API documentation for visualization library

Michael Galloy

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includes main-level program


result = vis_gc_base_processstr( [s] [, param])

Process a string for inclusion in the URL: replace spaces with + signs, join multiple array elements with |'s, and add the param=.

result = vis_gc_base(type=string, data=numeric [, range=fltarr] [, dimensions=lonarr(2)] [, title=string or strarr] [, label=strarr] [, legend_labels=strarr] [, legend_position=string] [, color=lonarr] [, background=long] [, alpha_channel=float] [, axis_labels=string], bar_sizes=bar_sizes [, url=string], just_url=just_url)

Interface to Google Charts API.

Routine details

top vis_gc_base_processstr

result = vis_gc_base_processstr( [s] [, param])

Process a string for inclusion in the URL: replace spaces with + signs, join multiple array elements with |'s, and add the param=. If no string is specified, the empty string will be returned.

Return value



s in optional type=string

string to process

param in optional type=string

parameter name

top vis_gc_base

result = vis_gc_base(type=string, data=numeric [, range=fltarr] [, dimensions=lonarr(2)] [, title=string or strarr] [, label=strarr] [, legend_labels=strarr] [, legend_position=string] [, color=lonarr] [, background=long] [, alpha_channel=float] [, axis_labels=string], bar_sizes=bar_sizes [, url=string], just_url=just_url)

Interface to Google Charts API. Returns an image to display. The Google Charts API is documented at:


Return value

bytarr(3, xsize, ysize)


type in required type=string

type of chart required, options are: lc (line chart), lxy (xy points), ls (sparkline), bhs, bvs, bhg, bvg, p (pie chart), p3 (3D pie chart), v (Venn diagram), s (scatter plot), r (radar), t (map), gom (Google-o-meter)

data in required type=numeric

array of data to displayed

range in optional type=fltarr

range of data

dimensions in optional type=lonarr(2) default=[200, 100]

size of returned image

title in optional type=string or strarr

title of the chart

label in optional type=strarr

chart labels (depending on type)

legend_labels in optional type=strarr

string array of labels for sets

legend_position in optional type=string

position of legend: t (top), b (bottom), r (right), or l (left)

color in optional type=lonarr

colors of the chart

background in optional type=long

color of background

alpha_channel in optional type=float

transparency of chart: 0.0 for completely transparent, 1.0 for completely opaque

axis_labels in optional type=string

position of axis labels: t (top), b (bottom), r (right), or l (left)

url out optional type=string

URL used by Google Charts API



An example of using the routine is given in a main-level program at the end of this file. Run it using:

IDL> .run vis_gc_base
It produces:

Other attributes


IDL 6.4

File attributes

Modification date: Mon Nov 29 18:32:39 2010
Lines: 204
Docformat: rst rst