includes main-level programtop vis_psfrag
vis_psfrag [, filename] [, output_filename] [, xsize=float] [, ysize=float] [, /inches]
Processes specially formatted text output in .ps
and .eps
files with
Keyword values to graphics command expecting strings to output as text can be set to values like:
\tex[<posn>][<psposn>][<scale>][<rot>]{LATEX text}
and psposn
are positions and can be one of the following:
bl = bottom left
c = center
t = top
r = right
B = baseline
parameter is used in place of the CHARSIZE
keyword, which
will be ignored.
This routine requires sed
, latex
, and dvips
to be installed and
available in the system path. Also, ps2eps
is needed to if the file to be
created is an .eps
- filename in optional type=string default=idl.ps
filename of PS or EPS file to substitue text in
- output_filename in optional type=string default=filename
filename of output PS file
- xsize in optional type=float default=17.78
width of graphic in cm
- ysize in optional type=float default=12.7
height of graphic in cm
- inches in optional type=boolean
set to specify sizes in inches instead of centimeters
See the main-level program at the end of this file. To run it:
IDL> .run vis_psfrag
or .eps
file with text output inside a \tex{}
. This
text will be translated by LaTeX:
set_plot, 'ps'
device, filename='figure.eps', /times, /encapsulated
xyouts, 3., 5., '\tex[bl][bl][3.0]{Sun symbol: $M_\odot$}', font=0
plot, findgen(10), /nodata
device, /close
phrase, it cannot be combined
with normal output like:
xyouts, 3., 5., 'Sun symbol: \tex[bl][bl][3.0]{$M_\odot$}', font=0
on the output:
vis_psfrag, 'figure.eps', 'figure-subs.eps'
File attributes
Modification date: | Fri Jun 3 16:12:40 2011 |
Lines: | 168 |
Docformat: | rst rst |