float, /color, _ref_extra=_ref_extra

Get properties of the VISgrWindow3D.


eye_separation type=float

number of degrees of the cone formed by drawing lines from each eye to the origin of the view

color type=boolean

set to produce color anaglyphs


top visgrwindow3d::setProperty

visgrwindow3d::setProperty, dimensions=intarr(2), eye_separation=float, /color, _extra=keywords

Set properties of the VISgrWindow3D. Must intercept DIMENSIONS property to set the converter's buffer size correctly; otherwise, just pass along stuff to IDLgrWindow's setProperty method.


dimensions type=intarr(2)

dimensions of the window

eye_separation type=float

number of degrees of the cone formed by drawing lines from each eye to the origin of the view

color type=boolean

set to produce color anaglyphs

_extra type=keywords

properties of IDLgrWindow

top visgrwindow3d::draw

visgrwindow3d::draw [, picture]

Draw the picture in 3D.


picture in optional type=obj ref

the view, viewgroup, or scene to be drawn; if the GRAPHICS_TREE property is set to a valid picture, then this argument must *not* be given

top visgrwindow3d::cleanup


Free resources.

top visgrwindow3d::init

result = visgrwindow3d::init(eye_separation=float, dimensions=intarr(2), /color, _extra=keywords)

Initialize Window3D object.

Return value

1 for success, o/w for failure


eye_separation type=float

number of degrees of the cone formed by drawing lines from each eye to the origin of the view

dimensions type=intarr(2)

dimensions of the window

color type=boolean

set to produce color anaglyphs

_extra type=keywords

properties of IDLgrWindow

top visgrwindow3d__define


Destination for object graphics that automatically creates a 3d anaglyph appropriate to view with red-blue glasses.

File attributes

Modification date: Mon Nov 29 18:32:37 2010
Lines: 208
Docformat: rst rst