API documentation for visualization library

Michael Galloy

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direct graphics, flow

includes main-level program

Make streamline plots of 2D vector fields.


See the main-level program part of this file for the details of creating the below visualizations. To use a list of random starting points use something like:

IDL> restore, filepath('globalwinds.dat', subdir=['examples','data']) IDL> vis_vel, u, v, nvecs=800
This produces the following (although the following has been enhanced by creating PostScript output and converted to an image with VIS_CONVERT):

To use a grid of slightly jittered starting points use something like:

IDL> vis_vel, u, v, /grid, stride=3, jitter=0.5
This produces the following (again enhanced with VIS_CONVERT):


result = vis_vel_interpolate(a, x, y)

Bilinear interpolation.

vis_vel_arrowhead, s

Add the heads to the arrows.

result = vis_vel_streamlines(u, v, nvecs=long, length=fltarr, nsteps=long [, /grid] [, stride=long] [, jitter=float])

Compute the streamlines from each starting point.

vis_vel, u, v [, x] [, y] [, /overplot] [, nvecs=long] [, length=float] [, nsteps=long] [, xmax=float] [, /grid] [, stride=long] [, jitter=float] [, thick=float] [, max_thick=float] [, color=color] [, axes_color=color] [, streamlines=fltarr] [, _extra=keywords]

Draw a velocity (flow) field with streamlines following the field proportional in length to the vector field magnitude.

Routine details

top vis_vel_interpolate

result = vis_vel_interpolate(a, x, y)

Bilinear interpolation.

Return value

fltarr(m * n)


a in required type=fltarr(m, n)


x in required type=fltarr(m * n)

x coords

y in required type=fltarr(m * n)

y coords

top vis_vel_arrowhead

vis_vel_arrowhead, s

Add the heads to the arrows.


s in out required type=fltarr

array of streamlines

top vis_vel_streamlines

result = vis_vel_streamlines(u, v, nvecs=long, length=fltarr, nsteps=long [, /grid] [, stride=long] [, jitter=float])

Compute the streamlines from each starting point.

Return value

fltarr(mvecs, nsteps + 3, 2)


u in required type=fltarr(m, n)

x component at each point of the vector field; must be a 2D array

v in required type=fltarr(m, n)

y component at each point of the vector field; must be a 2D array


nvecs in out required type=long

number of steps in the streamline

length in required type=fltarr

scaling factor for the length of the streamlines

nsteps in required type=long

number of steps in each streamline

grid in optional type=boolean

set to jitter a regular grid of starting points instead of choosing completely random starting points

stride in optional type=long default=1L

stride amount through grid; only used if GRID is set

jitter in optional type=float default=0.5

amount to jitter elements in the grid; as a fraction of the distance between grid elements

top vis_vel

vis_vel, u, v [, x] [, y] [, /overplot] [, nvecs=long] [, length=float] [, nsteps=long] [, xmax=float] [, /grid] [, stride=long] [, jitter=float] [, thick=float] [, max_thick=float] [, color=color] [, axes_color=color] [, streamlines=fltarr] [, _extra=keywords]

Draw a velocity (flow) field with streamlines following the field proportional in length to the vector field magnitude.

A random number of starting points can be picked (with NVECS=n) or a grid of starting points jittered slightly to eliminate linear patterns (with /GRID, STRIDE=3, and JITTER=jit).

NVECS random points within the (u,v) arrays are selected. For each "shot" the field (as bilinearly interpolated) at each point is followed using a vector of LENGTH length, tracing a line with NSTEPS segments. An arrow head is drawn at the end.


u in required type=fltarr(m, n)

x component at each point of the vector field; must be a 2D array

v in required type=fltarr(m, n)

y component at each point of the vector field; must be a 2D array

x in optional type=fltarr(m)

x axis values

y in optional type=fltarr(n)

y axis values


overplot in optional type=boolean

set to not erase current display before making plot

nvecs in optional type=long default=200L

number of vectors (arrows) to draw

length in optional type=float default=0.1

the length of each arrow line segment expressed as a fraction of the longest vector divided by the number of steps

nsteps in optional type=long default=10L

number of shoots or line segments for each arrow

xmax in optional type=float default=1.0

ignored; only present to implement the interface of VEL

grid in optional type=boolean

set to jitter a regular grid of starting points instead of choosing completely random starting points

stride in optional type=long default=1L

stride amount through grid; only used if GRID is set

jitter in optional type=float default=0.5

amount to jitter elements in the grid; as a fraction of the distance between grid elements

thick in optional type=float default=1.0

set to a constant to use that thickness for streamlines instead of thicknesses set to values proportional to the magnitude of the vector field at the point of the beginning of the streamline

max_thick in optional type=float default=3.0

maximum thickness to use for streamlines; ignored if THICK keyword is present

color in optional type=color

color of streamlines

axes_color in optional type=color

color of axes

streamlines out optional type=fltarr

calculated streamlines; no graphics output is done if a named variable is passed to this keyword

_extra in optional type=keywords

keywords to PLOT and PLOTS routines that plot the streamlines

File attributes

Modification date: Mon Nov 29 18:32:42 2010
Lines: 408
Docformat: rst rst