MGunit documentation

Unit testing for IDL

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Results for tests, test cases, and test suites are reported to the test runner. The MGutCompoundRunner allows results to be sent to multiple test runners, e.g., to the display and to a file.

Class description for mgutcompoundrunner



_extra init
filename init


mgutcompoundrunner::reportTestSuiteStart, testsuite, ntestcases=integer, ntests=integer, level=level

Report a test suite has begun.

mgutcompoundrunner::reportTestSuiteResult, npass=integer, nfail=integer, nskip=integer, level=integer

Report the results of a test suite.

mgutcompoundrunner::reportTestCaseStart, testcase, ntests=integer, level=level

Report a test case has begun.

mgutcompoundrunner::reportTestCaseResult, npass=integer, nfail=integer, nskip=integer, level=integer

Report the results of a test case.

mgutcompoundrunner::reportTestStart, testname, level=integer

Report the start of single test.

mgutcompoundrunner::reportTestResult, msg, /passed, time=float, /skipped, level=integer

Report the result of a single test.


Free resources.

result = mgutcompoundrunner::init( [filename=string], _extra=_extra)

Initialize the test runner.


Define member variables.

Routine details

top mgutcompoundrunner::reportTestSuiteStart

mgutcompoundrunner::reportTestSuiteStart, testsuite, ntestcases=integer, ntests=integer, level=level

Report a test suite has begun.


testsuite in required type=string

name of test suite


ntestcases in required type=integer

number of test suites/cases contained by the test suite

ntests in required type=integer

number of tests contained in the hierarchy below this test suite

level in required type=level

level of test suite

top mgutcompoundrunner::reportTestSuiteResult

mgutcompoundrunner::reportTestSuiteResult, npass=integer, nfail=integer, nskip=integer, level=integer

Report the results of a test suite.


npass in required type=integer

number of passing tests contained in the hierarchy below the test suite

nfail in required type=integer

number of failing tests contained in the hierarchy below the test suite

nskip in required type=integer

number of skipped tests contained in the hierarchy below the test suite

level in required type=integer

level of test suite

top mgutcompoundrunner::reportTestCaseStart

mgutcompoundrunner::reportTestCaseStart, testcase, ntests=integer, level=level

Report a test case has begun.


testcase in required type=string

name of test case


ntests in required type=integer

number of tests contained in this test case

level in required type=level

level of test case

top mgutcompoundrunner::reportTestCaseResult

mgutcompoundrunner::reportTestCaseResult, npass=integer, nfail=integer, nskip=integer, level=integer

Report the results of a test case.


npass in required type=integer

number of passing tests

nfail in required type=integer

number of failing tests

nskip in required type=integer

number of skipped tests

level in required type=integer

level of test case

top mgutcompoundrunner::reportTestStart

mgutcompoundrunner::reportTestStart, testname, level=integer

Report the start of single test.


testname in required type=string

name of test


level in required type=integer

level of test case

top mgutcompoundrunner::reportTestResult

mgutcompoundrunner::reportTestResult, msg, /passed, time=float, /skipped, level=integer

Report the result of a single test.


msg in required type=string

message to display when test fails


passed in required type=boolean

whether the test passed

time in required type=float

time for the test to run

skipped in required type=boolean

indicates whether the test should be counted in the results

level in required type=integer

level of test case

top mgutcompoundrunner::cleanup


Free resources.

top mgutcompoundrunner::init

result = mgutcompoundrunner::init( [filename=string], _extra=_extra)

Initialize the test runner.

Return value

1 for success, 0 for failure


filename in optional type=string

if present, output is sent that file, otherwise output is sent to stdout


top mgutcompoundrunner__define


Define member variables.

File attributes

Modification date: Tue Oct 19 18:47:51 2010
Lines: 203
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