API documentation for visualization library

Michael Galloy

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top vis_encode_png

result = vis_encode_png(im [, r] [, g] [, b] [, _extra=keywords])

Create a PNG byte stream of a 2- or 3-dimensional image.

Return value



im in required type=bytarr

2- or 3-dimensional image

r in optional type=bytarr(256)

the red component of any colors in a associated color table

g in optional type=bytarr(256)

the green component of any colors in a associated color table

b in optional type=bytarr(256)

the blue component of any colors in a associated color table


_extra in optional type=keywords

keywords to WRITE_PNG

File attributes

Modification date: Mon Nov 29 18:32:40 2010
Lines: 43
Docformat: rst rst